Simplified Writing + Texting..grrr


Space Core
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
I hate it.

Why...just WHY shorten stuff by saying something like

'2 moz', 'c u l8r', 'coz b4'

blah blah blah, jesus just WRITE NORMALLY PLEASE!

Why have i brought this up? Heh, well i was just reading Jeremy Clarkson's 'Born To Be Riled', where he says :

...English spelling does leave room for improvement and that a five year plan has been drawn to develop EuroEnglish. In the first year, 's' will be used instead of soft 'c' and 'k' will be replaced with the hard 'c'.

Not only will this klear up konfusion and make the life of sivil serveants easier, but also komputer keyboards will need one less key.
There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year, when the troublesome 'ph' will be replased with an 'f'. This will make words like 'fotograf' 20 per sent shorter.

In the third year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be be expekted to get to a stage where more komplikated alterations are possible. So double letters will be removed to inkrease the likelihod of akurate speling. And the horrible mess of the silent 'e' will be banished.

By the fourth yar, peopl will be reseptiv to steps like replasing 'th' by 'z' and 'w' by 'v'.

During ze fifz yar, ze unecesary 'o' kan be dropd from vords kontaining 'ou', and similar modifikations vud of kors be aplid to ozer kombinations of letters.

After zis fifz yar, we wil hav a sensibl riten styl. Zer vil be no mor trubls of difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi tu understand ech ozer.

Ze drem vil finali kum tru.

****ing kill it with fire. I txt in full English. Eh Evo?
I agree. I'm such a pedant for proper writing. I tried teaching my cousin that he sounds like a **** online with shitty spelling, but he's a chav, so he didn't listen.
I agree. I always utilize proper spelling unless I'm just taking the piss. In games or texting, I always get people saying "dude wats with ur typing?".

I dunno. I guess I never found writing normally to be a difficult task requiring abbreviation.
I agree. I always utilize proper spelling unless I'm just taking the piss. In games or texting, I always get people saying "dude wats with ur typing?".

I dunno. I guess I never found writing normally to be a difficult task requiring abbreviation.


We have the same thing language-raping going in in Swedish.

1. People seperating words (like "sun shine" instead of "sunshine")
2. Writing "dom" instead of "de" and "dem". (They, them)

3. It's called "Better than I", "Taller than he" etc., but now people start saying "Better than me" and "Taller than him". I don't mind it very much in speech, but when you start to write like that it makes my blood boil.
i vary it alot

online, most of the time i can't be arsed to write punctuation, because it's utterly pointless in understanding the context of the message

sometimes i write "your" and "ur" on irc and in games

i still have a very good grip on english and grammar in general, but i leave the filler stuff for school assignments and formal letters

3. It's called "Better than I", "Taller than he" etc., but now people start saying "Better than me" and "Taller than him". I don't mind it very much in speech, but when you start to write like that it makes my blood boil.

lol, are you serious? it's called better than me and taller than him. the grammar idiots say the opposite equalivents in sweden

2. Writing "dom" instead of "de" and "dem". (They, them)

that's because we say "dom" in spoken form, it's getting more accepted in written form which is good in my opinion.

Why...just WHY shorten stuff by saying something like

'2 moz', 'c u l8r', 'coz b4'

blah blah blah, jesus just WRITE NORMALLY PLEASE!

because most people write that when they send SMS and it turns into a habit, as well as is easier to type online

what's the point in keeping useless grammar stuff for a purely elitistic reason, it separates people and slows down internet typing
I always type using full words mostly. I find it a lot faster and it stops me randomly typing in text format if I'm doing an assignment or whatever :P

It tks me ages to typ lik dis, i hav to fink about it mostly now.
It`s just easier to type in full English. To me, anyway.

