Size of Multiplayer maps?

you really should think about listing a souce when you post, instedad of just saying "i heard this somewhere" :)
What is the maximum map size for Half-Life 2?

The maximum map size is currently set at +/-16384 (16x the lateral space of Half-Life 1, 64x overall space). It will take several minutes to cross the map in a vehicle.
Yea I knew that. But what kinda vehicle? A fast one? A slow one? It would depend on the speed of the vehicle. Someone could easily make a 100000 mph car, or a .1 mph car.
I read a comment from Valve that HL2 maps would take several minutes to drive across in a vehicle let alone on foot.
hmm.. you can place 268435456 human/combine models on a horizontal plane in a map that is 16384 units long and 16384 units wide. that is alot off peeps to kill.
Evil, 2 mistakes: first, its 32768 units long and 32768 units wide.
A unit = inch, so you're assuming a soldier fits on 1 square inch. wrong :\

Anyway, those are 910 yards, which are 832 meters. These numbers seem really out of place, and I expect some valve guy to go "DOH!" and fix those numbers *4, or something, becuase, being generous, and saying a car can drive the whole length in 2 minutes, it means it's going roughly 25kph.

Also, the dune buggy scene seemed way more than 800 meters across, so I'll just wait and see how things unfold.
listen... play a mod you like. It's simple.

but the more the game CAN do the better.

if a big map does not fit a game then that game does not need to run them.

other games espically war games just may need them or want them.

saying because you think it will be boring no one should be able to do it is STUPID!

even worse are people that are saying that you have a computer from 1995 and it will lag so it should not push any current hardware limits.

and if you have 56k you should upgrade if possible.
I hope the maps will be as big as in battlefield 1942! that would be awesome!
from the SDK FAQ:

What is the maximum map size for Half-Life 2?

The maximum map size is currently set at +/-16384 (16x the lateral space of Half-Life 1, 64x overall space). It will take several minutes to cross the map in a vehicle.

so i guess its like a few miles at top speed :D
64x overalll space is huge...seriously....someone draw a map (rectangle) for the size comparison and it would definatly help everyone understand, perferably someone who know wut the hell they are doin. but if it take "several minutes" to cross a map, that gets me very excited. with the improved net-code this thing will kick the shit outta bf42(bf42 lags even with 50 ping the engine sucks the power outa the comp) dod will own with it but im curious with cs because it could be a while to wait for everyone to die especailly on huge maps.

on another note i was wondering if there is any mention on the map ceilings. the good thing about bf42 is that iv never found the ceiling(apache on dc goes as high as u want) i hope it has a very good ceiling so mods with flying vehicles will not be so limited.
It is 64x the space, but that's because you are working inside a massive cube. He says 16x lateral space, because a lot of mappers only use a thin slice of map with no depth.

So if you made a long stretch of road across the whole mapping space, in HL1 and HL2, The HL2 version would only be 16x longer.

However if you made like a winding road that covered the whole mapping area somehow, then it would be 64x bigger :p
Ok, I made something as requested:

Red blocks are the HL2 size, Blue is HL1 :p

Total Space:
Lateral Space:

EDIT: You can customize the settings of it however you like, here are the variables you can add:

size = number of blocks (size * size)
blockx = size of each block's width (in pixels)
blockx = size of each block's height (in pixels)
hl1 = color of HL1 block
hl2 = color of HL2 block

So you can add something this to the URL:


lol :cheese:
saying because you think it will be boring no one should be able to do it is STUPID!

