Singleplayer Campaign Idea: Gauntlet


May 15, 2003
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Do you remember the game Gauntlet?
I will now start with a Singleplayer Campaign called gauntlet.

But i need some help.
I suck at Etenitys (and spell that :P )

If you are intrested to work with me today on this msg me on irc @ (Quakenet)...

...[DotO]figge thats me... :p

The thing i need help with:

1. Choosing class (Weapon)
(When you have choosed one you won't be able to take another weapon... 1 use only buttons that opens the "class selector" room

or something like that.
When you have picked X class, it will have X ammo dispensers around the map. And you will get new weapons as you travel throguh the gauntlet. I will also try to make the maps to use the physics in cleaver ways.

2. Spawning "Creeps"
I will build some constructions that will be destroyable, when they are destroyed you can move on and the creeps will stop spawning in that area.
And i though like max 20 monsters / hut

So first level whould be headcrabs or something, and it will get thougher and tougher, and the ultimate whould be like 20 Striders :laugh:

Um, Not to burst you rbubble, but Gauntlet was cool becaus eit was a MP game. I doubt many people would be interested in a SP game called Gauntlet, that really has nothging to do with the original game.

Though if someone could do a MP game with Gauntlet models and weapons stuff, that could be cool. It would only be cool if you couldnt' leave the screen unless all of the other players were with you. Just like the old Gauntlet. "Hurry up elf! We gotta get out of here!"

That was a cool game... Blew lots of $$ on that one.
Hmm... Tower defence for HL2? Now that's an IDEA. But how to make it work, that's hard.
I have talked with a coderfriend of mine, and we will start making a mod January 2005 (we are both busted up wíth work atm)
He goes to a computergamesmaker school... and will get in touch with some 3d modelers.

We will make a 3D version of Gauntlet and we will focus (first hand) on coop mode. :thumbs:
I'm guessing you got permission to do a gauntlet mod too yeah? Since it was only recently made into a 3D version too so I imagine some company owns it now.
The Dark Elf said:
I'm guessing you got permission to do a gauntlet mod too yeah? Since it was only recently made into a 3D version too so I imagine some company owns it now.

There is no law against "getting inspiration" from someone else...

...we can just change the name and story :cheese:
Sweet! Sounds like you are all set as long as nobody from the Gauntlet company reads this thread! Good luck, I can't wait for the COOP Gauntlet MOD!
It doesn't matter, unless they use the gauntlet name or specific intellectual property from gauntlet, there will be no problem.

I'd like to see how fighters, wizards, and elves can be called intellectual property though.
Maby we will make other classes, other monsters... etc... :)