SiN Episodes


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wouldnt be a good idea to add a SiN Episodes sub-forum ( same as the BF2 forum ) ? it'll have more people checking it this way.
cuz nobody want to go to another "chirs's :P" site to check the forum...
He's been busy, working on his cockfarm*

*whatever you do, don't ask!
Umm...There's an entire SiN: Episodes site created by Chris_D.

It has barely any traffic at all... There's about 5 people that post.

Go there. Sign up now.
OvA said:
Umm...There's an entire SiN: Episodes site created by Chris_D.

It has barely any traffic at all... There's about 5 people that post.

Go there. Sign up now.
I believe Digi said in his post that he wasn't looking for a "Chris" forum.
Im justing saying we should support the game
there is more traffic here...

and could you give me some reasons why you wont make one here Samon :P ?
Adding another game to our discussion index would attract a crowd of people, making slower. (Slightly)

Or I'm completely wrong.
I just signed up to ritualistic, game devs and testers seem to post there often.
There's only a new forum created when the amount of threads about the game in more 'general' forums gets too much, isn't there? I mean the BF2 forum exists because at a point there were BF2 threads left right and centre in general gaming.
He'd like it the other way around I think, create the forum so that more threads are created about it.
DigiQ8 said:
Im justing saying we should support the game
there is more traffic here...

and could you give me some reasons why you wont make one here Samon :P ?

Because there is, its practically the same thing. Devs and such post there as well, and quite frankly, we don't need another spin off forum.
SimonomiS said:
He'd like it the other way around I think, create the forum so that more threads are created about it.
Finally someone understands me ^^

oh and Samon is dead ...
no body go there anymore, Anyway Sulkdodds kinda have a point
Yes, but whats to say the little Sineps board you create over here would not be dead?

If you want a place to post about Sinepisodes, is the place. Besides, it won't be dead if you post there :P
muahah i win i win ^^

thanks Munro, this will give the game a good community support

*feels special cuz munro posted in his thread*
Cool, that will make eveywhere a little less crowded.

Could we have shadow topics of the SinEps News Posts in SinEps section, so you don't have to travel far / easier to find 'things' out.

Also, does Munro check his PMs / Emails if they don't have a awesome Subject?
Bah, we didn't really need that.

And Digi: wont be 'dead' for long.
Suicide42 is correct. Though it may seem like i'm not around, i'm still in the background trying to revive it.

Also, I'm appointing a lead editor there to ensure that under my guidance, will live once more... Isn't that right, Suicide42? :)
/check the latest news on

"Posted by Chris_D @ 5:18pm 22-10-05 | SiN Episodes | Comments: 14"
Time to either kick the sin-episodes link off of this forum, or make someone tend to that site. I mean, the site is pretty well made, but it is currently dead and as such has no function. Make a sin2e subforum here instead or kick those people responsible for that other site in the nuts untill they update or give admin-rights to someone with the time to actually run the site properly.

Why a fairly active community like should link to the carcass that is I do not know.

boglito said:
Time to either kick the sin-episodes link off of this forum, or make someone tend to that site. I mean, the site is pretty well made, but it is currently dead and as such has no function. Make a sin2e subforum here instead or kick those people responsible for that other site in the nuts untill they update or give admin-rights to someone with the time to actually run the site properly.

Why a fairly active community like should link to the carcass that is I do not know.

ChrisD is cyring now :(
update or give admin-rights to someone with the time to actually run the site properly
All in-hand, my unhappy little soldier.
Samon said:
Hilariously, there has been one for weeks. As you can see, it’s frighteningly active!

Good one. Just noticed that myself. :stare:

Chris_D said:
All in-hand, my unhappy little soldier.

Gooood, because as I said; the site would be quite good, as long as it was updated now and then.

Samon said:
Don't be facetious. Warned
That's the most communist thing I've ever heard anyone say :laugh:
"You! Don't have fun! No! Stop laughing! We are to be serious, at ALL TIMES!!"

I do hope you are kidding :|

You can't just "warn" me for trying to encourage politeness, or even just HAVING FUN.

Btw, 'facetious', it's got all the vowels, in order! :O