Skate - it's out


Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
Has anyone played it yet? I'm eager to get to the store to pick this one up.

I played the demo, and let me say that it beats the hell out of THPS. No button mashing, only style.

Multiplayer looks like it's a bit lagy in that video review, but that's not really the part I'm interested in. However, I do hope that it gets improved.
I played this demo at a friends house and it seriously made me think about buying a X360.
Strange question, but can anyone tell me a thing or two about the soundtrack? The soundtrack to the first two Tony Hawk games was what made the experience for me.
Soundtrack?? Its got Black Flag and Bad Brains--what more do you need from a skate sim??? Well, they were in the demo at least which was very very cool, but I will still wait for the old price drop and even then get a used copy. This whole $60 a pop really makes me single-out the AAA games for immediate purchase and force these other good ones to the back burner for now.
GameFly is sending it, my Xbox is broken so I'll need to keep it somewhere safe until Microsoft sends me back my working 360