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Anyone here into skateboarding? I got some real awesome ideas for a skateboarding mod. Is it possible to make the guy do kickflips and shit?
My younger brother would probably play it, but he doesn't know any better ;)
I used to be a border....but it got too :o , but I still wtahc skateboarding BMX'ing and shit on the extreme sports channel.
Maybe you could make an extreme sports mod:bounce:
Originally posted by SilentKilla
Anyone here into skateboarding? I got some real awesome ideas for a skateboarding mod. Is it possible to make the guy do kickflips and shit?

I do a bit of skating and kinda into skateboarding. And well, the tricks are basically animations I guess? The best thing is that, together with the physics, it will come out pretty.

A realistic skateboarding mod would be cool, instead of some tony hawk pro skater gay crap. Bleah. :cheese: With the physics, it is very possible to produce a realistic skateboarding mod better than THPS or any other skateboarding games out there (there isn't much, actually). Especially with source engine's physics, heh, imagine a good realistic skateboarding game with the state of the art physics, and sweet multiplayer, christ, it will be neat.

How bout first person skateboarding, that's something new. Using mouselook and buttons combinations to actually perform a move.
Tap spacebar (ollie) + hold down mouse1(kickmoves) + drag right = kickflip (goofy footed, that is).
Or hold and drag left for a heelflip. :D

I would be interesting to make a skateboarding mod, if we can come up with a decent team. :cool:
Re: Re: Skateboarding

Originally posted by \\-shanE
How bout first person skateboarding, that's something new.
Think on it for a while. It would be like driving by only looking in the rear view mirror :)
Re: Re: Re: Skateboarding

Originally posted by dawdler
Think on it for a while. It would be like driving by only looking in the rear view mirror :)

Read my post again.

"How bout first person skateboarding, that's something new. Using mouselook and buttons combinations to actually perform a move.
Tap spacebar (ollie) + hold down mouse1(kickmoves) + drag right = kickflip (goofy footed, that is).
Or hold and drag left for a heelflip."

My bad if that didn't give you the basic idea of the navigation, but what I was saying is that... for example.. The default WASD for movement (kick off, stop, left, right), while your mouse is used for looking around, but limited to about 180 degrees depending on what stance you are on. And say, holding down 'c' while moving your mouse up, to step down on the nose, hold down 'c' while moving your mouse down will step down on the tail.

Like what I said, combination of mouse/keyboard buttons with mouselook to perform tricks. Say... mouse1 will be used for kick/flip tricks, and mouse2 for grab tricks. Maybe mouse3 for grinding/lip/flatland tricks. Combine them with other buttons?

Sure it may seem awkward at first, but it is something new, which seems to work too, if the right idea is applied to it.

Will be cool, it's like a simulation, but with the fun factor of an arcade game. First person skateboarding isn't that bad, ya?

However, 3rd person works too, maybe even better, but just thought of coming up with something new.
First person will be very confusing. Cause if you have the slightest error in view/direction (where you are looking and where you are going), its gonna fux up. And its gonna happen alot... You're gonna have problems looking at:
A) Where you are going. Is there a wall in front of you?
B) Where are you looking? You are not looking in the direction you are going.
C) Where is the skateboard? You dont want to fall of ledges.
Etc etc... The coordination would be very hard. With 3rd person, you get all this in one view. With 1st person, it will be a frantic view movement up and down and to the side just to keep track on everything. Causing the view/direction problem to even larger...

The only upside is that it is *kind of* more realistic (kind of because it limits your view TOO much, your eyes sees more than a 1st person view). And it will take more skill... Which isnt really an upside, as it wont be fun anymore.
Originally posted by dawdler
First person will be very confusing. Cause if you have the slightest error in view/direction (where you are looking and where you are going), its gonna fux up. And its gonna happen alot... You're gonna have problems looking at:
A) Where you are going. Is there a wall in front of you?
B) Where are you looking? You are not looking in the direction you are going.
C) Where is the skateboard? You dont want to fall of ledges.
Etc etc... The coordination would be very hard. With 3rd person, you get all this in one view. With 1st person, it will be a frantic view movement up and down and to the side just to keep track on everything. Causing the view/direction problem to even larger...

The only upside is that it is *kind of* more realistic (kind of because it limits your view TOO much, your eyes sees more than a 1st person view). And it will take more skill... Which isnt really an upside, as it wont be fun anymore.

Well, the mouse basically controls the viewing while the movement is done by the 4 directional buttons, just like how the dune buggy in HL2 works. Limiting view.. well, got to agree, 3rdperson does allow you to see your surrounding, but it's possible to make first person mouselook seem natural, limiting the angle to how your neck can turn. Maybe using the mouselook just for the purpose of looking, it gives the natural feel like how the mouselook is used in FPSs.

Yea, I ought to agree that 3rd person ties everything nicely together, but you don't get the feel of it, most skateboarders should know what I mean, it always feels gay playing THPS after skating with your mates not longer than an hour ago. It's how the player maneuvers that doesn't seem right. Much like how side scrollers differ from FPSs.

Still, like I mentioned earlier, I guess it doesn't work out, heh, take it as another wacky idea till somebody figures out a neat way to execute the idea. Maybe listen to what SilentKilla have to say.
Im very interested in doing a skateboarding mod shane. I am learning how to model, so ill keep on that. Maps would be pretty easy, mostly street maps/locations. Email me here at [email protected] and we can try to work something out.

Edit: Just read your post shane. I like the 1st person idea alot, with me being a skateboarder and all. I think that the space bar could be a ollie, while on the board. seems like it would work out nicely. I think it would look awesome in 1st person. I am defiently favoring 1st person view over 3rd.
oh god, theres a code for first person view in THPS3, its so disorienting, its insane.
ya the more and more i think about it, 3rd person would be good to have as the standard view, with 1st person as a player or host option. Im going to model some stuff up tonight, i dunno of what, but something to show off.
the controlls would suck. if i wanna a skateboard game ill go play tony hawk. it might sound nice, but in the end..all skateboarding games for pc suck. consoles only ;x

i dont mean to be so harsh, but im just stating the truth. and nothing but it.
something like tony hawks would be unoriginal, i would suggest something more olong the lines of gameplay from Jet Set Radio, man that game owned. thats just what i think anyway.
jet set radio was sweet, but for a pc it would suck...unless you have a gamepad.