Sketch I just did...


Nov 1, 2003
Reaction score

Sketch I just did, a little bit inspired by one of the freaks over at :P


Nice colors huh ? :D
Questions, comments, crits?
Thanks alot, I'll see what else I can whip up... :)
Christ, that's awesome.

If you ever are looking for a mod to work on, PM me.
That's really cool, is the most amazing place in the world (see sig).
I did it in Photoshop CS with a custom brush I've made. The brush looks like a square standing on one corner, only it's made up of lots of random dots (noise 'em), so as to look a bit like a real brush. As for how, I just started out with the black background and painted from dark to light.

Oh, and I use a graphire3, I'm thinking of upgrading to an intuos3...

I've just recently got my grubby little paws all over painter IX! :D

This is what came out (after fiddling around a bit first).


It's my first time around Painter and I got this weird sort of sketchy style going on I guess, tell me what you think of it. :)

For first impressions of painter, I gotta say it's easier with linework than in PS, I draw alot better with a real pencil than in PS, and the gap doesn't seem as big from IRL to painter...
Sorze said:
Oh, and I use a graphire3, I'm thinking of upgrading to an intuos3...

do you want to sell your graphire3? Im in the market for one.