Skinning HL2 deathmach


Aug 2, 2003
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OK tell me how can i skin HL2 death mach models?? where can i get them?can i skin them the same way as bloodlines models?(is there a way to repleace HL2DM models with custom ones???)
OK tell me how can i skin HL2 death mach models

The process is the same as single player. You can find tutorials from Fragger as well as on my site if you need the basics. If you just need to know where to put them then here is my folder setup and yours should be similiar except for the sparedlife part.

..\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\sparedlife\Half-Life 2 deathmatch\HL2mp\materials\models\Combine_soldier\combinesoldiersheet.vtf

If you want to add any other skins and models just follow the same folder format for each models folder. This is for the skin question the models are setup a little different.
tnx man

i'll try to skin all the rebel models and make a special forces skins for them,like navy seals :),too bad i don't know how to repleace some of the models with bloodlines models,that could be really great custom models,camo chicks :) running in HL2 team deathmach.
One problem you'll see is that all the rebels share the same body, so they will look the same except for the face.
that's ok,hmmm even if it's the same it's ok,they'll be special forces squad so they should look almost the same :)