Skate (the game) amazing random incident (must see)

haha yea i had absolutely no clue that there was a guy skating there... i just ollied and then dropped the controller (yes i was playing console) and couldnt stop laughing.
Hahaha, awesome. It looked perfect too.

More info on the game? What is it (beyond a skating game)?
Its nothing really beyond a skating game.. just fun and very realistic. its not like the tony hawk games where u can jump 80 feet and do 3 backflips.
That was pretty epic, up there with that GTA plane incident :D
Dude, please tell me this game is on PC... It looks ****ing sweet.
does this game have mp? would have been funnier if it was someone else controlling the guy who go own'd.
yes, They game does have an MP but i was playing the demo (SP only). I think its funnier that it was the poor innocent computer controlled skater rather than another player. This would be a hell of a lot easier to do with MP. if this was done on MP it would most likely be staged and not as funny. But if it wasn't staged i agree with you. it would have been funnier :)
If I had a 360, I would be playing this. When this demo came out, I probably played 10+ hours of it on my friend's 360.
Rofl at this video again, and another rofl at the GTA Plane.

This thread should now be about random video game mishaps.