Sister is pregnant, 20 Years old


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
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I knew it would happen, I was just waiting, and it finally did. My sister got pregnant with her MORON boyfriend and she decided to keep it because she just feels its "right".

How do I convince someone this is a bad idea? She isnt even religious, so I cant debate god with her. What am I supposed to say to her? Congrats!?

Shes 20 for crying out loud, she can barely afford to take care of herself, let alone another human being.

I need some advice.
It's her decision, all you can do is talk to her about the fact that it's probably going to ruin her life (and that of the baby too).
they didn't know she was going to keep it until today....

how do you convince an unreasonable person to be reasonable?
She's a female, good luck with that, it's how most of them operate
She's an adult and can do what she pleases. Are you going to be raising the kid? If not, what do you even care? The hell do you need "advice" for? People need to learn to let other people live their own lives. If she feels its "right" for her, if that's what she wants, let her be. Let her have her kid and her moron boyfriend; you're just her brother, dude. That's it. You're family and you might love her and want to look out for her, but it's her decision, not yours. You shouldn't be trying to sway her one way or the other.

If the whole thing turns out to be a mistake then let it be her mistake. Maybe it'll turn out OK, who can say? Bottom line: her life, not yours. Her decision, not yours. You're just the uncle. You don't GET a say.
My sister got pregnant when she was about 20. She loved the guy and thought she would marry him. Lets just say it didn't end well. It is now my moms baby, and he lives with me. And unlike what darkside said he has affected my life.
My sister had a kid when she was 21. 10 years on, she got a degree, and she's now a project manager and she and her family have just bought a 4 bedroom house
Tell her it'll ruin her more going out, partying, getting wasted or any personal time for the next 16 years...
My mom got pregnant and had her kid at 19. Then she joined the Air Force and here I am. :|

Maybe your sister has little desire to lead a full life at a young age, but would rather have her silver/golden years to herself.
All famous people grew up in broken homes, didn't you know that?

She could be breeding a movie star, you never know!

On a more serious note, try to convince her, but not too much; you don't want to be "the uncle that didn't want you"
Both my sisters are pregnant, my brothers wife is pregnant (again), and they are all due within the next 3 months. Hoo-rah.
I knew it would happen, I was just waiting, and it finally did. My sister got pregnant with her MORON boyfriend and she decided to keep it because she just feels its "right".

How do I convince someone this is a bad idea? She isnt even religious, so I cant debate god with her. What am I supposed to say to her? Congrats!?

Shes 20 for crying out loud, she can barely afford to take care of herself, let alone another human being.

I need some advice.

Heres some advice. Stop being a selfish little tit.
I read that as "My sister got pregnant with her MORMON boyfriend" and the first thing I thought was "OMG Uriel?" D :

Hahah, I thought that at the thread title when I saw "20 years old."

Yeah, theres no sure fire way of convincing someone about anything. Do what you feel you have to, but realize its her life and her decision.
I knew it would happen, I was just waiting, and it finally did. My sister got pregnant with her MORON boyfriend and she decided to keep it because she just feels its "right".

How do I convince someone this is a bad idea? She isnt even religious, so I cant debate god with her. What am I supposed to say to her? Congrats!?

Shes 20 for crying out loud, she can barely afford to take care of herself, let alone another human being.

I need some advice.
You know what sucks in my college? You're thinking of asking a girl out because you're scoping out the new chicks for that semester. So usually they call a persons name and ask what they do. It pisses me off that 18yr old girls already have 2 kids already. They talk about how happy they are while I grumble about it inside my head. :hmph: Or they look 20 but actually are more like 16. There is this really hot chick that is 16 in one of my classes. Stupid home schooling and smart kids should still stay out of college. :hmph: *Oh and unfortunately for your sister, that's her own personal life. You have your own life and you just focus on yourself.
Heres some advice. Stop being a selfish little tit.

dude, **** yourself. Her decision to have a kid will dramatically affect the lives of the people around her, and if you think it wont, you're a close-minded a-hole.

