Sims 2 content worse than Hot Coffee

The gaming industry SURELY has enough money to hire at least one hitman to get the job done.

Or you can even go the cheapo route, and hire a fan of the Hitman series for less pay.

Disclaimer: All that was a joke, for any morons who come and try to press charges against me for inciting murder.
Ok, he's a total arrogant bastard. Now, to spread the word to the gaming press at large. I agree with Halflifeguy, we need a website (an awesome cool-looking one), and publicity, and then we need to unite as gamers. Not Xbox gamers. Not Playstation gamers, nor Gamecube or PC gamers.

But gamers.

So, who's coughing up for the website? Don't look at me, i can't even legally work yet.
Jintor said:
Ok, he's a total arrogant bastard. Now, to spread the word to the gaming press at large. I agree with Halflifeguy, we need a website (an awesome cool-looking one), and publicity, and then we need to unite as gamers. Not Xbox gamers. Not Playstation gamers, nor Gamecube or PC gamers.

But gamers.

So, who's coughing up for the website? Don't look at me, i can't even legally work yet.

I suggested this in another thread; what for a name though?

These are crap :p
CptStern said:
oh ...okay ...i thought you actually had a point ..not to be critical but that just adds fuel to his fire
I did have a point, I made that with MSpaint.
that's the point? ...come on, we're supposed to present ourselves as intelligent and mature
CptStern said:
that's the point? ...come on, we're supposed to present ourselves as intelligent and mature
I wasn't going to waste my time writing an essay when he won't even read it and just respond with something arrogant like he usually does.
CptStern said:
yes but that's the point

Wasting our intellect to reply a good essay to a complete idiot is?
15357 said:
Wasting our intellect to reply a good essay to a complete idiot is?
Not even an idiot, an idiot that won't even read it.
15357 said:
Wasting our intellect to reply a good essay to a complete idiot is?

yes ...prove to him we're not all immature teens who wouldnt know the difference between a video game and reality
CptStern said:
yes ...prove to him we're not all immature teens who wouldnt know the difference between a video game and reality

Hmm, there's not much point sending him anything. Whatever you send he'll not only disagree with you, he'll tell you you're an idiot because of it, no matter how well-written you have made your essay.

What you should be doing is writing to the people who can discredit him, and the ones who are currently listening to him now. Write to the senators who he is apparently so "pally" with, explaining in great detail why Jack Thompson is grossly mislead and how he's on some kind of vendetta.
I admit that's a better idea ...although I still dont see what the point is of sending Thompson what amounts to spam
Yeah that's a better idea. And resist the urge to use the words "f*ckwit", "retard", "c*nt" or "big pile of vaginal discharge".
CptStern said:
I admit that's a better idea ...although I still dont see what the point is of sending Thompson what amounts to spam
There is no point in sending him spam? You mean I spend two hours signing him up on porn sites for no reason?
good article here on game developer reactions to the banning of gta:

"These are very dangerous times we live in for the games biz. We have a new election cycle due up soon, and candidates on both sides are already tripping over themselves to attack the games industry. Why? Because we are an easy, no risk target. It is far easier to attack games, even though not deserved, than explaining what is going on in Iraq, or why Ken Lay is still free, how we will deal with China, Global Warming, etc.. As such, we can't be handing them sticks to beat us with. It isn't fair, but that is the way it is. Whining that it isn't fair won't help. Our industry lobbyist are just horrible and the big boys (Sony, MFST, Nintendo) need to stand up and spend the money to protect us and our art form. The proposed laws our elected officials are drawing up would effectively end our industry, we will all go back to making very simple, very childish games. Which is why they are not being applied to books or movies. The movie and book industry are not under attack, they have better lobbyists"

pretty much what I've been saying for months now
for all who think the website and publicity thing is a good idea, ill make a thread in general games chat to brainstorm ideas of how to do this.........
omg all of this makes me so mad at thompson. i wish someone would be intelligent enough to make a very public statement that's not like "omg jack thompson should die lolololo", but rather is an intelligent and reasonable counterargument that reveals him. I don't think I am skillful enough to do it but someone has to be...
Mechagodzilla sent him a bunch of emails (skewered him too :) )and Jack replied ...but I have no idea which thread it's in
We should get all his emails together, the original email sent to him and the respone, and then send it to all the news channels, and newspapers, online websites, everything. Just somewhere to get the word out...
OK, i volunteer to grab everything together and stick it together. But someone set up a website with that large, large quote. It's a beautiful quote.
Sure, I'll post it to Evil Avatar if you do. It'll be all over the rest of the internet by the end of the day! Reading back, this guy really can't be a lawyer. It's like he's some caricature of Darth Vader-cum-Lionel Hutz.
Kangy said:
Sure, I'll post it to Evil Avatar if you do. It'll be all over the rest of the internet by the end of the day! Reading back, this guy really can't be a lawyer. It's like he's some caricature of Darth Vader-cum-Lionel Hutz.

We need to do something...
Lionel Hutz: This is the greatest case of false advertising I've seen since I sued the movie The Never Ending Story.

Hm, sounds like Jack Thompson! ;D
Bah, I just came off a game of CS...

I asked the question "anyone here hear of jack thompson?"

I got one person say yes and understand...

I explained the situation to the others and got the following responces:

"Why should I care about what happens in America"
"Who gives a shit so long as I can still play CS" - dumbass! seriously!
"Shut up you pesimistic twat, **** off"
"who cares about one American madman, its not gona happen"
"so, its in america not here"

I tried explaining... but eventually got fed up of the freakin idiots that play CS....

ya but at least Hutz is funny

"Well, he's kind of had it in for me ever since I accidentally ran over his dog. Actually, replace "accidentally" with "repeatedly," and replace "dog" with "son."

"Now Apu, Mrs. Simpsons claims she forgot she was carrying that bottle of... delicious bourbon. Brownest of the brown liquors. What's that? You want me to drink you? I'm in the middle of a trial."

Uh, anyways, i got all the letters + replies from the other forum. Where can i host the word doc?