Sit down Npc


Mar 7, 2005
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Hi there
I'm having a problem with the npc. I want to make a npc to sit down and stay like that but in hammer he looks sit when i change the model but in hammer he apeears stand up. How can i make him to sit down and stay sit.
I have already tried with npc_citizen, actor_generic and monster_generic but none of them works.

Thanks for any help
Bumpedy bumpy bump!

I have been wanting to know about this for ages, not walk up and sit down but just start sitting down and stay.sitting.down

Ive been messing with the scripted_sequence but I just can't crunch the numbers!
you nead to use a script_sequence for this... use te pre-action as the action that he is doing at the moment... and then use the other action as what he will do whebn the script will be activated... if it helps
yeah, it does a bit..... I have tried coming at it from different directions and messing with the options and testing stuff out, but I need a tutorial...I 'll keep trying til I find one
use the zombie hl2_prefab were the entitys are... that should give you an idea