Site Countdown Timer


Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
We are looking for someone to make a countdown timer for

Here are the requirements

1. It be in the site color scheme
2. It must be able to be put on a webpage
3. Using either the Days :Hours :Minutes :Seconds :Hundredths of a Second, or Weeks :Days :Hours :Minutes :Seconds :Hundredths of a Second
Submit your entries to [email protected]
m0nKeY said:

GMT might be true for the boxed version, but steam won't let you play untill Nov 16,2004 12:01 am PST. So even if you get the box before the 12:00am pst you still can't play.
So nobody has submitted an acceptable timer yet? Oh well, my area is PST anyway, so it's not hard to keep track of :P
we have a few really nice looking ones, but still want a bigger selection to choose from...
Icarus said:
we have a few really nice looking ones, but still want a bigger selection to choose from...
Good to hear, I can't wait to see which timer is chosen :)
Is it allright to re-submit a counter, i found a flaw in my old versions? And i upgraded a few items.
TheOriginalEvil said:
No matter what Time Zone you live in, HL2 is still the same amount of time away for everyone.

OK, so it's released 0.00 Seattle-time on Steam; 9.00 here, but the store that sells it will still start selling it when it opens the 16th of November, no matter what time-zone it is in Seattle.
Is the countdown timer going to be on this site(on the main page)? or in place of the pic, that would be cool :afro: .


  • header_b.jpg
    7.7 KB · Views: 345
GWalker said:
Is the countdown timer going to be on this site(on the main page)? or in place of the pic, that would be cool :afro: .

Like this (see attatchment)? (completion bar starts from 4 weeks to 16th)
Akrin said:
Like this (see attatchment)? (completion bar starts from 4 weeks to 16th)
Yeah, thats cool, what do you mean HL2 is only 3 weeks away?
I had to make one using site stuff. It plays a simple animtion every two minutes. And it's set for gmt-8. (This was quickly put together, and uses the stealth counter code)
Whats going on with the counter stuff? There's not much time left to put one up.
It's already past the "Two Weeks Notice" phrase.

13 1/2 days remaining.

Time to put SOMETHING up, me thinks.
The timer would look good in the banner.
Yeah, get it up soon or there won't be any point
(I post to make sure this thread gets noticed, really)
At this rate you're gonna have to make it "time elapsed since Half Life 2 was released"

Unless you know something we don't know... damn it... another delay? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooo....
Counters should be set to gmt-8


HL2 Set to Release Same Time Across World
The question that has been on everybody's lips is at what time will Steam unlock on the 16th or at what time can I buy HL2 from retail? HL Fallout member Maxis4132 has sent in some interesting news on this subject, reporting from Vivendi Denmark, Boomtown.

The word is that not only will HL2 be released on the same date across the world, but also the same time. Vivendi are forcing retailers to only start selling HL2 at midnight Seattle time (GMT-8), with taking into account time zone differences. The reason being is that Vivendi are planning to release HL2 across the worldwide simultaneously, for both retail and steam.
Is this thing ever going to happen? We've only got just over a week left, heh.
Hood said:
9 more days :)

It looks like complaining about the lack of countdown timer while people shout out the time left is our countdown timer. You can't blame the guys here for not being ready; who ever thought Valve would actually finish this game? ;)
I have to say, the mods & staff are staying *very* quiet on the matter ... wonder what's going on, and why they won't say anything.

[SARCASM]Ooh, conspiracy theories abound![/SARCASM]
This is what the 7 hours forum is for. They're only planning on counting down the last few hours (I'm not sure how many) until the game's released. Shame really, I'll be sleeping.
Damn, I will have too school then. When it's midnight at Valve it's 9.00 am in Holland, so if I get up early I will be able to be on the forum for an hour until 8.20 because then I really have to go to school. I think it will be really cool to be on the forum counting down the last minutes.

BTW it will be cool if there will be set a new record of most people online at the same moment, the current record is still from 03-10-2003, with 5064 people online. But I'm afraid surfing on will be slow as hell but who cares, HL2 is coming out on that day :D
So are we still getting a timer put up? We only have about a week left :)
Vinnie_NL said:
Damn, I will have too school then. When it's midnight at Valve it's 9.00 am in Holland, so if I get up early I will be able to be on the forum for an hour until 8.20 because then I really have to go to school. I think it will be really cool to be on the forum counting down the last minutes.

BTW it will be cool if there will be set a new record of most people online at the same moment, the current record is still from 03-10-2003, with 5064 people online. But I'm afraid surfing on will be slow as hell but who cares, HL2 is coming out on that day :D
Hell, so many people will be on steam that the internet will be slow that day...

don't people automatically connect to steam when they turn on their computer?? or is just me
johnnypoopoopant said:

don't people automatically connect to steam when they turn on their computer?? or is just me
You can turn off that option. Thats what I do and I suspect thats what most people do.
6 days left and no timer. Are we waiting until you can count the days on one hand?
Don't hold your breath until we get a timer. Perhaps we should start a betting pool where people can bet on how much days will be left for the timer to count, or bet whether it will ever come.
Let's make a timer, to the release of the timer for hl2!