SiN Episodes: Emergence - pre-load it now!


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
I'm not writing two different posts for two different sites. That would be crazy. So here's the news - straight from [br] [br]

SiN Episodes: Emergence is now available for pre-load over Steam at a bargain price of roughly 18 dollars. “Pre-loading” means you can download the whole game as soon as you order it, and it'll be locked within your computer until the release date – the 9th of May – swings around. [br] [br] If you’re a hardcore SiN fan, chances are you're already rushing to the virtual Steam checkout and slapping your money on the counter.
If you're one of the many gamers, however, who hasn't quite made up their mind yet- here are some of the benefits of pre-ordering:

  • Pre-order the game now and you’ll only have to pay a discount price of $17.95. That’s about 10 pounds and 20 pence in British sterling, and a mere 14 Euros 60 cents. That’s hardly going to break the bank, is it?
  • You’ll get the original SiN, complete with multiplayer, absolutely free. Not only can you play it on Steam, but you can play it right now – there’s no release date to worry about.
  • When the release date finally swings around, you’ll be able to play Emergence the moment it’s unlocked. No waiting around for the postman, and you don’t have to trudge to the shops to buy the game. Just load up Steam and start playing.
  • I have it on good authority that Levelord, one of Ritual’s head level designers, “will come to your house and hug you” if you pre-order. Straight from the words of Badman himself. No lie.
</border>[br]Of course, patience is a virtue, so if you’re still not sure whether to shell out early, it might be a good idea to wait and see what the game is like. It’s up to you. [br] [br] Click the SiN Episodes banner above to be directed to the pre-order page. You can marvel at's wonderful new look while you’re there, too.
No one is commenting? Big news! I've purchased and am currently pre-loading. You get the original Sin 1 (and multi player) as well. I've heard the original is good, and may even have been the game of the year in 1998 if it wasn't for Half-Life. I forget where I read that, but read it somewhere.


Edit - Also currently waiting for Levelord to come to Texas to give me my hug! Levelord, I'll be up until 11PM...
You get the orgional sin too? Is it going to be in the source engine like they said (or atleast I think they said, in the 1up interviews)
Cool. The game sounds very nice from what I've read, but I havn't been impressed by the videos that have been released, so I'm a bit on the fence with this one.

Do we still get the origional Sin free if we don't pre-order, and just buy it on steam after it comes out?
Omigosh it's almost like preloading HL2 but not quite, although knowing HL2: E1 is coming soon after is all the sweeter.
SiN is not on the Source engine. Nothing has been changed about it, apart from making the multiplayer compatable with Steam.

If you don't pre-order, SiN will cost $10 on it's own. So basically, by pre-ordering, you're getting a $30 pack for $17.95. That's about £11.

NOTE: If any of you get a "specified subscription is invalid" message when you try and pre-order, just log out of your Steam accound and log back in again.
ill wait to see how it is goto save my money just took out a student loan :( stupid Art institute costing 29,000 to attend ::S
Bah same here. Uni's going to cost £27,000 or something. That's 54,902 Canadian dollars, to you :(

Oh well, over a year to go until then anyway.

Suicide42 said:
Bah same here. Uni's going to cost £27,000 or something. That's 54,902 Canadian dollars, to you :(

Oh well, over a year to go until then anyway.


and i though i had it rough well the course is only 1 1/2 years long so it cost alot for such a short time frame ill be 19 when i graduate because i start july 3.
three days after i graduate highschool :rolling: ill still be hung over after prom :naughty:
D€vIL² said:
You get the orgional sin too? Is it going to be in the source engine like they said (or atleast I think they said, in the 1up interviews)

Like Suicide42 said, Sin 1 won't be on the source engine, but Sin Episodes sure is! And from my understanding, they've tweaked it for their purposes :)

Why isnt my debit card going through? Do they accept debit?
I just bought this because i have been waiting for this damn game since November. And i get Sin 1 Free! Yay, a game haven't ever played before. This is way better than pre-ordering a game from a store which charges an additional $10. In steam they subtract money if you buy it early! Awesome system they have. I'm going to go try Sin1 out.
Also i just noticed on their website that they have 7 episodes planed. If emergence is good i will be buying the next episode. I just hope they dont take longer than 5-6 months to finish an episode...
Raziel-Jcd said:
Why isnt my debit card going through? Do they accept debit?

