Sister is pregnant, 20 Years old

Shut the **** up. If my mom had followed your advice I wouldn't have 2 older sisters who are now living very successful lives. Only difference is my mom was eighteen and her douchebag boyfriend left her, leaving her as a single mom for over 10 years.

It can be done, and killing the baby doesn't necessarily solve anything.

Somebody think about the poor babies.
My sister got pregnant a few months back and she's 21, her boyfriend is a complete burnout (always high - weed), that worse then your sis's boyfriend being a moron, atleast that's one 'good' thing about your situation. Just let her do what she wants, it's her decision. Neither completed college btw. Neither even joined.
My sister got pregnant with her MORON boyfriend and she decided to keep it because she just feels its "right".
Sounds like she is following her moral/ethical judgement on the issue. I would keep that in mind if you decide to argue for abortion otherwise you might come across as callous. She might be more willing to go with adoption.
BTW what are your parents saying?

She isnt even religious, so I cant debate god with her.
Um, that's a good thing because if she was religious it would be even harder to convince her.

I need some advice.
Well it is a bad situation. My advice would be to tell her how you feel and why without phrasing it harshly or accusingly - I'm sure she is going through a hard time. If it doesn't convince her, drop it and just be as supportive as you can, as others have said it's her choice even if she makes the wrong one (according to you).

If your sister wants another, tell her to call me. I'd be happy to oblige.
So she can have a second moron boyfriend?
Oh Snap!
Oh, so you just expect me to support your asshattery? For God's sake man! My oldest sister has worked as an aid to senators on Capitol hill, has adopted a child (who, by your twisted logic, should have been aborted because she was conceived after a party to a 17 year old mother), and is living in an upper middle class part of southern Maryland. My 2nd oldest is married and has 3 kids, my nephews, some of the most awesome kids in the world, and again, by your logic, shouldn't exist because my mom "wasn't ready".

You're just like every other pro-lifer in that you care more about a collection of cells than a human being. What makes you think your sisters circumstances are the very same as my sisters? For someone who claims to care for the lives of the unborn, you really could give a shit for the lives of the people this is directly affecting, namely her and her boyfriend.

Also, I'm glad you made the distinction that young pregnancy = good job. That clears a lot of things up. Why doesn't everyone start getting pregnant so their kids can get good jobs? Speaking of asshattery...
Look dude, at the end of the day, she has HER child growing inside of her, something you or I will never feel.

How do you know this is bad for her? Like REALLY bad for her? Her boyfriend's an asshat? She's young? Such is life. That's as plain as I can make it.

As far as I'm concerned, this is your niece or nephew coming whether you like it or not, perhaps it's you who isn't ready for a baby in the family? Maybe it's time to accept it and help raise and educate like a responsible and attentive Uncle.
I'm with Cormeh.

The best thing you can do as a brother is support her through the mistakes she makes and be there for her. You might not like the decisions she makes, but they are her decisions to make. My advice is just support her (and her kid 9 months down the line).

In time, you'll look back on this and wonder why you made such a fuss about it... and I can almost certainly guarantee you'll wish you had supported her from the start.

Also, posting personal problems on forums is always a good way of starting a flame war, and with it being a personal matter, you're bound to get angry/emotional at the posts you don't agree with ... Probably wasn't the best idea.
There's no harm in giving advice to people you care about. If it were my sister and I thought she was making a terrible decision that will affect the entire family i'd damn well tell her. Be tactful, understanding, supportive, but always say what you believe. Bringing a life into the world is no small matter.
and had the right circumstances doesn't mean everyone else does.
Stopped reading your bullshit here. Right ****ing circumstances? Yeah, that's why she lived in an upstairs apartment on the south side of Syracuse (read: terrible neighborhood, especially for white single woman) for 10 years, living off of $20k a year, right? Yeah, those are the right ****ing circumstances.

You're right, I'm wrong, my mom definitely had all the breaks, so tyguy's sister should just ABORT ABORT ABORT to spare herself and everyone else so much ****ing misery.

You're a tard.
Also, I'm glad you made the distinction that young pregnancy = good job. That clears a lot of things up. Why doesn't everyone start getting pregnant so their kids can get good jobs? Speaking of asshattery...
And you're a tard too. I never said that young pregnancy = good job. In spite of the circumstances, these girls grew up to have good lives. Learn to read.
Stopped reading your bullshit here.

It was a whole 5 sentences, didn't expect you to get to the end of it

Right ****ing circumstances? Yeah, that's why she lived in an upstairs apartment on the south side of Syracuse (read: terrible neighborhood, especially for white single woman) for 10 years, living off of $20k a year, right? Yeah, those are the right ****ing circumstances.

Ignorance. Tell that to the rape victim who has no family and a part time job at the mall. Or is your pro-life stance negotiable?

You're right, I'm wrong, my mom definitely had all the breaks, so tyguy's sister should just ABORT ABORT ABORT to spare herself and everyone else so much ****ing misery.

Who are we talking about, your mom or your sister?

You're a tard.

And you're a tard too.


I never said that young pregnancy = good job. In spite of the circumstances, these girls grew up to have good lives. Learn to read.

I am glad they grew up to have good lives. Really. What about the millions of children that grow up and have shitty lives? Or the ones who dont grow up and are thrown into a dumpster. Tough break for them? As long as they aren't breaking an indoctrinated morality law and you're happy, who cares right?

You might be looked upon as less of a jackass if you didnt resort to name calling, just a tip.
A lot of people think that because they ended up okay (or had family that ended up okay), everything will come together for Tyguy's sis aswell. This is wrong. Not every situation is the same, and I'm sure we've all heard the stories of babies getting left behind / killed / sold (I've heard of all three).

