Simple. Basic. Non-Biased HL2 response pole

Are you satisfied with the way HL2's release and delay news was handled by Valve

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 18.5%
  • No

    Votes: 44 81.5%

  • Total voters


The previous poll is bad, simply biased and unclear.

This is a Yes or No poll, to a basic question.

Q- Are you satisfied with the way valve handled the release and the news about its delay?
If you anyone is satisfied I swear they work for Valve and was paid to say yes...

No, hell no. This announcement is way too late and didn't come in a good form (ie a press release). Who voted "yes"?
much better poll...that other one didn't have any answers I agreed with at all.
u cant just treat yur fans like they dont exist. Keeping us up to date would've been nice
It's all fine... I'll play the game in the end... it just gives me more time to upgrade :)
Based on the answers to this post we can maybe make Valve see that people are unhappy and get a better explanation.

Gabe go to the press release room! :)

Indeed. I was one who incidentally voted "yes" unfortunatly, you cannot edit your vote.... actually I was that "one"
Don't believe everything you hear. If you want to believe it's delayed, then that's fine. But don't let your evidence be a sketchy news site. I could make a web page with a few cool graphics right now, say I got an e-mail from Gabe saying the game is shipping tonight, and a bunch of people would be posting topics saying "It's not delayed! It's not delayed!" Think, evaluate the source.
Originally posted by d8cam
i already have a "pole"

No offense d8cam, but this poll makes a lot more sense. I didn't agree with any of the answers in your poll and I have a feeling that others would have the same feeling. Or they would agree with multiple. This poll makes more sense and might send a clearer message to Valve.

I, for one, am rather offended by the way Valve has dealt with this. There is absolutely no way they didn't know what a fervor they were causing by being so quiet about a release date. And to completely disregard the concerns of their strongest fans is the most disrespectful thing that a game developer can do. That is, if the e-mails weren't fake.

Time will tell, but I don't think this will be easily forgiven. Plus, it adds a whole new feel to Gabe laughing and saying "we'll see" when spitcodfry visited them.
I believe that this is a matter between VU and Valve. And given the circumstances i have thought. I believe this is a good handling of it.

Basicly there has never been an official press release stating it's September 30th or holidays 2003. But they both have official sources.
Valve certainly could/should have announced a delay alot sooner... a delay announcement 6 days before release date is a bad PR move needless to say..

it might have kept some pple less angry about a delay had they announced one in early September but i guess certain pple would be angry about a delay no matter what the situation is.. oh well.
If this is true (I need to hold on to something) ... The I think Valve made a poor decision not telling the fans sooner. They had ample time to release a statement long before this final 5 days.

If true: Shame on Valve
If False: Shame on Us
Valve either should have released a general press release or divulged the news to the site where most of the community hangs out City17? Why them? Not to mention they should have done this a week ago. Looks like Fragmaster was right all along.

Bottom line - This was handled poorly.
Originally posted by StormCyko
The way you word the question does in fact sound biased.

I'm curious, how do you figure that?

And Feath, even if the e-mail is fake, don't you think that Valve could be a little more official in letting their die-hard fans know that nothing has changed? I can see both sides. Valve has never said anything other than 9/30, but they do know what an uproar the release date has been here. I think that it would be a respectable thing to let us know through an official press release, or better yet, go behind the scenes to fix the cause of all this distress, the release dates quoted by retailers and online/paper mags. THAT is why I voted "no."
I'm one of the select few who isn't too bothered by the delay news, or the manner in which it was delivered, despite being a huge HL2 fanboy.

If we had bought HL2 and VALVe/Vivendi had failed to provide a stable product or had perhaps witheld information and scrimped on customer support then we'd have every right to be angry with them. As paying customers we would deserve fair service.

However, with the current state of affairs, we are merely fans of HL2 and the product does not exist yet. As such we deserve nothing from them. They are making their product and them only, until you invest some money in the company and sit on the board your opinion is of no use.

The community we have here regarding HL2 has distinguished itself as both committed and loyal. And Valve have responded to that loyalty in as many ways possible.

- They have spent five years and all their profits on the damn project.
- They have endeavoured to produce media that the community wishes to see and done so with clear enthusiasm.
- They have set out to produce this product, not to satisfy financial lust, but because they want to satiate everybody's desires to see Half-Life taken further.

That final point is most important. No project ever goes according to plan, and anyone who works in the industry should know this. The fact that Valve have been forced to delay the title was not out of some ill-founded desire to piss you people off, it was because they had no choice. The fact that this declaration is so close to the proposed release date only suggest that it was touch and go, and as such, they were working their tits off.

Valve owes me nothing but I'm still happy to give them my support, free of charge.

I raise my glass to Half-Life 2 and calmly await her arrival.
I think the reason for the late answer is that they were honestly shooting for sept.30 but only recently realized they couldn't make it. What I don't get is why it would have to be delayed two months instead of a couple of weeks.
Originally posted by Stereo
If this is true (I need to hold on to something) ... The I think Valve made a poor decision not telling the fans sooner. They had ample time to release a statement long before this final 5 days.

If true: Shame on Valve
If False: Shame on Us

I think Stereo's post somes up most of what I feel after the delay anouncemnet. I am actually not really mad at the delay but more so at the way it was handled.
another thing that bugs me about this whole shitstorm, besides the obvious, is that you know valve will never even respond officially to all this delay frenzy. they'll just pretend like sept 30th was never even the date to begin with.
"Half-life 2? Oh, that was always due for release in november. haven't you been listening to vivendi? now, excuse us, we have to go back to polishing our knobs."