Simplified Writing + Texting..grrr

Don't blow this out of proportion. You are being a typical Brit snob, and I am being a typical American jerk by pointing it out.

Suck in your pride and move on.
Don't blow this out of proportion. You are being a typical Brit snob
Hey, you're the only one around here with the 'for a clean and blue world of unified language!' talk. And if we're talking proportions, i'm not seeing anything particularly large here, so I'm taking the sense of magnitude is solely on your side in the form of a massive gash on your pride? Which lead me onto...
Suck in your pride and move on.
Take your own medical advice. A Brit snob once said that it goes down best with sugar.
Hey, you're the only one around here with the 'for a clean and blue world of unified language!' talk.
Bullshit. You are deluded.

And if we're talking proportions, i'm not seeing anything particularly large here, so I'm taking the sense of magnitude is solely on your side in the form of a massive gash on your pride? Which lead me onto...
You can't see the large thing because it is the distance between your ears.

Take your own medical advice. A Brit snob once said that it goes down best with sugar.
A Brit snob once butted into someone's A and B conversation if only to see himself speak.

You are the instigator. All fault is upon you.
If you would put your location in your status thingy there in the upper right corner, I would know if you were from the UK.
I am not.

And don't tell me to take my own advice. xD

Gauge. Amount. ;)

I don't want to get into a pissing match over this so let's agree to disagree. I think people whom cannot type out their words in fact have trouble doing so. Spelling errors, everyone makes, except for me because I have an automatic spell checker.

Ok that's not true. I just noticed I put "fat" instead of "fact" which the check obviously would not catch, but you get the point.

The gauge was a typo not a spelling mistake, since i was just typing down whilst reading what you had said. As for amount, i realised later while doing some work on word that i spell amount wrong. I know how it's spelt i just automatically double twitch my "M"ing finger.

Next time someone talks to you typing like a 7yo, ask them to type properly for abit to prove they can, if you wish to alienate friends that is. They aren't all stupid.
The gauge was a typo not a spelling mistake, since i was just typing down whilst reading what you had said. As for amount, i realised later while doing some work on word that i spell amount wrong. I know how it's spelt i just automatically double twitch my "M"ing finger.

Next time someone talks to you typing like a 7yo, ask them to type properly for abit to prove they can, if you wish to alienate friends that is. They aren't all stupid.

Typos are spelling mistakes and you don't need to break everything down to show me your intentions. I'm just ****ing with you, hence the emoticons and complete lack of being serious..

I don't associate with people who talk with 7 years olds, mostly because they they are interested in things I am not interested in. I rarely even cross paths with these people. Even if I did, I wouldn't discriminate on such a weak basis. I just believe that people who type "lyk dis 4 da sake of typin fastr" do it because they lack the ability to be consistent with their typing and probably read at what would be for me a 5th grade level.
typos are not spelling mistakes!! A spelling mistake would be mistakenly (<--) thinking a word is spelt differently to how it really is, a typo is pressing the wrong thing :)
it blatantly helps my point, so it's true. I decide.