Skin Texturing Tutorial


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
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I was wonding if anyone knows of any good, quick and easy to follow tutorial for texturing human skin. Also any tutorials involving damaged skin, cuts bruses and blood would also be very handy.

check polycount, there are some skinning vids there, don't know if they're still available. Also, has an excellent vid tut on skinning.
i usually start off with a flat skin color tone then start definining muscles and veins with burn / dodge . then you start getting into the pores and stuff with noise overlays or what have you. blood can be done with custom burshes by paintin flat red (when i say flat i mean a neutral shade not too bright not too dark) then burn/dodge + noise . use exagerated highlights to make the blood look moist and reflective.
heres a model im working on using this technique
as for tutorials i've posted many ! ... but the most helpful were the ones at polycount and (ben mathis' portfolio site.)
if you want inspiration check this guys work out ;)
he works for ritual he skinned most of the characters in cs:cz and also did a lot of the buildings and characters in aoe3
thats so cool i used to have the effigy for unreal tournament the original one. anyway great textures mindless moder. do you use a tablet?
i did for that one .. but i dont really use the tablet that much just for the intricate stuff ... but for the most part its all mouse . which is why i cringe when people start B****ING about using a mouse to paint.
lol yeah, there's nothing bad about using mouses..I mean the old guys used them and still managed to produce good art.
oh right so this whole time i could have been practicing using the mouse rather than assuming i needed to find my tablet before i could go through any tutorials.
the only advantage I see to a tablet is the pressure sensitivity, better brush strokes and speed.
The one included in 3Dsmax covers the basics, you should read through it! (Introduction to Materials)