Sims 2 content worse than Hot Coffee

if nobody planned on killing jack thompson before, now's the time to start
why doens;t he get f*cking barbie and ken banned too... f*cking asshole
For once I'm actually rootting for EA, you guys got the cash, now go kick his ass!
Icarusintel said:
why doens;t he get f*cking barbie and ken banned too... f*cking asshole


"Jeff Brown, vice president of corporate communications at EA, in response to the accusations, told GameSpot, "This is nonsense. We've reviewed 100 percent of the content. There is no content inappropriate for a teen audience. Players never see a nude Sim. If someone with an extreme amount of expertise and time were to remove the pixels, they would see that the Sims have no genitals. They appear like Ken and Barbie."
I wouldn't be surprised now if he starts to lose a major amount of public support now. A lot more people have played the sims than GTA, a lot of people from very different walks of life.
The Mullinator said:
I wouldn't be surprised now if he starts to lose a major amount of public support now. A lot more people have played the sims than GTA, a lot of people from very different walks of life.
...he has supporters?
Once again, the nudity in the Sims can only come from...
A. ****ING. MOD.

Eh, Change post...
He's going to go back in time and blame any game with nude mods.
Oh wow, Jack Thompson vs. EA; clash of the Ev0L Titans!!! Like someone said, EA got the cash and corporate ruthlessness, I'd like to see them pour a bucket of cold lawyers down Thompsons neck. GO EA!
what about the Playboy Mansion game, i would expect that have nudity...or why doesnt he go after the real boobies in the movies?
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say this guy has never been laid in his entire life.
So he's protesting the lack of nudity?

This is pretty much proof that thompson views the world through shit-coloured glasses.

I guess if there's good news here, the fact that this game is the world's most popular and insanely family-friendly will do more damage to jack's 'argument' more than his tiny brain could possibly fathom.
Thompson doesn't buy it. "The sex and the nudity are in the game. That's the point. The blur is an admission that even the 'Ken and Barbie' features should not be displayed. The blur can be disarmed. This is no different than what is in San Andreas, although worse."

He considers the Sims worse then Grand Theft Auto?
In the statement, Thompson says, "Sims 2, the latest version of the Sims video game franchise ... contains, according to video game news sites, full frontal nudity, including nipples, penises, labia, and pubic hair."
To borrow a phrase from Paris Hilton... that's hot.
Xune said:
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say this guy has never been laid in his entire life.

He probably blames games for that too.
Of course!
Everyone in the world is so busy watching the hot coffee mod over and over in a constant loop that NO-ONE is interested with even touching jack.

Now we know the true victim of nudity: thompson himself!
Absinthe said:
He probably blames games for that too.

Nah, you'll probably find he has some deep rooted psychological issues relating to his mother.
Also posted on Evil Avatar:

Dear Jack,

You're the not the Karma Police. Nobody can get access to this material unless they make a determined effort to. Go away and let parents be parents. If you want to do anything, encourage parents to be better parents and spend more time with their children. God forbid that The Sims 2 has educational value in teaching children about social nets, irresponsible actions and growing up that any parent might consider showing their children to help them learn.


Actually, a lot of fogies who would be for Thompson play The Sims (it's a hugely popular game with all ages, unlike games like GTA:SA) and this may hurt his dastardly progress if anything.

edit: Wait, something insanely weird I find about this is that even though it's retarded, at least he had violence to blame for other games. Does he just hate videogames in general or something?
Yes, he's compared the video gaming industry to the Nazis before, and generally insults gamers in every speech he's made, calling us freaks, murderers etc.
Kangy said:
Yes, he's compared the video gaming industry to the Nazis before, and generally insults gamers in every speech he's made, calling us freaks, murderers etc.
I don't get it. At least with violence or the GTA:SA sex game he could go under the banner of insane but in his heart he thinks he's somehow helping children, but now it seems like he's akin to what a gaming forum troll would be in a position of power :p
He hates all sex and violence in media ever, apparently.
Except, I assume, for the graphic depictions of both contained in the good ol' Bible.

(Sorta) fun game I invented:
When reading a thompson quote, imagine the fapping sound he's making in the background.

fap fap fap
"The nudity placed there by the publisher/maker, Electronic Arts, is accessed by the use of a simple code that removes what is called 'the blur' which obscures the genital areas."
fap fap fap
"much to the delight, one can be sure, of pedophiles around the globe who can rehearse, in virtual reality, for their abuse."
Ya know Mecha, I think you may be on to something there. I have always believed that people merely see what they want to see.

