SiN Episode 1: Emergence in Stores May 9

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
EA to Distribute First New Episode to Gamers Worldwide[br]Dallas, TX. - April 5, 2005- Ritual Entertainment and Valve today announced that SiN Episode 1: Emergence will be available in retail outlets on May 9, 2006. Distributed throughout Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand by Electronic Arts (NASDAQ: ERTS), Emergence is the first in a new series of episodic adventures from Ritual that are powered by the award-winning Source game engine technology developed by Valve.[br]SiN Episode 1: Emergence, available for the PC, will offer explosive first person shooter experiences that reintroduce and re-imagine the world of SiN for the new millennium. Emergence, the first in this series of episodic adventures, expands on the role of Colonel John R. Blade and features never before seen weapons, characters, and environments. SiN Episode 1: Emergence will be available for $19.95.[br]For more information, please visit
:D great news!!!! and it will cost £11 in the UK EVEN better!
So will you get the original SiN(pardon the pun) in that package, or is that for steam only?
I'll wait for people's opions on the game before I consider buying it (I generaly always do)
OMG, Sin Episodes is going to be the first episodic game and not Half-Life! Unbelievable ;)

Is there a demo planned?
So Ritual, what happened to that sub-$20 price point huh?

Yes I know $19.95 < $20.00 but c'mon.
May 9th? Is this for real or a naff & late April fools day joke?! The dates are hopping about all over the place like a little fairy!!
dogboy73 said:
May 9th? Is this for real or a naff & late April fools day joke?! The dates are hopping about all over the place like a little fairy!!

Its official press release so what do you think?
I never really could get too pumped up about SiN. Just doesn't look interesting.
So Ritual, what happened to that sub-$20 price point huh?

Yes I know $19.95 < $20.00 but c'mon.

I don't think anyone who read about the sub-$20 price point thought it was gonna cost less than 19 bucks. I sure didn't, I mean, if the price had been 14,95, they'd have originally said "sub-$15" or if it'd been 9,95, they'd have said "sub-$10". It's just how they do.

I just wanna know if I'll get SiN if I buy this episode 1, I'd like to play it.
Available RETAIl May 9th, but what about per-ordering via Steam?
Przemek said:
OMG, Sin Episodes is going to be the first episodic game and not Half-Life! Unbelievable ;)

Nope, there have been episodic games for a while. For example the adventure game Bone, made by the people who are now working on the new Sam & Max, is episodic and there have already been two episodes released.
OvA said:
Available RETAIl May 9th, but what about per-ordering via Steam?

Stylsy said:
We have the full press release here which confirms the US retail price point will be $19.95. Steam pricing and packages are yet to be confirmed.

Theres your answer.
Quote from Steam Update March 31st:
"The months of April and May are looking like they will be two of the busiest months for Steam since the launch of Half-Life 2. First, we'll be starting the preload and preparation for launch of SiN Episode 1: Emergence"

And check the major activity on the content servers, generally random diagonal lines means an update is coming, and thats one hell of a dip in the bandwidth taken up with uploading SiN Ep 1 to the servers.

Buying and preloading today if thats what it is !

EDIT: Yes, me ftw, i was right !!
Please tell me this retail-deal isn't why the game was pushed back to may. Please? Pretty please with whipped cream and a cherry on top? :cat:

Very cool,
SiN Episodes: Emergence *
SiN 1
SiN 1 Multiplayer

All for 17.95 Pre-ordered!!!!
Well I guess going retail is a semi real excuse for the delay, not sure why they need to push it back so far but I can live. Still no word on the 360 version though?
Kanehdian said:
Right now. Just retart Steam. (you don't need to purchase it for pre-loading)

Can anyone get me the "steam://" preload number for it, because I'd like to preload it before I actually purchase it. Thanks in advance.
Sorry, I'm still one who likes having his games in a box, sadly enough. so I won't be preordering. In fact, I'll wait for reviews (I'm expecting something at least in the 70-80% range...) before I go and buy it.
Woot! Nice! May 9 heh. Sooner then i thought.
One question related to Sin: Episodes - does it have HDR?
Not this episode, the next one will apparently. It might be implimented into the first episode at a later date
so wait is the 19 bucks for the whole shebang or just episode 1?


episode1: $20
episode2: $20
episode3: $20
episodeN: $20

total = $20 * N
or is it

episode1 + episode2 + episode3 + ... + episodeN = $20.
$20 for the first Episode, no one knows what future pricing may be, you'll have to wait to find out.