Silly stuff you believed as a child


Apr 24, 2004
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I used to think that if you drank your own/someone else's blood, you would turn into a vampire.

I seriously thought the Easter Bunny would swim downstream from this creek near my house when the Easter Party was over. I probably had a dream and thought it was real. Also I thought babies came out of the belly button
my sister told me that the monsters under our beds would eat your toes if you stepped down to get off the bed, so when I needed to go to the washroom, I would stand up on my bed and leap as far away from my bed as possible.
I thought people would use the search function...silly me.
I thought if you turned the bathroom faucet on while the toilet was flushing, you'd get used toilet water in your glass.
you could get AIDS just by injecting someone else's blood/semen
If you go to the bathroom and you stay in there for a while, an alligator will come out of the bathtub and eat you.

I personally had to fend off 5 of them with nothing but a pair of nail clippers and a toilet brush.
If you go to the bathroom and you stay in there for a while, an alligator will come out of the bathtub and eat you.

I personally had to fend off 5 of them with nothing but a pair of nail clippers and a toilet brush.

has that trained you to piss and sh*t at super speed?
A snake would swim out of the toilet and shoot itself up inside my anus and eat me from the inside while I pooped.

People were allergic to the sun, that's why you sneeze when you look at it.
Also my brother told me that if you make a silly face for an hour your face will look like that forever. Also that sex was not something children need to know about
I used to believe God created the universe, rather than Blackthorn.
I had a mental breakdown and thought people were in the walls.

I'm good now :D
On the residential light posts here there is an access panel with a do not touch/lightening bolt symbol. Up until I was about 11 I thought that if I touched one I would be electrocuted, until finally one day I touched one to check.
On the residential light posts here there is an access panel with a do not touch/lightening bolt symbol. Up until I was about 11 I thought that if I touched one I would be electrocuted, until finally one day I touched one to check.

Let me take you down into a subway.

In humanity.


I did used to believe, when I was four or five, that America (and earlier, more specifically just this 300 mile part of the country I'd traveled in) was the entire world. I also thought you could do anything if you thought about it hard enough.
Kids who lived down my street used to tell me a clown lived down in the sewers and would dare me to go down there. I was scared shitless that someone was gonna jump out and ass rape me. Ironically one of those friends literally lived right next door to a child molester, and told me stories that I dare not repeat...:|.
I remember walking down a street with my mum when I was really little (perhaps my second memory I can still remember) and wondering if the world just went on forever or if it had finite limits, like I imagined if the world was just some infinite flat plane that was suburban Britain and just went on like that.

Its amazing to think there are still people in adulthood who cant even find their own country on a map or nothing and yet as a kid some folk were already putting their brain to geographical matters.
What in the ****. This is the first Ive ever heard of people sneezing when looking at the sun. I can't believe it actually happens to people.

What causes it? :O


Holy shit, this is news to me!

I used to sneeze when looking directly at the sun.

I LOLed at ACHOO syndrome - Autosomal dominant Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst syndrome.
That the first grade rule "Do Your Best" was actually strictly enforced.
What in the ****. This is the first Ive ever heard of people sneezing when looking at the sun. I can't believe it actually happens to people.

What causes it? :O


Holy shit, this is news to me!

Yup. I used to look at the lights to initiate my sneeze, so I'd look down afterwards, people are staring at me like "WTF?"
You will get AIDS if the person whos semen/blood it is has AIDS. :rolleyes:

yeah but i though you could get it just by mixing blood from someone elses body. it doesnt seem to make sense now.
As a youngster, I thought that AIDS came when you didn't wash your hands properly. It said that in a cartoon and I of course believed. Silly me!