Since I've returned, our first order of business is...

Damn you people make it look so simple ...

Well, I think I'm gona kick it up a notch or two, until she either goes out with me or calls me an annoying prick. I will post the results of this experiment so that other guys wont make the same mistake.
Originally posted by SpuD
I dont have a girlfriend.

I have lots of porn though.

Hey you're a member too?
Originally posted by king John I
do girls look at porn? ;)

I know a couple bi girls who look at porn. I also know a straight one who does, but obviously she has a LOT of trouble finding anything... desireable ;)

Man look dude buy her an icecream and she will love you until death seprate you again.
Hmmmmm, my mate is acting normally, and loads of people know about the fact I told her... :/ it's funny, since it's all out in the open, and everyone seems to know and is all nice about it ... I just wish I knew how she felt.. damn :(