My main concern is her having this responsibility for the rest of her life. She was addicted to drugs until recently and just got back on track. When I say she isn't ready for a kid, I mean she isn't ready for a kid. Knock off the "it's her choice" bullshit, she isn't ready. I was asking for advice as in what is the best way to talk to her.

Or am I still being a selfish "little" tit?
boy Uriel sure does get around, KEEP IT IN YER PANTS!

ask her if she's ready to get up every two hours to feed the baby for 6 months to a year, ask her if she's ready to give up on every single dream she's ever had as a sacrifice to thew well being of that baby, ask her if at her child's graduation from highschool do you see the father being there?
dude, **** yourself. Her decision to have a kid will dramatically affect the lives of the people around her, and if you think it wont, you're a close-minded a-hole.

My main concern is her having this responsibility for the rest of her life. She was addicted to drugs until recently and just got back on track. When I say she isn't ready for a kid, I mean she isn't ready for a kid. Knock off the "it's her choice" bullshit, she isn't ready. I was asking for advice as in what is the best way to talk to her.

Or am I still being a selfish "little" tit?
You know, surprising as this may sound, it may actually be a good thing she's having a kid. She has to be a mom now. She has that responsibility of becoming the best mom in the world for that kid she can possibly be. As the result of that, she will most likely stay away from drinking heavily, etc. She will need her boyfriend now more than ever too so I really hope that he doesn't turn into a Federline. Financial reasons it's not such a great thing though.
You know, surprising as this may sound, it may actually be a good thing she's having a kid. She has to be a mom now. She has that responsibility of becoming the best mom in the world for that kid she can possibly be. As the result of that, she will most likely stay away from drinking heavily, etc.

Hahah, I wish I lived in the same world as you. You have it soooo wrong.
I knew it would happen, I was just waiting, and it finally did. My sister got pregnant with her MORON boyfriend and she decided to keep it because she just feels its "right".

How do I convince someone this is a bad idea? She isnt even religious, so I cant debate god with her. What am I supposed to say to her? Congrats!?

Shes 20 for crying out loud, she can barely afford to take care of herself, let alone another human being.

I need some advice.
Shut the **** up. If my mom had followed your advice I wouldn't have 2 older sisters who are now living very successful lives. Only difference is my mom was eighteen and her douchebag boyfriend left her, leaving her as a single mom for over 10 years.

It can be done, and killing the baby doesn't necessarily solve anything.
"How do I talk to her about it?"
"How do I convince her this is a bad idea?"
"What am I supposed to say to her?"
"Her decision to have a kid will dramatically affect the lives of the people around her..."

Ty, just stop being a passive-aggressive f*ggot and punch your sister in the stomach already.
Heres some advice. Stop being a selfish little tit.

Shut the **** up. If my mom had followed your advice I wouldn't have 2 older sisters who are now living very successful lives. Only difference is my mom was eighteen and her douchebag boyfriend left her, leaving her as a single mom for over 10 years.

It can be done, and killing the baby doesn't necessarily solve anything.

"How do I talk to her about it?"
"How do I convince her this is a bad idea?"
"What am I supposed to say to her?"
"Her decision to have a kid will dramatically affect the lives of the people around her..."

Ty, just stop being a passive-aggressive f*ggot and punch your sister in the stomach already.

What a great bunch of guys. Thanks for the help.
20 year old and pregnant don't mix. I should've thought of that before I--well..I'm really not at liberty to say. First thing I think of is when I am in the room with a laboring wife is "Oh, is she showing the doctor her--"

Yeah...but heed my advice when I say:


You're gonna be the uncle to your sister with a baby almost as old as you! Yeah, that's how it's gonna roll seeing as you might be 25 or something. If not, smack that bitch.

Seriously (although I was earlier) you should talk to her and tell her, "I'd talk to you about God, but you ain't gonna be part of the religious community with a baby at THAT age."

What goes around cums around you dig?

Now if you tell her to go to the hood make sure nobody sees her as babies are quickly eaten.
Well, unfortunately, if you can't convince her, you can't do anything..... legally.

