Sketchy Microphone Problem

Evil Beaver

Oct 10, 2003
Reaction score
I bought an Altec Lansing headset with microphone about 3 months ago.
I was playing DoD last night, and when I woke up this morning, suddenly the mic. doesn't work like it did last night. It is plugged in, unmuted in my music control panel (the SB2 mixer board) and all of the controls that mute the microphone are turned on. It wont even record in windows Sound Recorder. Any ideas as to why it doesn't work?
I have had this problem before and i know this sound silly but it works if u have windows xp i just do a system a restore to a day when it was working and that fixes my problem. otherwise i dunno
It's possessed. You're doomed. :) Have a nice day!
What do you mean a 'System Restore'??
I'm not gonna clean my sytem for a friggin microphone....
dumbass ur not deleating ur ****ing harddrive by a system resotre?? and someone who needs help u need to be more humble.
hyenolie said:
dumbass ur not deleating ur ****ing harddrive by a system resotre?? and someone who needs help u need to be more humble.
You know what I mean....When you restore, doesn't it delete other programs besides the ones that it came with?
no a system restore is like a 1/100 to a 90/100 of a full harddrive reinstall.

it basicaly says to what date u want to restore your system to, theoreticaly it should allow u to restore the the very first day when its only ur os installed, but lets face it in practice thats pretty unlikely. *someone verify this*

basicaly lets say ur mic is working fine 3 days ago, but then u downloaded something within the 3 days and it ****ed up the drivers or soemthing, so u want to play 3 days later, but its messed up, so u say okay, when was my computer working fine? u say ohh ya 3 days ago. so u restore ur system to exactly the way it was 3 days ago.

nothing on ur harddrive is deleted except all the things u download/did within those 3 days, its a very helpfull tool. its also got its weak points.

go to start programs accecories systemtool sytstem restore, its self guiding, its even got a calander for u to select the date u want to go to. plus it tells u what u have done untill that date,

u get it now?