And I have gloves on.
i tlk lyk a nrmal perzun lololol

bt seriuzly i dnt get y ppl feel da need 2 abbrv wrds. it maks dem luk stoopid

lol, are you serious? it's called better than me and taller than him. the grammar idiots say the opposite equalivents in sweden
No, it doesn't. It's short for "Better than I am". Just because you don't speak out the "am" doesn't mean that you should change the "me" to "I".
that's because we say "dom" in spoken form, it's getting more accepted in written form which is good in my opinion.
Why should we give after to every trend that some illiterate 14-years-olds make up? If we keep that up we will soon speak english.
because most people write that when they send SMS and it turns into a habit, as well as is easier to type online
So what? We shouldn't abandon our language just because it suit with some new technichial invention. I don't see how it makes it easier to type online if you sperate every word. If anything, it would be harder because you have to press space more.
what's the point in keeping useless grammar stuff for a purely elitistic reason, it separates people and slows down internet typing
I agree that we should remove technially that makes the language harder, but these things aren't that hard to learn. What's the point of having a seperate language if we're just gonna adapt everything from english?
No, it doesn't. It's short for "Better than I am". Just because you don't speak out the "am" doesn't mean that you should change the "me" to "I".

This is almost a life altering post for me. I cannot believe I didn't know this, and I am ashamed I did not. I know I must always say "That guy is much better than me."

I just thought of a funny example.

"Man that guy owns me at that"

"Man that guy owns I am at that"

Funny how incorrect grammar habits spawn even more incorrect grammar habits.
No, it doesn't. It's short for "Better than I am". Just because you don't speak out the "am" doesn't mean that you should change the "me" to "I".
Languages evolve and adapt as society evolves and adapts. We're becoming more international, more streamlined and our language mirrors that.

Why should we give after to every trend that some illiterate 14-years-olds make up? If we keep that up we will soon speak english.

read the above.

So what? We shouldn't abandon our language just because it suit with some new technichial invention. I don't see how it makes it easier to type online if you sperate every word. If anything, it would be harder because you have to press space more.
read the above.
I agree that we should remove technially that makes the language harder, but these things aren't that hard to learn. What's the point of having a seperate language if we're just gonna adapt everything from english?
read the above.
Languages evolve and adapt as society evolves and adapts. We're becoming more international, more streamlined and our language mirrors that.
I am aware that that's a process that takes place, but it's nothing we should encourage. An independent language strengthen the national identlity of a country, especially a small one like Sweden. The effect of foreign languages on Swedish have been huge ever since the Viking Age. German in particular effected the language enormously in the Middle Ages. But there's no need to start changing and adapting our language towards english just because that's fashion at the moment. Our language is a very important part of our culture, so it shouldn't exactly be our goal to "streamline" it. I, for one, will keep writing "de" and "dem" for the rest of my life.
Everytime someone bastardises English with txtspaek the chances of me having a problem with my heart increases by 1%.

-Angry Lawyer
Personally when i text, id rather end up sending 3 messages to one person in full writing (sure it looks like an essay, but atleast its proper english) than send 1 text of..shite.
Personally when i text, id rather end up sending 3 messages to one person in full writing (sure it looks like an essay, but atleast its proper english) than send 1 text of..shite.

You can send me dirty messages any day. :naughty:
I am aware that that's a process that takes place, but it's nothing we should encourage.

Why? Except for purely academic/elitistic reasons?

An independent language strengthen the national identlity of a country, especially a small one like Sweden. The effect of foreign languages on Swedish have been huge ever since the Viking Age. German in particular effected the language enormously in the Middle Ages. But there's no need to start changing and adapting our language towards english just because that's fashion at the moment.

It's not as much fashion as the whole world is becoming more international, and english.

Our language is a very important part of our culture, so it shouldn't exactly be our goal to "streamline" it. I, for one, will keep writing "de" and "dem" for the rest of my life.

We shouldn't kill it, and it doesn't look like it's being killed at the moment, but it's rather pointless to keep things that are inconsistent between spoken and written language.

i dont get why so many get their knickers in a bunch for stuff like this.. there are far more important issues in life
****ing kill it with fire. I txt in full English. Eh Evo?


I vary when i text, sometimes use full English, sometimes lot of 'txt speak' other times i vary it

Text speak in SMS is fine. It saves money and people shouldn't get hung up on correctness in a form almost exclusively used for telling someone that you're in the bar, you want to meet them and you want to get pissed. Using it elsewhere is also kosher, because like talking about Soap Operas and James Blunt, it's a convenient signpost for smacktardary.

