situation concerning triggers...



Yes i've been working with this for a few days and am having alot of trouble....i require help. Heres the situation:

1. I have a button
2. I want that button to turn on some electricity that flys between some generators
3. I have a sound to play when that happens
4. I want a trigger_hurt to activate when that happens
5. I want the entire effect to turn off after 6 seconds, and be able run again upon activation of the button

I've made it so the electricity turns on, as does a sound, but i cant seem to get the sound to turn off (the electricity does though). Also, how might i make the trigger_hurt form, then disappear?

Thanks for your time

Side question: How to limit the range of a func_rotating?
I have something similar in terms of I/O functionality for my map. I'm updating the SDK right now so I don't have access to it to test this situation but I'll try to help. Basically, if you want something to happen over and over again (especially for multiplayer) its best to set said things disabled. This way, whenever the player pushes the button, you put an Output command to enable said thing. In your case, the sound. It should start playing.

Then simply put another output command (on the button) that disables the sound after the player has pushed it after a certain amount of time. Make sure the time is greater than the time for the sound to be enabled (duh). Thus, this creates a window of time where the sound is enabled and playing then disabled after a while.

Do something similar with the trigger. Both should look something like:


Set the button reset time to however long you like and the whole thing should happen all over again. This however, all depends on if both the sound and the trigger have enabled/disabled capabilities. (I don't know because as I said, I don't have access to the SDK.)

Hope this helps a little.
Gonna try that, although i need this answered badly:

"How to limit the range of a func_rotating?"
DoctorGordon3 said:
"How to limit the range of a func_rotating?"

You can't, use a func_door_rotating instead, and use the "distance" value to set the angle it moves by.