SiN Episodes: Emergence - pre-load it now!

mbrithoms said:
9 episodes at $20 each, thats roughly 40 -50 hours of gameplay thats $180

not paying it, simple as that, its ridiculous

Another review of the review can still be read on Gamespot;

I might buy this for the original. The demo was one of the first things I installed on my first PC.
Half Life came out about a month later & I knew nothing about it until about a fortnight before! Touch!
Raziel-Jcd said:
We got another cheap retard.

Man do i hate people who post shit like that. Just look at his avatar. ****ing idiot.:flame:

lol calm down little one, Its my opinion and my perogative

$180 for a 40-50 hour game is ridiculous, end of story.

Im far from retarded, Im a teacher if you must know. My avatar is from a long time ago little boy, when HL2 was far from release and shows a joke picture of the half life 2 gold master, the origional picture which I photoshopped was gabe holding the gold master for HL2.

do some research or please be quiet kid. Oh and reported.
It isn't ridiculous. Your getting a quality product for $20, with 5-6 hours of gameplay. Now usually you are paying about $40 for a game thats only a little longer and is released over several years.

The episodes are months apart. And only $20. If you've a problem with that, then I mean really....its pretty cheap.
Can I be really obtuse and ask if it's possible to pre-load before buying? I was under the impression you could preload it then buy it to unlock it, then play (come the release date). I don't see it in my list - tried deleting clientregistry and ev'rything! (gulp)
Mbrithoms, think of it as buying a 6 hour game for $20, not a whole package for $180. After all, a DVD only contains a 2-3 hour film, but costs about the same price.

Although Raziel-Jcd's response was uncalled for... no flaming, y'hear?

Melat0nin - you can only pre-load the game if you pre-purchase it and pay the money upfront.
I started playing the original SiN and I did notice that they had replaced some textures with pictures of Jessica (the carrot head that appears in every Sin: Emergence screenshot/teaser)
Suicide42 said:
Mbrithoms, think of it as buying a 6 hour game for $20, not a whole package for $180. After all, a DVD only contains a 2-3 hour film, but costs about the same price.

Although Raziel-Jcd's response was uncalled for... no flaming, y'hear?

Melat0nin - you can only pre-load the game if you pre-purchase it and pay the money upfront.

Sry about the flame. Im greatly annoyed by people like that. :sleep:
Suicide42 said:
Melat0nin - you can only pre-load the game if you pre-purchase it and pay the money upfront.

Wrong. :E

Pi Mu Rho said:
Thanks for signing up just to post that insightful comment. We frequently post news that is Steam-related, as this is.
Actually if you opened your eyes and looked at my join date right next to my name, I joined about 6 months ago. I don't have anything to post, simply because of the fact that you guys don't even cover half-life stuff, you miss tons of HL news and instead focus on crap like Sin Episodes and Red Orchestra. Yes, sin episodes uses source, but you already HAVE AN AFFILIATE WEBSITE that is dedicated to sin episodes coverage, so why do you need to post it here as well? As for RO, that's a joke since it doesnt even use the source engine, its simply being distributed through steam.

Anyway, the point is, i wouldnt complain if you covered sin episodes in ADDITION to half-life, but if you look at the front page, you have like 10 sin episodes news articles, and yet have missed a literal ton of half-life mod news. If you are going to advertise yourselves as THE definitive HL2 source, then how about you actually live up to it instead of covering stuff completely unrelated?
How about if you don't like it, you start your own site? That way, you can be sure of covering exactly what you want.
Who knows, there may well be changes to the price as the series progresses - the whole notion of downloadable episodic content is new to the games industry, so you may expect the business model they are using will change when they get an idea of how popular the episodes are.