Signed up league mod?


Apr 28, 2004
Reaction score
I think I read somewhere that it is possible to intergrate web site stuff with HL2 (Someone correct me if wrong), and its given me an idea for a mod.

Maybe its just me, but the problem with most mods is a game lasts from the start of the map to the end, then it resets. How about a mod where you sign up, possibly to a team, and then the web site tracks you over servers. So the web site lists all live servers, and which team controls them. Say for example, there are 10 servers online and team 1 controls 6 of them and team 2 controls 4. You could go on the web site, see which servers they have, figure out which one is easiest to take, and go capture it.

I'm thinking this up as I go more or less, so shoot me down if anything dosen't add up or if it won't work.

Say you go on the web site, and a server is empty, so you pop in and capture it. But then anyone on the other team who spots this will be in to try and remove you.

The whole point of this is that winning a game means something more than being able to say "I won", its an objective on the way to a goal, which is to capture all the servers. At that point, the game could reset and the whole thing starts again. Because player kills etc would be recorded, teams could them be generated to ensure a fair split.

For signups, you would be assigned a team when you joined, that being the one with the least players.

Anyway, just a thought, what do people think. Feel free to pick holes, although if you do find a hole, try and offer a suggestion to fix it.
Hmm. I like the idea, although it would require alot of brainpower to do. Capturing servers should give rewards to teams though, and a group of placeholder AI defenders should spawn, as you wouldn't want one restless soul waking up in the middle of the night and capturing every server on the net...

Thumbs up to your creative thought though!

-Angry Lawyer
You could set it to only allow captures when there is a certain number of people logged into the system, or perhaps you can only capture an empty server when there are x many of your team in it. Still dosen't ensure people up in the night capping empty servers, but if a few are up on one team, then there should be a few up on the other (Law of averages)

An addition I think could be an MSN style thing that tells you instantly when the enemy capture one of your servers, or an empty one. It could also be used to tell you when new servers go online, and all sorts of things like that.