Sky textures

Feb 21, 2005
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what program did valve use to make the skybox textures? I know bryce, but bryce sux. anyone have a clue? I sure don't.
a digital camera and photoshop is your best friend;)
computer generated skys tend not to be all that compared to the real thing, unless of course you want full animated floating clouds made of particles etc;P
try learning 3d-skyboxes it isent that hared and it looks good
while this is up here, is it possible to have a seemless skybox?
TCfromBN said:
while this is up here, is it possible to have a seemless skybox?
yes it is, if you create it properly it can be entirely seamless and look perfect.
Before you compile the texture with VTEX, make a TXT file with the same name and directory as the TGA and write this into it:

"skybox" "1"

Provided the images themselves are seamless, this will eliminate the artificial seam generated by HL2 (and displayed in Valve's default sky).
Well what I'm looking for is the same look that hl2 has. The HL2 sky textures look great, I would like to know the method that valve used, be it a 3d imaging program or digital photos, and do it myself. maybe I'll just email em directly.