Sin Episodes: Emergence Trailer

Quite impressive, but looks so much like HL2 it just ruins it for me
jheaddon said:
Quite impressive, but looks so much like HL2 it just ruins it for me

I'm actually very happy it has the graphic cripsness of HL2, it sure makes it look good.
nutcrackr said:
Looks pretty good, I wonder with the physics can you play with the assets? You know what I'm talking about :naughty:
Damn. I so wanted to do that with some of teh hawt vampires in Vampire : The Masquerade : Bloodlines D:
jheaddon said:
Quite impressive, but looks so much like HL2 it just ruins it for me

How is that though? How does a mere resemblance in terms of graphics ruin it? The locations, to me look different, as in, different from Half-life 2. Sure, there are some re used textures but why not...I enjoyed playing HL2, and I enjoyed the look of Source and if another game is going to adopt that then awesome.
boglito said:
Well, you obviously are not a connoisseur of first person shooters.
The only fps sin2:e does not distance itself from is hl2.

FPSing has been my favourite genre since halflife (before that it was C&C, Dune and megadrive sidescrollers) and I've watched the genre evolve since. I've played through pretty much every single FPS that has hit the 80-90% radar since 2000, and some that didn't (Pariah, Unreal2 :x).

Nothing in Episodes has singularly impressed me as being outstanding in its field.

The game could be the most polished and immersive shooter since sliced bread when it comes out, and no doubt I'll buy and play it unless the reviews tell me otherwise, but right now I'm not seeing anything innovative enough in the screenshots and footage to get excited in the same way the run up to HL2 wound me up.
Does it have to be the "next great thing" to make it a good, immersive, fun game? No. But the fact that sIn is the next great thing and you're just too jaded to see it helps. :cheese: Heheheh.

The guy with his jetpack shot out made me split a side, that was so hilarious.
Fags with the. "Gosh, Look at me I'm first to reply. WOW! Someone suck my balls." This isn't where all you boners compete to see who can bum the first few posts. No-one thinks your special because you clicked refresh for 5 hours waiting for a new news post so you could claim the exclusive No1 spot. I see in the future it will be like every other site. "1st, 2nd, 3rd Fags HAHHA!!1oneenoen, 3rd. OMFGGG!! you posted at the same time as me you F*** Tar*." etcetera. It's so annoying and childish. I think anyone who does it should be indefinately banned, or atleast their post remove. Because I'm telling you, nothing frustrates me more than having to see that all the time.

Anyway my thoughts on the video. It's alright, but I don't think it persuaded me to buy the game. Can't really see anything new in there. Just looks HL2esque.
and calling someone a f*g is matture?, and then you censor F8ck and Tar%, after saying f^g several times. hehe humerous post.

just in case you were serious, YOUR ON A GAMING FORUM, expect immaturity. if you want mature conversation, go to an omish butter making forum or sumtin
Why should he expect people to immature since its a gaming forum? Where is the logic in that? No matter what public forum you go to, you are going to get the douches, and the plausible people.
that's a satisfying crunch at the end when that guy hits the ground.
It looks okay. Not terribly exciting. I'm not familiar with the Sin history. I thought the model animation was kind of poor and the facial animation was terrible. Everyones mouths are deformed. Hopefully they polish it up. I tend to agree with most other comments on its short comings.

So how does this work now? I get to pay $20 per level now? Oh..per episode, I see? Yeah.

I noticed a bit of a bug. Cue up the video to about 38s where the catwalk is falling. Notice how the catwalk overlaps the railing in front of you. Looks like SinEpisodes has some Escher influence.
gyphie said:
It looks okay. Not terribly exciting. I'm not familiar with the Sin history. I thought the model animation was kind of poor and the facial animation was terrible. Everyones mouths are deformed. Hopefully they polish it up. I tend to agree with most other comments on its short comings.

So how does this work now? I get to pay $20 per level now? Oh..per episode, I see? Yeah.

