SiN Episodes Screenshots

Reginald said:
Each chapter will cost about $20 - £10 and lasts about 6 hours. I think that's fair game.

I think 15 bucks is more adequate for a 6 hour game.
DeusExMachinia said:
I think 15 bucks is more adequate for a 6 hour game.

$5? Are you kidding me? I earn $5 in less than an hour, and I'm ****ing 14. Come on dude, you can't be that low on funds.
Malfunction said:
$5? Are you kidding me? I earn $5 in less than an hour, and I'm ****ing 14. Come on dude, you can't be that low on funds.

Maybe you should pay attention in school (especially in language arts) instead of working.:bounce: :bounce:
I say they let us play first then we pay how much we think it was worth.
DeusEx, learn some math skills.

KU, see, there's this thing these people call summer...hmmm...ring a bell dipshit?
Malfunction said:
DeusEx, learn some math skills.

KU, see, there's this thing these people call summer...hmmm...ring a bell dipshit?

lol, I read what you wrote wrong.

Still, 5 dollars could go a long way. It'd be like "Oh cool, I can download the new SiN 2 episode AND get some lunch while I wait. Wendy's, mmm mmm."
I wonder if they will be using HDR technology that VALVe is working on?

From the screenshots, it doesn't appear they are.
Malfunction said:
DeusEx, learn some math skills.

KU, see, there's this thing these people call summer...hmmm...ring a bell dipshit?
Malfunction, you made a mistake. Stop covering up your embarrassment with hostility and get over it.

... dipshit, heh ...
Absinthe said:
Hello. Did you even play the original SiN? The main bad guy was this woman:


This is not a realistic game...

Yes, and not attractive in the slightest bit, no matter what she is wearing she still looks repulsive.

Anyway, she is a super villain, she can wear what she wants, your partner is a police woman and not a super villain.
Razor said:
Yes, and not attractive in the slightest bit, no matter what she is wearing she still looks repulsive.

Anyway, she is a super villain, she can wear what she wants, your partner is a police woman and not a super villain.
A police woman in a ****ing game. In the future. In a fictional city. You don't know what the rules are in Freeport City. That might be the uniform.
Steve_O said:
A police woman in a ****ing game. In the future. In a fictional city. You don't know what the rules are in Freeport City. That might be the uniform.

Lol, just thinking what it would be like to see police ladies walking round like that now :E
Razor said:
Yes, and not attractive in the slightest bit, no matter what she is wearing she still looks repulsive.

Anyway, she is a super villain, she can wear what she wants, your partner is a police woman and not a super villain.

How attractive you find her is entirely beside the point.

The style of this game is not a realistic one. It is, dare I say, an exaggerated one, full of extremes. Treating the style as a flaw can be compared to criticizing Star Wars for being too sci-fi. Expecting realism is an issue with you, not the game. :\
MuToiD_MaN said:
Malfunction, you made a mistake. Stop covering up your embarrassment with hostility and get over it.

... dipshit, heh ...

Actually, I didn't. You see $20 minus $15 equals $5. Yeah....
I'm not buying this crap

Give us the Lost Coast and AFTERMATH!
Christ, you can see her underwear. Big deal.

You guys are sounding like it's the only thing she's wearing.

So what? She's also wearing a jacket, hipsters, T-shirt, shoes.
Absinthe said:
How attractive you find her is entirely beside the point.

The style of this game is not a realistic one. It is, dare I say, an exaggerated one, full of extremes. Treating the style as a flaw can be compared to criticizing Star Wars for being too sci-fi. Expecting realism is an issue with you, not the game. :\

As futuristic as Star Wars is, it still has a basis in fact and reality. But i don't care about being unrealistic or anything, i'm just start to get sick and tired of all of these scantily clad women standing next to these men in armour. Why are the guys wearing body armour yet the woman is in bra and panties with a big desert eagle. All she is is eye candy and nothing more, Alyx wasn't just eye candy as she was a proper character as well.
Razor said:
As futuristic as Star Wars is, it still has a basis in fact and reality. But i don't care about being unrealistic or anything, i'm just start to get sick and tired of all of these scantily clad women standing next to these men in armour. Why are the guys wearing body armour yet the woman is in bra and panties with a big desert eagle. All she is is eye candy and nothing more, Alyx wasn't just eye candy as she was a proper character as well.

Seeing as how we don't know any of the storyline to any of the SiN 2 episodes, I don't think we should just jump to conclusions about her being eye candy.
Razor said:
As futuristic as Star Wars is, it still has a basis in fact and reality. But i don't care about being unrealistic or anything, i'm just start to get sick and tired of all of these scantily clad women standing next to these men in armour. Why are the guys wearing body armour yet the woman is in bra and panties with a big desert eagle. All she is is eye candy and nothing more, Alyx wasn't just eye candy as she was a proper character as well.

Because hairdo's the size of midgets are realistic, right? ;)

Still, I think you're making a massive mountain out of a mole hill. O noes! You see her thong! As was pointed earlier, everything else is normal. It's not like she's going to start fellating you in the middle of a firefight. It's an aesthetic to the game's universe. Did you knock Sin City because of its portrayal of women? You shouldn't have, considering the movie's style.

But all that isn't really the main issue. The original Sin had its fair share of sexual content as well. Like it or not, this game is a sequel, and so it's going to maintain much of the core from the original. The game can't really hold its title if the developers decide to shoot for a realistic portrayal of both the male and female characters.

And wether or not she's more than eye candy has yet to be seen.
Exactly. For all we know, she could have the power to create matter out of thin air and someone's trying to use her to become God or something.