Is it also a credit card (Visa or Mastercard logo on it)?
Mastercard. I just called my card company because i tryed ordering again and Valve said my card was denied two times and that they are blocking something. Im like WTH!

Citibank said my card was fine and i did everything right. Its on Valves end. Hope they fix the problem. This is the 2nd problem im having with valve and the store. 1st they dont send me all the things i bought from the Valve store. Its been over a week now and still no reply from them and now this....Really sucks. I guess its bad luck but i really hope my favorite company can find out whats wrong and fix all these problems im having. Really starting to worry.
So if we DONT preorder will we still get Sin1? I actually would rather a copy of that than sin episodes for some bizzare was fun in the day.
Smigit said:
So if we DONT preorder will we still get Sin1? I actually would rather a copy of that than sin episodes for some bizzare was fun in the day.

If you preorder you get Sin 1 for FREE if you dont you have to pay 10$ just for SIN 1
Not yet, but it will. I'm only interested in singleplayer anyway.
Samon said:
Not yet, but it will. I'm only interested in singleplayer anyway.

Should they decide to implement multiplayer, will it be a free update to owners of emergence?
Raziel-Jcd said:
If you preorder you get Sin 1 for FREE if you dont you have to pay 10$ just for SIN 1
I'll have to think it over then. Instire purchasing woulda been easier. thanks for the reply but
Why post sinepisodes news on has nothing to do with halflife.
Played Emergence at the GDC - MOAR fun than Halflife2. I dont know how or why. It just is. From what i gathered, stylistically its a cross between fear and no one lives forever :D Which is awesome. May be wrong tho!
tovlakas said:
Why post sinepisodes news on has nothing to do with halflife.

Thanks for signing up just to post that insightful comment. We frequently post news that is Steam-related, as this is.
It also uses the Source engine so it more than qualifies for news.
wtf, can't preorder with Paypal?

jezus, when do online shops start accepting paypal more. creditcard only is stupid.

oh well, sorry Valve, one sale less...
Original Sin is worth the purchase on its own. Back in the day MP wasnt really upto snuff, but I didnt bother with those huge patches they released to improve loading times, and extend MP.

But the single player was fantastic, unfortunately for them they released too close to HL2 and it was over shadowed by it.

I have to say still one of the best opening levels (Chopper and Bank). Sense of humour was spot on for the time. Graphics were also fairly decent. Only reason I havnt replayed is that my old version wont load on newer PC's

Top quality stuff, and Im sure the newer episodes will be pretty good as well. Once they stick to their core values.
9 episodes at $20 each, thats roughly 40 -50 hours of gameplay thats $180

not paying it, simple as that, its ridiculous
Wait , if I don't pre-order , then i'll need to pay another 10$ on top of the 20$?

Is that like the only package? Is there one with just Emergence?

9 episodes? where did you hear that. Besides , that's what's good in episodes, you don't pay for all of them. Purchase the firts and they decide if it's good enough for you to keep pyaing for it's X future episodes.
Tamer17 said:
Wait , if I don't pre-order , then i'll need to pay another 10$ on top of the 20$?

Is that like the only package? Is there one with just Emergence?

9 episodes? where did you hear that. Besides , that's what's good in episodes, you don't pay for all of them. Purchase the firts and they decide if it's good enough for you to keep pyaing for it's X future episodes.

I sincerely doubt they'll give you episodes 2 - n for free, if you've bought Emergence.

[EDIT] Or did you mean that one can decide whether to keep buying? Well, that doesn't change that it's a lot of money for a small amount of playtime(not necessarily what I feel, so don't flame me). I would've bought it, if Steam had accepted my Visa Electron, but only because I'd get SiN 1 and MP as well.
I didn't say anything about getting episodes for free.

I've gotta make it clear , the first comment was about Sin 1.

and about deciding , the idea is that you are not comitted to all the game , it's not like you buy a game in store for 50$ and you it winds up to be not worth the money after you play it for some time,

With Episodes you can buy the first for 20$ and go from there , if you like it and find that the price reasonable you then buy the second ep. If you don't like it , then you don't buy. You don't shed all the price for all the eps in one time.
Just pre-ordered, Sin Ep, Aftermath (Ep 1 if you will) are one of the few games im getting this year.

Can't wait to try Sin, never played it before.

*Now to put that Credit Card back where I found it, lol (it is mine I didnt steal it!)
Preordered and preloaded. Patience is not a virtue.

Gonna be interesting to see if 1998 SiN can keep my interest.