In this case Thompson sees a game that appeals to pedophiles. I think this says more about the man than the game.
This is a good thing. Now people will see that he's batshit insane.
The sims has a huge following, a big female market, an aged market, lots of "casual gamers" play it too.

PLUS, EA owns it and they've got platoons of lawyers who will shit all over Jack.

I want a massive public embarassment for Jack when people realise how stupid his whole campaign of ignorance has been.
bliink said:
The sims has a huge following, a big female market, an aged market, lots of "casual gamers" play it too.

PLUS, EA owns it and they've got platoons of lawyers who will shit all over Jack.

I want a massive public embarassment for Jack when people realise how stupid his whole campaign of ignorance has been.

and the massive public embarassment is what he has coming to him...if only we can make this happen. ;)
Hahaha. Goodbye Jack Thompson, I hope.

Will Wright = Father of Simcity, the Sims, etc.

EA = Biggest Games publisher in the world

Jack Thompson = Arsehole lawyer who's really pushing his luck. I hope he finds the VUI shell for windows where you can have a nude woman as your Start Menu. ZOMG! Jack Thompson vs. Bill Gates!

I really hope he not only loses this case but gets his reputation ruined.

What turned him against games? Maybe it was when he tried dildonics with Leisure Suit Larry XIIV and had his pen0r mangled inside the device?

I'm sorry but someone who treats EVERY gamer with this amount of contempt deserves everything they get. He's a biggot, who has a very narrow set of views.

I hope his responses to some of you guys in the e-mails contributes to his downfall.

Everyone knows the Sims, knows it is not as he says, and as much as I hate the Sims (I love Simcity), I will be glad to see this futile fight.

PS. It's nice to see a few politics threads where everyone agrees lately, no matter how much anger there is in it :)
kirovman said:
PS. It's nice to see a few politics threads where everyone agrees lately, no matter how much anger there is in it :)

Indeed! It can be very nice in here when everyone uses their arguing skills together in unison.
i just want someone to go and slap him in the face once or twice to knock some sense into him.

Lol, what a retard... Sims 2, porn? :rolleyes:

Thompson doesn't buy it. "The sex and the nudity are in the game. That's the point. The blur is an admission that even the 'Ken and Barbie' features should not be displayed. The blur can be disarmed. This is no different than what is in San Andreas, although worse."
Uh, actually the blur is there to make it look like real genitalia are actually there and needed to be censored, the flat/smooth "ken and barbie" (as in, the complete lack of said genitalia) is there just in case the blur is removed, and because they wouldn't be seen anyways since the blur is there.

I kind of understand why he went after GTA:SA, with the ability to kill/beat protitutes, police, pedestrians, and it's sexual themes, and now the ability to watch simulated sex with a downloaded mod, but Sims? EA went out of the way and kept almost anything that could be objectionable out of the game, like the blur on nudity, and the juice and bubble blowers replacing the beer and drugs in the Universities expansion, etc...

I agree, I think this is going to really hurt him, since it's so family-friendly, a lot of parents and their kids play it, and EA's lawyers will tear him apart.

It would be awesome if EA would start a big anti-Jack TV commercial campaign to ruin him. :D

Jack Thompson = Arsehole lawyer who's really pushing his luck. I hope he finds the VUI shell for windows where you can have a nude woman as your Start Menu. ZOMG! Jack Thompson vs. Bill Gates!
I'd like to see him go after Microsoft, they're about 10x bigger then EA is, last time I looked, Bill Gates himself has enough money to buy out EA if he wanted to.
That would be the ultimate irony, Gates buying EA.

On topic, perhaps someone should e-mail this guy the nudie start menu hack, he seems stupid enough to fall for it.
Xune said:
On topic, perhaps someone should e-mail this guy the nudie start menu hack, he seems stupid enough to fall for it.

Dear Mr. Thompson,

I admire your efforts to bring down the smut spreading giants that are video game distributors and publishers. However, it seems as though you may have bigger fish to fry. Using this obscure program found on the internet (insert link here), a mere CHILD can turn part of their Windows computer into the image of a nude woman! I find this abominable, and I hope that you can use your massive ... influence to make the evil giant Microsoft pay the price for making software that will allow this!


Your Mother
Hell they don't even need a mod. Through IE, you can put pornographic photographs onto your desktop background with a mere 'right-click'!
hey now! lets not get carried away ....he did manage to shut down gta :O
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