Anyway, if she and he doesn't have a paying job, they'll prolly leech of society.
What a great bunch of guys. Thanks for the help.

Oh, so you just expect me to support your asshattery? For God's sake man! My oldest sister has worked as an aid to senators on Capitol hill, has adopted a child (who, by your twisted logic, should have been aborted because she was conceived after a party to a 17 year old mother), and is living in an upper middle class part of southern Maryland. My 2nd oldest is married and has 3 kids, my nephews, some of the most awesome kids in the world, and again, by your logic, shouldn't exist because my mom "wasn't ready".
My sister did the same thing at 21 during the middle of a college semester. She quit college for a year and has split up with the dad, sort of. She has grown up a lot since she had a kid, and gets by alright with some help from the government and grandparents.

Though if it really bothers you that much just kick her in the stomach and tell her she will thank you when she is as wise as you are.
My mom got pregnant at 21.
What if she had had an abortion?
Oh wai-
Oh, so you just expect me to support your asshattery? For God's sake man! My oldest sister has worked as an aid to senators on Capitol hill, has adopted a child (who, by your twisted logic, should have been aborted because she was conceived after a party to a 17 year old mother), and is living in an upper middle class part of southern Maryland. My 2nd oldest is married and has 3 kids, my nephews, some of the most awesome kids in the world, and again, by your logic, shouldn't exist because my mom "wasn't ready".

Miccy, shut the f*ck up. You're being a dumbsh*t. He's thinking about the person he already knows, his sister, rather than the fetus. Different people react different ways on things, and he obviously knows his sister better than any of you, as he lived with her for however many years... and shes... well... his sister. Just because your Mom bit the bullet and had the right circumstances doesn't mean everyone else does. Things have to be PERFECT for you to raise a child. Theres much more that goes into raising a human being than age, and weather or not it's aborted. How good is the environment it's being forced into? Is the person ready to take care of it? Obviously your mother was, but what if his sister isn't? He said his sister was a drug addict, well, what is this kid going to come up like in a home where people do drugs all the time, and the father is most likely to not be around?

You can't base the unknown on what you know. Theres no way for any of us to tell, but you can't just say that he's an ass for caring about his sister and her unborn child. He's trying to help her make the best decision for the child, herself, him, and his family. So shut up and pay attention to my next words.

Ty, either tell her all the factors that play into the child, environment, family, parents, income, drugs, all that stuff, and if it don't work then you're shit out of luck, because it all comes down to her, and what she thinks. i just pray for the child that she makes the right decision.

People are such pricks, I swear to god... You're all bastard coated bastards with bastard fillings...
Then what the hell's he asking us for advice for? If he knows his sister so well to the point of 100% absolute certainty that this will be a bad thing for all parties involved, he ought to just go up to her and tell her, "You're too young/messed up/stupid to have a kid and it'll f*ck up everything," rather than dicking around on a Half-Life forum for advice. His ultimate goal is to get his sister to ABORT ABORT ABORT, when that's obviously not what she wants.

So Ty, either grow a pair and come out and say it how you mean it and accept her decision either way, or punch her in the stomach.

And Van Halen, shut up, dude. "Everything has to be perfect to have a kid." Yeah, and that's happened WHEN in human history? Nothing's ever perfect when it comes to raising kids. Nothing's set in stone about environments either; I know people from bad environments, even some from previous drug-using parents, and they turned out fine. What hool ssaid about babies sometimes making their parents shape up, I've witnessed that firsthand; Krynn bro you need to shut up too because it isn't fantasy. It happens. When you have a kid your whole life becomes that kid; you feel the burden of it and unless you're the most helpless screw up you try and change your act.

But the ultimate point in all this, the "too long; didn't read," is basically Tyguy needs to either say to her what he needs to say exactly how HE feels it, not what all of us think because we're outsiders to the situation; and secondly, either accept her decision or go invest in a hangar.
Oh wow.

I uhh... I don't want to be around you people anymore. :|
