Similar films


Aug 10, 2004
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I think Donnie Darko, American Beauty and Requiem For a Dream all have a really similar feel to one another - not to mention they're all just plain awesome movies.

Are there any movies that you'd group with these? That have the same kind of feel to em and that are just as good?
Thinking of picking Requiem for a Dream up sometime. Is it worth it?
Well I've only seen Donnie Darko and American Beauty (but barely remember it), but if I'd would have to take a guess, I'd say there's something really emotional in failure.

Arthur Miller wrote an essay called "Tragedy and the Common Man". The idea was that the tragic feeling can be evoked whenever someone is ready to lay down his life for a cause. That seems to apply here.
Garden State is a bit similar feel I think but more mundane. For some reason I think of Grosse Point Blank too. It feels the same as those movies. I'd also like to recommend 12 Monkeys although that's more of an action movie
Dan said:
Garden State is a bit similar feel I think but more mundane. For some reason I think of Grosse Point Blank too. It feels the same as those movies. I'd also like to recommend 12 Monkeys although that's more of an action movie
:D many thanks
Any recommendations on which I should watch first?
Great movies. All of them, i need to watch Requiem For a Dream some time soon again.
Donnie Darko is nowhere NEAR as good as Requiem for a Dream or American Beauty, in my opinion.
I really enjoyed Donnie Darko :)
Although clearly you like American beauty and Requiem
Do you know any movies that are good for smiliar reasons?
I'm really just looking for a good movie to watch and Id like one with a similar tone to it :)
Ikerous said:
I think Donnie Darko, American Beauty and Requiem For a Dream all have a really similar feel to one another - not to mention they're all just plain awesome movies.

Are there any movies that you'd group with these? That have the same kind of feel to em and that are just as good?

American Beauty and Requiem For A Dream are probably the best movies I have ever seen. I would not categorize them both together though.

Actually, if I had to suggest a good movie, it would have to be Armageddon.

I'm kidding.
So I guess everyone here likes Requiem. I though it was good but no THE BEST movie in the world. Pretty ****ed up at the end huh with the whole double dildo act. Shiiiiit.

Colour of night is also really good when it comes to dark and disturbing. Also Very bad things, happiness and if you've never seen BULLY ****in see it.
I prefered Pi to Requiem - both are very good, though.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record - if you're looking for a movie with a dark/trippy/twisted feel then check out Jacob's Ladder. It's easily one of my favourite movies and blows Requiem out of the water.
This is the first time i've seen you recommend Jacob's Ladder, so the repetition is appreciated :)
I'll make sure to check it out
Yeah, Jacob's Ladder is definitely a great film.

Fight Club is another good choice, if you haven't seen it yet.
Pi as Warbs said. Aronofsky's a hell of a director.
Dead Man is great too. Johnny Depp <3
Fight Club...Man that movie made me think and think and think...
Ya, fight club definitely fits in the category
Too bad i've seen it fifty times :D

I'm d/ling Jacobs Ladder and One Flew Over the Coocoo's nest right now
But 'Pi' is really hard to find since its such a small word :/
I'm a great fan of American Beauty and Donnie Darko although I haven't seen Requiem.

I'm going to suggest The Majestic, The Truman Show and Man on the Moon. I know they are all three Jim Carrey films but they have the same mix of humour and satire that AB and DD have.
The Weatherman looked like it was going to be a good film that was similar to American Beauty but alas it got terrible reviews.
Ikerous said:
I. Love. You.

Don't let the negative reviews for The Weatherman dissaude you. It's an excellent film. Ebert has a positive review for it.
DeusExMachina said:
Don't let the negative reviews for The Weatherman dissaude you. It's an excellent film. Ebert has a positive review for it.

I was planning on catching it when it came out on DVD anyway, but this has confirmed it, thanks.
The truman show would fit in quite well
I'll check out the other ones you mentioned
Thanks :E
Maybe you should check out Martin Scorcese's After Hours. I haven't actually seen it in years, but from what I remember it had the same kind of humour and darkness that sprung to mind when I watched Donnie Darko.
holy shit I just read up on Jacobs ladder. looks ausome. Am going to buy it for sure. I also really need some new scifi movies in my collection. Can anyone recommend any.

P.S Sorry for double post. BTW, why are double posts frowned upon.
Because there's an edit button that easily edits your previous post in which you can post what you just posted in your second post.

Pi is about a man obsessed with numbers, trying to find the meaning behind the number Pi, 3.14