Sin Episodes interview


Companion Cube
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
27 has conducted an interview with a certain FPS developer whose name rhymes with 'habitual' concerning upcoming episodic sci-fi FPS Sin Episodes, revealing details of weapons, monsters, locations and more, attempting to ask questions that until now remained unanswered. You can click here to read the full feature.[br]Helpful hint: the developer's name is Ritual.
Yes! Thank you very much! I did not happen to know the developer's name!
DOH i just bought SIN and it's coming to steam :(
Nice interview. Cant wait for this game!
DeusExMachinia said:
SiN on steam in a few weeks?! Aweshens! ...It will be free right?
My understanding is that it's free to anyone who pre-orders SiN Episodes Emergence. Whether or not it will still be free if you buy it after Emergence, I'm not sure.

I'm also unsure as to whether it will be free or purchasable to anyone who doesn't want Emergence.
This is the sort of interview we like to read. None of this pansy ass "we are adding new shadows to the game to immerse you." We like hearing about huge ass weapons and how realistically ragdolls fly and hit objects and how whole buildings can be blown up.

Thanks for the comments guys!

It was actually our very own Suicide42 that wrote the questions to the interview. I think he did a good job of probing them.
Shame isnt more active
Man I am so itching to get a hold of this game and play it, the fact that I have to wait another couple of weeks just to preload is killing me.
Chris_D said:
Thanks for the comments guys!

It was actually our very own Suicide42 that wrote the questions to the interview. I think he did a good job of probing them.

you set yourself up , but ill let it slide this time..

short interview it was. next one i want to learn alot more about tools and production pipelines and all that good stuff.