Sin Episodes CES '06 Trailer from

ok, I know i had never heard of the game "sin " before, but when i saw that wallpaper with blade, and the logo, it looked VERY familiar

in the video store a while ago, i figured out why, theres a dvd cartoon of it. Its only an hour long, and anime, but i was wondering if it was worth a damn. Is it like gost in the shell, or old gi joe?

anyone seen it? is it any count?
Looks terrible I'm sorry.

Based on what I saw movement was aqward, guns borring, as were their animation, dodgy AI along with poor movement and models and the level design reeked of HL2 (as did the texture). then the melee felt like a tacky verion of halo's/fears but again it felt taked on.

Only played the demo of the original sin but it was fantastic for it's day and if it wasn't so buggy on its release it could hev rivaled even HL1 due to some of the innovations it broght to the table. This however is a mess....heck the girl in the car wasn't even driving.

This is one time I'm glad a game has been delayed, it's all things that can be fixed before release and I will give them the benefit of the doubt and wont pass any further judgement. Saying that I think they shouldnt show anything or just do a 1min teaser if what they are going to show isnt up to scratch.

Heres hoping this will be good and we dont just end up with a sub par HL2 expansion.
Looks fun to play, especially burning enemies. I also liked the ragdolls.

However, the voices are crap, the weapons (at least those which were showed in the video) are boooring and the animations aren't very nice yet.

I hope they find some time for improvements..