Sim City 4


Didn't Get Temp-Banned
Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Until i get my DS, I'm going to sit here and make high-tech metropolises.

Any tips?

Late to the party, apparently.
I have simcity 2k, 3k and 4. I can honestly say I like 2k better.
Sim City 2k was way to easy. I mean..the acropolises...gfg. Leave the game sit overnight, get madly rich, demolish your ENTIRE city, and just build a shitload of Acropolisis. least that is what I did.
CyberPitz said:
Sim City 2k was way to easy. I mean..the acropolises...gfg. Leave the game sit overnight, get madly rich, demolish your ENTIRE city, and just build a shitload of Acropolisis. least that is what I did.

Too easy ? I played Sim City 2k for a week and never managed to build a single building, only those markings :(
Garfield_ said:
Too easy ? I played Sim City 2k for a week and never managed to build a single building, only those markings :(
Lol...My dad helped me out on that one reallky fast. I was like "OMGWTFBBQ I CANT DO ANYTHING"
"You newb, watch...*puts electical polls all over...*
Sim City 4 was fun. I'll probably install it again for a few kicks here and there.

I particularly loved the soundtrack.
yeah the soundtrack was fantastic.
That game was hard though.
I never got around to even building a second city in Simcity4. The pace of the game was too slow. Simcity 2k, I could have a huge metropolis in a couple of hours, and similar with Simcity 3k.

But Simcity 4 felt too realistic, not fun enough. IMHO.

They've all got good soundtracks though.
I picked up Simcity 4 for 3 pound the other week lol, installed it and played it for a hour and was bored. Not bad for 3 quid tho :naughty: .
It's a biyatch. I keep making new cities for no apparent reason :(
I spent ages and ages building up a city and had a truly effective metropolis going. Then I let a few disasters go because I was bored. It was surprising how quickly the town got back to its feet. Even without my help.
Sim City is quite easy when you know what to do. Just build until you have enough houses to raise the taxes high, then hit the speed up button and watch the money roll in. The only problem is when you have a large city your computer begins to die :/

You should try some other city builder games like Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom.
Yeah, i followed a plan for a while. After a while demand began to drop inexplicably, and if I lowered taxes i would have lost my profit margin of about... uh... $2k. Also, my head hurt from mindlessly doing those damned police missions over... and over... and over.

Stupid U-Drive-It missions. Grr!
SC 4 is fun.. though for some reason I couldn't play it for more than about an hour at a time before getting bored, but I used to play the oldschool Sim City on SNES for hours and hours. I guess the FPS games have given me a short attention span. :|

I found it fun to try and make really shitty cities, like one with a massive garbage dump in the middle with residential zones all around it (keep the poor people in one city), and all the neighboring cities hauled their garbage there. Weee.
I'm gonna have to get Sim City 4 soon. I can play simcity 3000 for hours :D I'm no good at it, but it's fun! My people keep complaining about taxes, I lower them, a few months later they complain again. Bah. I've tried ignoring them but seeing that message over and over in the ticker drives me crazy! :P