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Aug 29, 2004
Reaction score
I just noticed this on the forum's stat list thing:

Threads: 70,447, Posts: 1,284,647, Total Registrations: 44444, Active Users: 29,837

Must be the lucky number eh?
44444 is an unlucky number.....

4 sounds like death....
It's my lucky day!!!! That's why my heel got ripped open today!!

Seriously that did happen.
4 only sounds like death in Chinese.

You're not chinese, are you?
Jintor said:
4 only sounds like death in Chinese.

You're not chinese, are you?

no, i only know a bit of chinese.

i still don't like 4 though...
Well, Japanese people consider 4 to be an unlucky number associated with death (something along the line of 13)
44444 Registrations, that is 44 44 4, but we can assume that another 4 is needed, so we have 44 44 44, 44 cut in half is 22, and cut in half again is 11, K is the 11th letter, so we have 11 11 11, or KKK

Racist ass website we got here.