skybox items without skybox


Jul 22, 2004
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Ok the 3D skybox crap is like !?!?! so i still use the cube skybox thing... (2D) :naughty:

can i still use skybox items like palmtree heads and dust domes ?

if i can how do i do that i know i need something like a 1/16 model of the city etc help?
So you'r talking about 3D skybox? There are plenty of tuts about 3D skyboxes on this forum and on the net. Google is your friend. You can use those models (dust domes, hum well I don't think there are CS models but you can search them... there are some buildings and stuff ready for 3d skyboxes though), they are already the right size for the 3d skybox.
thank you mr."i cant read"

i dont want a 3d skybox because i dont understand it

i dont want a tut on a 3D skybox because i just said i dont want one

google is not my friend google is a piece of crap

i want a 2D skybox (cube) and to use skybox items like PALM TREE HEADS

i alreaddy know about the 3d skybox items but i want to know if i can use them with a 2D skybox? :borg:
Try explaining yourself a little clearer instead of benig rude to the person trying to help you.

You want to use 3d skybox models without using a 3d skybox?
What do you think the answer will be?

You can use them in your map but they will be 1/16th scale. Use them in a 3d skybox and they will be the right size.
Trinityxero said:
i want a 2D skybox (cube) and to use skybox items like PALM TREE HEADS

i alreaddy know about the 3d skybox items but i want to know if i can use them with a 2D skybox? :borg:


2d skyboxes ARE 2D!!! Do you even know what 2d means?? It's just a texture on a box, so you CAN'T have 3D objects in it. Now, you could draw trees on to the texture but that would be about as stupid as your post.

Trinityxero said:
thank you mr."i cant read"

i dont want a 3d skybox because i dont understand it

i dont want a tut on a 3D skybox because i just said i dont want one

You're a tool. You're a tool. You're a tool tool tool tool tool.

If you want 3D things, use a 3D skybox. If you can't understand it, your maps are probably going to look like shit anyway so it may be better to give up.

Trinityxero said:
thank you mr."i cant read"
google is not my friend google is a piece of crap

geelen said:
You're a tool. You're a tool. You're a tool tool tool tool tool.
I don't see the difficulty in "make a hollow sky cube, put a sky_camera inside it, and put stuff around the sky_camera," but okay...
Wow, you are not going to get anywhere with that attitude.

A 3-D sky box is so easy its crazy. I was in your exact shoes until it clicked one day and now I look back and laugh. Trust me, stick with it and use the sdk_3d_skybox.vmf helper map. Load that sucker up, and study it then read a tutorial and follow it exactly. If you need any help let me know.

Real quick mini-tut:

Take an existing map small preferably and do this exactly.

Click the "goto cooridinates" option from the "View" menu and enter 0 0 0. Hit "shift+E" to select the entity tool then select "skycamera" as the entity and place it at the exact coordinates 0 0 0.

This is where I used to get messed up! Follow exactly:

Uncheck the "Entities Vis Group", hit "Shift+S" for the "selection tool and go to any 2-d view and drag a box around your entire map and hit enter. Everything should turn red if you did it right. Now re-check the "Entities Vis Group" so that you can see the entities again make sure everything is still red and you should have the "Skycamera" in view now in the 3-D view. Hold Ctrl and left click the "Skycamera Entity".

Right now you should have your entire map selected + the "Skycamera". No other entities should be selected. Press Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+V to paste. Now you should have a copy of what you had selected. Right click the new pasted selection choose "Transform" select mode "Scale" and put 0.0625 in for X, Y, and Z and click "OK".

Now everything that you originally pasted should be at 1/16th scale except for the skycamera. It should still be a big red cube. Everything that got scaled down should not touch or overlap the original map in any way.

The next thing you should do is go back to your normal scaled map and DELETE the "Skycamera". You no longer need this.

Now, the 1/16th scaled brushes (which are only used as reference) can all be deleted, DO NOT delete the "Skycamera" that was pasted and scaled down.

Last thing to make it work right:

Draw a box around the new "Skycamera" that was scaled down and make it like 500x500x500. Any size will do just make sure it surrounds the "Skycamera". Ctrl+H to hollow and apply the "tools/skybox" texture to all surfaces.

If you have a standard 2-D skybox in your normal map and did everything I said you should now have a 3-D sky box. Compile and load it up.

Here is a sample map for you to look at that I made learning how to make a 3-D skybox.

Right-click and save as.
Raeven0 said:
I don't see the difficulty in "make a hollow sky cube, put a sky_camera inside it, and put stuff around the sky_camera," but okay...

Man, it was a little hard the 1st few times I tried making one just for fact that I was completely new to mapping. Didn't know my head from my ass. With the help of many great sites slowly but surely I have started to learn clean techniques and I'm in the process of finishing my 1st full map! yay!

:bounce: :dork:
Trinityxero said:
~crap cut~

simple question try to answer it

Well if it's so simple they why haven't you figured it out.

I'll tell you what is simple, making a freakn 3D skybox, that is simple.

Ignoring your posts from now on, that is simple! :thumbs:
Trinityxero said:
i alreaddy know about the 3d skybox items but i want to know if i can use them with a 2D skybox? :borg:

No you cant.....simple answer to your dumb ass question.

Next time actually give a clear question before you start mouthing off to people for not understanding your ramblings.

Just learn how to use the 3d skybox. Embrace the future. Don't be a dick.