Sigma1337 recruiting texture artists

geo isnt with us anymore so yeah please dont judge us based on his rant there. iv never seen him act like that before now...
anyway, i figure you guys dont really care anymore but i just finished this shotgun model and im putting the picture here in case anyone wants to see some eye candy

Personally I don't see much wrong with them coming here.
I used to be on sigma, but I left. So rep means nothing to me now. Crispy your a such a ****ing bitch. How does anyone put up with you? Honestly I enjoyed reading this thread and seeing how dense you people are. I don't really give a **** about being banned or getting a bad name cause I through in the towel a week ago. You guys are a bunch of nerds that are obsessed with a ****ing video game, and act like your all so smart and pro, because you said, "Hey this is technically the Source thread, you have wasted 2 min of my worthless life, even though I have all the time in the world because all I do is play video games, just because you put a skinning request in the wrong thread so now I am going to come and be a bitch, and **** up the whole thing." Good job asshole.
YEAH TAKE THAT CRIPSY !! : D hahaha lolly
Geo, ... shhh.

Modding is serious business.
i didnt just come here either, i went to multiple forums. so far you guys are by far the rudest.

It's times like this I feel truly proud to be staff. I feel we've achieved something here.
i just re-read it... it is kinda funny. we still don't have a skinner though.. not trying to beat a dead horse here... but yeah lol. does game artists usually take the greater portion of a month to reply to a topic?
It takes us a long time to do anything to be honest. Isnt that right Yorick? :D
oh, no i meant that other site that crispy linked me too. its been literally a month and no response
hi and bye. sigma1337 is dead now due to a bunch of members quitting and the inability to acquire a texture artist. flame, bash, idk what you do. im just telling you all what happened.
screw a texture artist:flame:

Well lesson learned, it's best to go through this at an early age so you learn from it. I cant tell you the countless number of teams that I was on that didn't finish anything.
The fact you had 1337 in your name made you guys sounds like a bunch of kids in the first place.
Don't see why you would mod a game that isn't broken.
Yes, Halo is not broken.
I don't really give a shit about you guys posting help wanted here even for a Halo game but why choose such a shitty game / engine in the first place when you have things like Source, Crysis or UE3
I don't really give a shit about you guys posting help wanted here even for a Halo game but why choose such a shitty game / engine in the first place when you have things like Source, Crysis or UE3

lol you running into some annoying bug squashing ? :D

yeah unreal was WAY easier to work with when i was working with i (2k4 days) I can only assume it's matured since then.