Skybox Help


Jun 5, 2005
Reaction score
well ya i got my skybox to work fine, but the skys all dark. i wanted like a sunnier sky, how do i do this??? is it something to do with light_env? any support will be helpful. :afro: :afro:
Find a suitable sky by filtering your texture browser to skybox/, then go to Map --> Map Properties and type the name of that image less the leading skybox/ and the last two letters.
Hrmmmmm, Well i do that and my screen is all black and theres no skybox.

i did what u said i used skybox/dustup and it didnt work ? wtf?:flame: :flame:
i think you misunderstood him... first choose your skybox texture..write it down or whatever BUT IGNORE THE LAST 2 LETTERS...if you put the last 2 letters like; bk, lf, rt, etc. it wont work...

so say you like the texture sky/sky_day03_03bk take the "sky_day03_03" ONLY. and put it into your map properties
Hrmmm it still doesnt work.

I want to use skybox/trainup

and i tryed sky_train <-- Lost the the up part cuz of remove last 2 letter

and i tried sky/train <-- Lost the the up part cuz of remove last 2 letter

and i tried skybox/train <-- Lost the the up part cuz of remove last 2 letter


Raeven0 said:
type the name of that image

less the leading skybox/

and the last two letters.

skybox/raemarsup --> raemars
umm....there are only 2 textures for train.......

try searching in you material browser...type in skybox find a texture that closely matches the one you want then do the taking off the letters not sure if train is a valid one...maybe someone else could fill me in?
you do not need to have "skybox/" at all in that line or the last 2 letters indicating which picture it is.

Raeven0 said:
skybox/raemarsup --> raemars
The 2 letters ending means that it's part of a sky texture set, not a specific texture. You need to select the "whole set" (that is the sky witouth the 2 letter end), not a part of it, cause it wont display right.
i know you weren't talkin 2 me but that advice has helped me too ty
hey guy when you go to map properties dont add ANY letters like up rt or dn. it wont work if you do that.

Edit: also make sure you assigned tools/skybox to the actual faces you want to be a sky. its the blue one that says 'skybox' on it.... dont worry it wont look like that in game.
err, you can see what he's doing wrong.

He's typing sky_train where all he needs to type is train

So, in conclusion, just type train in the skybox field, and you're done.

I'm surprised that you guys needed 2 pages to work this out. You guys are slipping :P - Must be getting old ? :)

Anyways, hope this helps

P.S. Valve could have made this simpler
Flippage said:
P.S. Valve could have made this simpler

How? :)

I think it's pretty simple as it is: LEAVE OUT THE SKYBOX/ AND THE LAST TWO LETTERS!!!
haha, next people will be wanting hammer to read their thoughts