Not that I overly care. Prescriptivism is for self-important victorian tory journalists who believe that their work is important enough that generations ahead should freeze proper language trends so that everyone can read what they have to say for centuries to come.
A lot of people attempting to support prescriptivist guidelines here need to realise just how out-dated and flawed those beliefs really are. With technology being made even more user-friendly and even more available to people from all walks of life, the lexis of IM programs, texts and so fourth was bound to have developed into its own unique series of slang terms and phrases, almost formulating an entire language itself (hello l33t speak).

Yes it's irritating when someone starts spamming you with "omg hi 2 u lol ttyl gtg ilu lol <3" but we are all guilty to some extent of delving into this form of short-hand; how many of you use 'lol' frequently? Or smilies for that matter? Oh oh!
Yes it's irritating when someone starts spamming you with "omg hi 2 u lol ttyl gtg ilu lol <3" but we are all guilty to some extent of delving into this form of short-hand aswell; how many of you use 'lol' frequently? Or smilies for that matter? Oh oh!

i say lol in real life :D

I vary when i text, sometimes use full English, sometimes lot of 'txt speak' other times i vary it


Prepare to receive abusive spam if you ever send any to me.
Personally ive moved from 'lol' to 'haha' now, just seems more mature.



[edit] and ive actually gone 'lol' in real life to a bunch of mates. was really awkward when they all looked at me and burst out laughing.
I generally type in full English, though, I can forsake puntuation sometimes, especially on MSN.

Personally ive moved from 'lol' to 'haha' now, just seems more mature.



[edit] and ive actually gone 'lol' in real life to a bunch of mates. was really awkward when they all looked at me and burst out laughing.
I generally just type "hahaha" too. I (Mostly) only use lol when I say something like "I loled".

I hate it when people use lol as a default response. I once told someone over MSN (Who replies to almost everything with "lol", before elaborating) that heart disease and alchoholism run in my family. You can probably guess the reply :|

I also hate it when people use lol as punctuation. It annoys me almost as much as people who use the work "like" as their comma and their full stop, when speaking.
"hw r u lol"
That makes my eyes bleed.
I type normally, but my grammar isn't always up to snuff. I usually have the correct punctuation also. Plus everything has a ****ing spell checker nowadays, so its not hard at all to type correctly.
interesting topic, but i don't like how some people can't understand why people sometimes do it.

Personally i type full words on forums with most punctuation (except capital letters on "i"'s)

On msn and such, i type full words if that is how they're pronounced, meaning if i don't pronounce the end letters on words i don't type them. Because i try to convey a message the same as if i was speaking to them, for example "when have you got to go" is not how i would pronounce it irl, i would say "when've you gotta go" - so that's how i type it on instant messengers (including irc). The way you spell things conveys emotions such as sarcasm and concern.

But punctuation can be important, such as (from

"I helped my uncle Jack off a horse"
As opposed to:
"I helped my uncle jack off a horse"
But punctuation can be important, such as (from

"I helped my uncle Jack off a horse"
As opposed to:
"I helped my uncle jack off a horse"

They are the exact same..shouldn't one of them have a comma ;)
Yeah it's the capital letters making the difference, they're both grammatically correct without commas.
No. Needs less horses, more jacking off, more bananas.......

And polar bears on unicycles.
I use it very slightly in texts, but all the texts I usually write are usually basic like ''stil on 4 l8r?'' or ''meet at 1?'', so there's not alot of unholy grammar, and even when there is, it's very little. Plus, when people look at a word like 'l8r' they immeidietly click that it means 'later' and they don't give it a second thought. There's an article somewhere about no matter how badly constructed the word is we still identify what it's trying to shorten down regardless. I know I do.

On forums/MSN I find it pretty horrid, though.
And polar bears on unicycles.

But how will polar bears know what apples is?

My sister has started using the 13 year old typing skills, and it angers me. I guess its not as bad considering she is 13, but still, sometimes I cant read a damn thing she says.

Also, when I text-ed people, I typed it all out. I may have to do more work, but those ****ing text-s are expensive, so I wanted to get as much out of them as possible. Eventually I just stopped text-ing and dont pay for it anymore.