Duh. That wasn't the point of what I was saying. I was saying that bigger smaller: with just random DM it doesn't much matter, because none of the aciton all over the map has anything to do with anything else going on, so it might as well not be happening: it's just a pointless waste of space instead of a tightly designed map. What large spaces need are some sort of more complex gameplay so that it actually MATTERS to the player what happens on other parts of the map.
Gabe Said In Email. "It would take several minutes to cross the maximum size of a multiplayer map in a vehicle". Wow
Anybody else suddenly think of a 32 player each side, with vehicles for marine team. one marine team consists of: one driver with no gun, and about 4 other guys on the back with pump-action shotties... about 6 or 7 teams in total with like 4 respawns each for each guy... vehicles respawn only twice. and then the other team is the combine, however its a starcraft-y type thing, with maybe 10 'commanders', who control AI creature swarms of maybe 10 or 20 small aliens [depending on how good the aliens are, i.e strength, health, etc] and then directs them to attack the vehicles. and then the guys in vehicles have to make their way to the commander's hive [where each commander is, like a comm chair but u cant get out. theyre not in same spots so u have to do each alien-commander individually] and kill the hive to kill the commander. and the commanders have unlimited alien attacks, or maybe they could work out a resource system... and then there are 10 commanders, and the rest are large aliens :D

that would ROCK


I hate it in BF1942 where I join a 32 player! server!, i'm like wow!, low ping loads of players this is gonna rule!!, but wait where is everybody ?, oh there scatterd around because the map is to big ;(
I'm sure that valve is planning on making multiplayer a lot more interesting. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw scenario type maps that have mission objectives for each team. Something along the same lines of Day of Defeat or Counter-Strike, but more in tune with the storyline and basis of Half-Life 2.
I would love to play games like Capture the Flag or have specific objectives and make a real focus on team effort and gameplay rather than the gang up and shoot the other team approaches.
I'll admit i've played Half-Life multiplayer a lot and it was always great, but I also played the CS mod and Day of Defeat just for a change. Something where me shooting the opposing team meant they weren't coming back right away, and that they wouldn't spwan behind me and shoot me either. T'was always more fun to shoot and fight for a purpose rather than see your team at the top score, again, and have the map change.
We haven't heard anything about multiplayer, but i'm sure the secrets will be amazing when told.
Originally posted by MoD
Evil, 2 mistakes: first, its 32768 units long and 32768 units wide.
A unit = inch, so you're assuming a soldier fits on 1 square inch. wrong :\

Anyway, those are 910 yards, which are 832 meters. These numbers seem really out of place, and I expect some valve guy to go "DOH!" and fix those numbers *4, or something, becuase, being generous, and saying a car can drive the whole length in 2 minutes, it means it's going roughly 25kph.

Also, the dune buggy scene seemed way more than 800 meters across, so I'll just wait and see how things unfold.

woopsie.. i did made a mistake in the size off the map, not the size of the soldiers.. a soldier is 8 units by 8 units right! and i dont think 1 unit is one inch.
1 unit is 1 inch...unlike in HL1 where 1 unit was a more arbitrary measurment. Player sizes are the same as HL, well gordon anyway...still 72 units tall and still takes 33 inches of clearence to duck through a vent.

The current map size is 21.1406 square meters (this seems wrong)

BTW SLash....thats a neat lil proggie you made there, I didnt realize I could change it myself in the address bar. COOL
Maybe put in a text box where people can type in the number. :)

And jus so ya know, I think your "overall" kinda confuses the matter scince its only 16x bigger in any one axis (wich is all thats gonna matter to mappers), although it does give an idea of the actual enormity of the new map size.
Originally posted by Slash
Ok, I made something as requested:

Red blocks are the HL2 size, Blue is HL1 :p

Total Space:
Lateral Space:

EDIT: You can customize the settings of it however you like, here are the variables you can add:

size = number of blocks (size * size)
blockx = size of each block's width (in pixels)
blockx = size of each block's height (in pixels)
hl1 = color of HL1 block
hl2 = color of HL2 block

So you can add something this to the URL:


lol :cheese:

It's actually more like this:

because HL2 maps are 4x bigger in each direction, so 4 * 4 = 16x more area, and 4 * 4 * 4 = 64x more volume.

Bigger, but not huge :(