Simpsons or futurama?

Futurama or simpsons?

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Mar 16, 2007
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I was wondering which do you people like more, futurama or the simpsons? I personally think the simpsons gave me better laughs..
Futurama by about a million miles. Simpsons is funny, but Futurama takes everything the Simpsons has and doubles it up with more interesting and original characters, locations and humour. Simpsons feels really confined and narrow compared to Futurama, which being in the future and all, is subjected to a whole range of new and crazy scenarios to happen.
I like both equally, but since I watch the pimpsons more I voted for them.
Pimpsons? Erm...We need not know about your erm...choice of movies.

more intelligent humour, dr zoidburg, zap branigan, emotional moments (the dog one and frys brother).
Between the two, Futurama.

(In order, though)
American Dad
South Park
Family Guy
no contest: the simpsons ..futurama never reaches the same level of comedy greatness as the simpsons
Futurama is much better... it's fresh and original (still) ... it's not got that 'bottom of the barrel' feel which all simpsons eps made in the past 7 years have had.
the older simpsons stuff was great but i dont like the stuff they have done the last few years whereas i always liked futurama.
See - the Aussie episode of the Simpsons was on last night... and as much as I love Futurama (and I LOVE Futurama), the Simpsons has it beat by a long way.

So, the Simpsons.
I wish we had American Dad here in the UK.
:laugh: at the Australian Simpsons episode. That one was gold. But I'd still have to say Futurama. Other than what I've already said I also much prefer the animation and setting, as some of the in Simpsons looks really bad sometimes. I also prefer the more subtle stuff in Futurama, like the TV/billboard adverts, shop signs, etc...
I don't like any of those... :|
Oh, thanks for stopping in then. A thread about the general consensus on about which is better - the Simpsons or Futurama, and you don't like any ****ing American animated programme.

Well thanks for sharing. Jesus christ. :dozey:
Oh, thanks for stopping in then. A thread about the general consensus on about which is better - the Simpsons or Futurama, and you don't like any ****ing American animated programme.

Well thanks for sharing. Jesus christ. :dozey:
Chill winston! :laugh:
Futurama by about a million miles. Simpsons is funny, but Futurama takes everything the Simpsons has and doubles it up with more interesting and original characters, locations and humour. Simpsons feels really confined and narrow compared to Futurama, which being in the future and all, is subjected to a whole range of new and crazy scenarios to happen.


no contest: the simpsons ..futurama never reaches the same level of comedy greatness as the simpsons

Oh remind me, which comedy greatness? The jokes of Homer being stupid or Smithers gay jokes? The Simpsons are so very stale these days.
I haven't seen much of Futurama but from what I've seen it doesn't reach up to Simpsons' level.
As much as I like Futurama, it wouldn't have existed w/o the Simpsons.
I really can't decide. Both have their peaks and troughs. I would actually say the Simpsons has more 'charm' than Futurama though, since the Simpsons had the completely unfunny first series or so in which it was able to spend time building up all the characters' personalities and backgrounds. Futurama, in comparison, kind of came out of the blocks running and was a merciless joke-fest from quite early.

Still can't pick one above the other though.
Simpsons is classic, it's been around for. . . how long? Even without the age advantage, it's easier to relate to, rather than a guy trapped in the year 3000, although Futurama does have more 'relateable' characters, the situations are much more drastic, although it has a nice humour concept to it, but that's because they can be more lennient with it, you don't have as much boundaries in the future.
In the UK, series 1 to 10 of the Simpsons aired gradually through my childhood and I grew to love it. I'm currently revisiting all those classic episodes (through the DVD boxsets which can always be got for ?10-?15 somewhere) and appreciating them immensely, partly because they're very, very funny and partly because some of the best lines are ingrained further in my mind than a lot of stuff I really ought to remember better. Like Family birthdays and general matters of common sense.

It took years upon years for series 11 and beyond to air here... I've seen a few episodes from these series, and I just don't 'get' them in the same way (Thinking about it, I get the same vibe from the 10th season stuff). Fortunately, there's Futurama which to me, seems like the spiritual successor to those earlier seasons of the Simpsons. It's almost like Futurama is an obscure spin-off that does away with every last character, but takes the style of humour and some of the spirit with it... in some way, the sci-fi plots of Futurama actually seem a little more down to earth than some of the stuff in the middle series of the Simpsons!

Facing them off against each other seems kind of odd when in my mind they're kind of the same thing. I think you could say that Futurama is a little more consistent in that there are fewer episodes I'd feel a little bored watching again... but I think the best of the Simpsons is better than the best of Futurama. They're both good, don't make me choose.

Whup whup whup whup whup whup!

edit: Mi ha inganata una cavia! Chi intimidesce chi, adesso grande citta?!
I used to like simpsons... but it lost its charm ages ago. I don't even bother watching new episodes anymore because of that fact.

Futurama has class, and is on a much higher level of sophisticated humor that bests any other animated adult cartoon out there.

Now when I think simpsons... I consider it humor for rednecks and people who have a simplistic comprehension of humor.
Some Simpsons episodes were and still are legendary...but Futurama takes the bisuit for me :D
Oh, thanks for stopping in then. A thread about the general consensus on about which is better - the Simpsons or Futurama, and you don't like any ****ing American animated programme.

Well thanks for sharing. Jesus christ. :dozey:

You're welcome;)
V-Man on which cartoon is best

Honestley I'm not even going to vote because Family Guy kicks both of their asses. :thumbs:
The simpsons, but I like futurama also.

King of the Hill FTW!
Simpsons, for it's former days. Futurama is excellent, but I thought it got older alot quicker than the Simpsons. Not quite to the same level as the last few seasons of Simpsons, but it's very easy to pinpoint the "good" and "bad" episodes of Futurama, and most of them are in the latter seasons.

Still, Futurama is AWESOME when it's good, Simpsons was never as consistent or rapid-fire with it's jokes, and in many way the cast and stories are alot better and heart-felt. It's just that Simpsons has so many more moments of greatness, and in the long-term (excluding the recent stuff, obviously), there's just alot more of it to enjoy.
I could reach it if it weren't for these damn arms... eineineineineinein. arrarrarr.
I used to like The Simpsons when they were still in its 3rd to 4th season, but I feel it has gone down hill, I prefer Fututrama now.
I would've voted Simpsons years ago. But it's been "meh" for a very long time now (still haven't seen the movie yet, maybe that'll redeem it).