Sin Episodes: Emergence and Red Orchestra Updates Released


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
"Updates to SiN Episodes: Emergence and Red Orchestra have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:"[br]
Sin Episodes: Emergence
  • Added Arena Mode
  • Added 4 Arena Mode Maps (Highrise Lobby, The Office, Turbine, U4 Processing Station)
  • Exposed some additional statistics from the Personal Challenge System
  • Updated manual with additional troubleshooting information, Arena Mode documentation
  • Minor asset rearrangement required for upcoming SDK release
  • Fixed issue where "Pipes & Crates, Inc." phone message would not play
  • Fixed visual issue with Elexis hologram on some DirectX 7 cards
  • Fixed issue where security bots could not be damaged from certain locations in Highrise
  • Fixed some closed captions
  • Fixed minor issues with U4 Lab 02
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes

Red Orchestra[br]
  • Fixed a Recoil issue caused by last weeks update

Restart your steam clients to recieve changes.
Cool stuff going to try out Arena mode now.
Its cool to have tho. Few friends see who gets the highest score etc.
How are you finding it Raziel? A worthy little multiplayer game?

Oh and Tyguy, speak to Sui about spacing in newsposts and your br's please! (when you can)
its not multiplayer its just a little added bouns. They are still working on multiplayer from what I read.
Arena mode would be infinitely better if it was coop. Hopefully when they bring out the multiplayer this will be one of the modes included.
The arena mode sounds cool. I will have to check it out asap.
TheAmazingRando said:
Arena mode would be infinitely better if it was coop. Hopefully when they bring out the multiplayer this will be one of the modes included.

In this interview one of the devs say that "We're going to be releasing it now only as a single-player challenge but later on as co-op and team-based multiplayer modes."

Gonna try out Arena once this little kid gets off my computer...
The arena mode is actually pretty fun, it's good that ritual included it for free. I could really see the challenge system working in it too.
hm, steam does not download the new content and i am unable to start emergence :/
hope that changes soon

"The Steam Servers are currently too busy to handle your request. Please try again in a few minutes." I tried to start the game the last ~12 hours and it didn't work.
It's getting annoying.