I noticed a bit of a bug. Cue up the video to about 38s where the catwalk is falling. Notice how the catwalk overlaps the railing in front of you. Looks like SinEpisodes has some Escher influence.

in case you didn't know, and want to get familiar with the sin, there is a cartoon out thats about 10 years old or so.

so is the cartoon based off the game, or the game off the cartoon anyways??
polyguns said:
and calling someone a f*g is matture?, and then you censor F8ck and Tar%, after saying f^g several times. hehe humerous post.

just in case you were serious, YOUR ON A GAMING FORUM, expect immaturity. if you want mature conversation, go to an omish butter making forum or sumtin

The reason I didn't censor fag is because I was refering to finely ground tobacco wrapped in paper; for smoking. ;)

jondy said:
FPSing has been my favourite genre since halflife (before that it was C&C, Dune and megadrive sidescrollers) and I've watched the genre evolve since. I've played through pretty much every single FPS that has hit the 80-90% radar since 2000, and some that didn't (Pariah, Unreal2 :x).

Nothing in Episodes has singularly impressed me as being outstanding in its field.

The game could be the most polished and immersive shooter since sliced bread when it comes out, and no doubt I'll buy and play it unless the reviews tell me otherwise, but right now I'm not seeing anything innovative enough in the screenshots and footage to get excited in the same way the run up to HL2 wound me up.

Well, my point stands uncorrected. Sin2:e doesn't need to be "outstanding" in any field to be better than 99% of all shooters out there. The competition is actually not that strong. The only real competition to sin2:e is hl2:a, any other fps coming out for the pc (to my knowledge) will be very different. If sin2:e is a high-quality title, which it looks like it will be, it will already be better than most other fpses.

Ofcourse, some people would think that a dynamic skill-system based on real-time stats, and/or the possibility of playercontrolled outcome in later episodes is pretty outstanding. Time will tell whether that is true or not.

boglito said:
Well, my point stands uncorrected. Sin2:e doesn't need to be "outstanding" in any field to be better than 99% of all shooters out there. The competition is actually not that strong. The only real competition to sin2:e is hl2:a, any other fps coming out for the pc (to my knowledge) will be very different. If sin2:e is a high-quality title, which it looks like it will be, it will already be better than most other fpses.

Ofcourse, some people would think that a dynamic skill-system based on real-time stats, and/or the possibility of playercontrolled outcome in later episodes is pretty outstanding. Time will tell whether that is true or not.


You're right, sin2e could be a competent shooter. My point in my first post was I couldn't see anything to get particularly excited about. By all means, I hope it's fantastic, all the more fun for me when I buy.

The episodic nature of the game looks interesting, though
Samon said:
How is that though? How does a mere resemblance in terms of graphics ruin it? The locations, to me look different, as in, different from Half-life 2. Sure, there are some re used textures but why not...I enjoyed playing HL2, and I enjoyed the look of Source and if another game is going to adopt that then awesome.

Indeed the locations and some of the artwork are very different, but as an engine (a good one none-the-less) its just off-putting when everything has the same feel to it architecture wise. I know it can't be helped without going OTT on everything, just a shame really.
Glo-Boy said:
that's a satisfying crunch at the end when that guy hits the ground.
Yeah, I thought it was a great sound too. Game looks really cool.
The trailer was impressive, but tweak the A.I. and make the enemy movement more fluid and you've got a winner.
goldeneye was revolutionary. hl1 was, farcry was the first game with normal mapping and had massive polycount capabilities iand dynamic shadows. doom 3, while shitsucking gameplay, was quasi revolutionary with the graphics, i loved the ai and the character models were the best ever. then hl2 came in and their new bag was having more morph targets for better facial animations. Carefully scripted but its there.

truf is, this won';t be revolutionary, but it doesn't have to be. the first sin wasn't, reviews i read said pretty much your average shooter, but thats what shooters are about.

havoc physics, old news, hell painkiller had them long ago. they may do something with the ai, monster design looks as bad as farcry, but it could be a cool ass shooter. hell any game that scores over an 8 is worth buying in my book if your that hardcore, personally, i won';t buy a game that scores under a 9, cause im poor. nore will i buy one for the nephews.

siin could be a cool ass game. i hate short games though, esp if they don't leave you fufilled. the biggest thing about this game will need to be how they end it. episodic content such as a tv series, has to be developed in order to keep interest. a movie, like a full game, gives you the climax, and a resolution, an episodic game does not.