On the other hand, you should definitely not "Abort it like you just don't care". The decision is indeed not yours to make, and you can only try to explain the situation to her as objectively as possible ("You're not ready" is not a good response). If you think she'll get in trouble moneywise, explain to her why. If you're afraid that her boyfriend will leave her, threaten the boyfriend at gunpoint with a shotgun (BAD ADVICE). Etc etc etc
Also, posting personal problems on forums is always a good way of starting a flame war, and with it being a personal matter, you're bound to get angry/emotional at the posts you don't agree with ... Probably wasn't the best idea.

Actually they usually tend to be pretty amicable. I guess this one just encroaches on a few different sensitive areas (freedom of choice, abortion, etc)
I was surprised how quickly i got flamed. Obviously it isn't my choice, I just feel that I have the right to tell her my opinion, and I wanted help on the best way to talk to her.
well, if she has it, better be a boy...need someone to play video games with
Ignoring what other pro-lifers have said so far, I would say that if what you describe is true about her circumstances you should try to convince her about it. Oh and talk to the MORON boyfriend
There is absolutely no ethical difference between abortion and choosing not to consciously try and get pregnant.

And sorry Tyguy, it was me.

And Van Halen, shut up, dude. "Everything has to be perfect to have a kid." Yeah, and that's happened WHEN in human history?

I feel that I am alone. :o


okay, maybe some of the things I said were a bit far fetched, but as you said, your whole life now revolves around the new child. You never know who your kids are going to meet in life either. Maybe those friends you knew had some other friends that shaped them up a bit. Maybe there were other people to come in and help, or they could have just realized that the way they were living wasn't good, but kids like that don't tend to be very independent when it comes to changing a life style. And I probably meant by "PERFECT" that the conditions have to be well enough, just wanting to be a little too forward with it... I realize that perfect conditions rarely will happen even in a blue moon, but you have to be prepared on every level, emotionally, physically, mentally, and budget wise. It takes a lot, you can't make minimum wage and have a dead beat spouse and think you're ready for a child, or you're gonna be selling their ass on the street for money.

Well, now that I fixed that up a bit, am i making more sense? And I'm kind of on the fence about both subjects going on here, pro Life or choice, and he should have just told his sister what's up, rather than coming here to us. I think that it's good in situation like this to look for advice anywhere you think you can get it, but number one, he came to teh internetz for it, and number two, if he's not going to take in mind what people think on the other side, then why bother? Bot on the other side, I don't think (From what I've heard) that someone like that is ready to take care of a child.

And for pro life an choice, I think that sometimes you have no choice, so you wither put your flesh and blood up for adoption, not knowing what hands they're going into, or you kill it before it lives so that you can wait and try again later. :)
well, if she has it, better be a boy...need someone to play video games with

Well, there we go! A compromise! Tell her she can have her baby if its a boy, but she has to abort if its a girl!
Well, there we go! A compromise! Tell her she can have her baby if its a boy, but she has to abort if its a girl!


The most important message in your post was that the caps filter can be beaten. I'll have to figure that out.
It can only be beaten in certain forums. Or in any with a picture.
Speaking of beatings, did I hear someone mention an egghead boyfriend?
Aww, how cute. You're going to play games with your son.

It's sad that you probably thought of that and had this overwhelming feeling of accomplishment. Then you started typing it out with an ever greater sense of self fulfillment. Then when you finally posted it I can assume that you thought to yourself, "i am an idiot".

but good one
It's sad that you probably thought of that and had this overwhelming feeling of accomplishment. Then you started typing it out with an ever greater sense of self fulfillment. Then when you finally posted it I can assume that you thought to yourself, "he is an idiot".

but good one

She's gonna need your support, not you're opinion.

I found out yesterday that a close friend of mine was pregnant. And she planned it. She's 16. And we're all very happy for her, despite the fact that she's thrown away her A levels before she even started them.

Having a baby doesn't ruin your life, it just means you take a different path.
She's gonna need your support, not you're opinion.

I found out yesterday that a close friend of mine was pregnant. And she planned it. She's 16. And we're all very happy for her, despite the fact that she's thrown away her A levels before she even started them.

Having a baby doesn't ruin your life, it just means you take a different path.

Except that path usually means significantly less education and income.
I found out yesterday that a close friend of mine was pregnant. And she planned it. She's 16. And we're all very happy for her, despite the fact that she's thrown away her A levels before she even started them.

16! She's just a baby. How can someone know what they want at 16?

I knew a few girls who had kids at a similar age. They weren't mature or wise enough to provide the stable support a baby needs, nor were they in a good financial situation - either relying on waster boyfriends who earned sod all and didn't want to be there, or leeching off their families.

Everytime I hear of something like this I want to smack my own head in a Homer 'doh'!. So naive, so irresponsible. How can someone be expected to raise a kid when they're still a kid themselves?
She's gonna need your support, not you're opinion.

I found out yesterday that a close friend of mine was pregnant. And she planned it. She's 16. And we're all very happy for her, despite the fact that she's thrown away her A levels before she even started them.

Having a baby doesn't ruin your life, it just means you take a different path.

a very difficult path that automatically ensures they will not be able to sufficiently provide for their child both financially and emotionally ..what chance does that child have in comparison to a child born into a family of 2 parents who are financially and emotionally prepared to devout every waking moment to their child? it wont guarentee the child will be worse off with a teen mother but the odds are certainly stacked against it ..I cant imagine my kids growing up without a father, they rely on me too much
1.)Bitch slap her so hard the baby goes right back up her fallopian tube