"skin" "u/loft"... I need some help here...


Nov 11, 2003
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I'm trying to learn how to use Nurbs and whatnot, and I've been reading over a few tutorials, but they don't seem to be to detailed when it comes to actually "skinning" or "lofting" the curves... for the sake of simplicity, I just did the profile of the head and cloned/rotated them to make the head... In the pic, you can see what I have... but I'm lost on what to do next. How do I get them all attached...? I’m not even sure if I got to this point correctly… I used the “line” object… any help would be appreciated.
Thx. Noisymonk
bleh i really dont like Nurbs... i tryed useing them but failed :/

if you got max 5 there are a cople of tutorials init tell you how to do it mayb you can have a look at that... if not you mind find some tut on the sticky at the top :D
I've never really been a fan of Nurbs either... until now. They seem to work fairly well, and up until my dilemma, its been pretty easy to do. I checked through some of those tutorials... but I couldn't seem to find anything... T.T
Er, not sure how max works, but if you would do something like that in lightwave, you would have to make a few more of those profiles. Then connect the points making 4 point polygons up and down each spline, then alter these to create a 'face' shape. I think its easier to do it the way where you start with the eye shape, and go from there though..
yeah, thats how I made most of my stuff in the past... but it is very long and tedious... so I thought I'd try out nurbs which are supposed to be faster...
Those are similar to the way you suggested.. but I’m looking for something like this

I used that tut and got lost where it says… “After the splines are created, attach them all. Then collapse them to a point surface. It is imortant to collapse to a point surface because right now we don't want to deal with a bunch of cv points. Now click on ULOFT in the surface creation panel. Starting with the profile spline create a u-loft surface between the splines.”

I also used this (http://www.3drender.com/jbirn/ea/HeadModel.html )and got lost where it says… “When you have gone 180-degrees from the front profile, "skin" or "loft" together all of the spline curves, to form half of the head.”
Ah, sorry man....no clue then :-/

maybe someone who uses max can help ya out
common.. someone has to know how to connect these... how to use loft or skin... anybody?

maybe something simpler... like this...
OMG. finally, I figured it out! And No Thanks To You Lazy Bums! lol, just kiddin' :cheese:
Well, I've been messing around with my new found skill, and I've been making a dagger... so for I have the blade done.. its 850 polys and here is a pic. What do you think? crap? decent? remember, this is one of my first models... I have alittle experience.
For the amount of polygons, it really doesn't have much to it. Other than being pretty high in polygon count, i'd say that is pretty good for a first model. Just work on optimizing your polys and keep up the good work :).
yeah, it is alot of polys... usually I'd have it alot less, but I was just testing out nurbs and lofting... here is a pic of the polys...