I think that makes this game SCARY as hell, and theres a real reason why its not happened before. the good thing, is they will sell 100 000 copies or more jsut from people wanting to buy through steam, regardless if its great or not. but i doubt it will go platinum. and if it does, do people want to wait 6 months to a year in order to get their next episode?

Im a big fan of lost. now, if an episode of lost only came on, once every 6 months, i wouldn't care. episodic needs to be reliable.

ok, does this post sound trollish?
You can't really expect an episodic game to have weekly, or even monthly, releases. It takes too long to generate the content and QA it all to complete it in that short a period of time.

I don't know where you get the idea that it'll automatically sell 100k copies from. People who buy games on Steam still only buy because they want the game - they don't do it because "omgsteamlol!"

SiN certainly wasn't "your average shooter". It had hitherto unknown levels of interactivity - it just suffered from being rushed in an attempt to beat HL to market.

I disagree with your "revolutionary" comments. Sure, Far Cry looked pretty. Normal maps do not a revolution make, however. Inevitable evolutions in graphics technology aren't, by definition, revolutionary. The rest of Far Cry was generic. Dull enemies, mediocre AI and the last 1/3 of the game was laughable. Doom 3 wasn't revolutionary at all. HL2 wasn't revolutionary either, but it did take another step forward in terms of gameplay and interactivity - while Havok physics had indeed been done before, they hadn't been used as effectively.
Half-Life 2 was evolutionary, not revolutionary.

Pi Mu Rho said:
You can't really expect an episodic game to have weekly, or even monthly, releases. It takes too long to generate the content and QA it all to complete it in that short a period of time.

I don't know where you get the idea that it'll automatically sell 100k copies from. People who buy games on Steam still only buy because they want the game - they don't do it because "omgsteamlol!"

SiN certainly wasn't "your average shooter". It had hitherto unknown levels of interactivity - it just suffered from being rushed in an attempt to beat HL to market.

I disagree with your "revolutionary" comments. Sure, Far Cry looked pretty. Normal maps do not a revolution make, however. Inevitable evolutions in graphics technology aren't, by definition, revolutionary. The rest of Far Cry was generic. Dull enemies, mediocre AI and the last 1/3 of the game was laughable. Doom 3 wasn't revolutionary at all. HL2 wasn't revolutionary either, but it did take another step forward in terms of gameplay and interactivity - while Havok physics had indeed been done before, they hadn't been used as effectively.

umm, i didn't want this to be teh farcry debate, but the ai was the best i had ever seen, blows away hl2's, which wasn't as advertised. crap character design, great poly rendering, and yes, normal maps alone make it revolutionary. hell they'll prolly release the first game with dx10 with crysis which looks fantastic. doom 3, omg, it was rich in graphics, but anyways, maybe your right, its just the normal progression, more a progression in video cards then gameplay.

i don't expect episodic content to have a weekly release, thats why i think its kinda a bad idea. unless they do it like tv

in tv, they make everythin for a season, then release it in chunks. If they make all episodes, then rstart releasing them to garuntee a timely release, then great. but you can't expect episodic to work with 6 month , or year delays, or comming with constant changing bugs. i dunno, may be wrong, we'll see
I did think the AI in Far Cry was pretty exceptional. As far as Sin goes.. so far, it doesn't look anything special, and I have plenty of shooters to play that are special. However I guess for people who are more up to date with game playage, having something that doesn't suck ass right now would be cool.
in tv, they make everythin for a season, then release it in chunks. If they make all episodes, then rstart releasing them to garuntee a timely release, then great. but you can't expect episodic to work with 6 month , or year delays, or comming with constant changing bugs. i dunno, may be wrong, we'll see

1) This isn't TV. It's not even analagous.

2) Why can't you expect episodic content to work on a 6 month period? It's not been done before, and it's a perfectly reasonable timescale for what amounts to a percentage of the content of a full game.

3) If, as you suggested, they made the entire game and released it in chunks, people would have an absolute fit - they'd whine about being forced to keep paying for a game that's already done etc etc, and it completely defeats the point of episodes.
Also for TV especially American TV you'll find they start filming maybe a month or 6 - 8 weeks before the air date then start showing the eps. Most series end up catching up to the filming schedule hence the repeat and gap heavy schedules for virtually all american seasons.