Skyboxes and hydras


Apr 11, 2004
Reaction score
How do "they" know that the hydra has been removed from hl2?

And does anyone know if hl:source will have dynamic skyboxes?
A: I think someone from valve has confirmed the hydra is gone
B: Probably not. Not to say source can't do it, it can, it's just they haven't really upgraded the visuals for HL:Source at all so I don't see why they'd put in dynamic or for that matter 3D skyboxes.
gabe said "everything the player sees will be dynamic"
lol... can just imagine that Gabe coming of the dunny... oh yeah u go girl "flush".... ok that was wrong...
What do you mean by dynamic?

Skyboxes are made the same way maps are made, you do whatever is possible with the engine in them.
the sky box can be use in surface tension i guess apart from that i dnt see where else a sky box would be needed
How do you know, She?

Most of the time browsing the forums all I see is you flaming VALVe. Get a life.
dekstar said:
How do you know, She?

Most of the time browsing the forums all I see is you flaming VALVe. Get a life.

really.. do i have such an impact on you that you would get out of topic just to state that i am wrong (wich i am not)..
please post me next time (this goes for all of you trollers).
I have my opinion too.. :|
cliffe confirmed the hydra was removed, he got someone to write a story on it for 'Raising the bar'
She said:
Gabe lied

How do you know? Have you played HL : S?

Also I dont know what context that Gabe quote was actually in, for all we know he could have been talking about the engines capabilties.
Can anyone post me a link to where Cliffe said that Hydras have been removed ?
KurtCobain said:
Can anyone post me a link to where Cliffe said that Hydras have been removed ?

I'm also curious abot this. So far I've only heard a lot of people talking about it, but I haven't read anything official.
Same. Has there been anything official about this Hydra thing or is it just rumours that people have taken seriously?
Its not mentioned in any of the reviews, so im thinking its true.
Uhh..I really don't care aboutthe Hydra, it would have been cool so see the poor Combine soldier get stabbed but oh well.
But I do care about Half Life: Source, will it look the same?(I really hope not)
And it's been confirmed by a PC Gamer employee. Dynamic skyboxes are also confirmed.
Here is what Cliffe says about Hydra: (Cliffe's quote highlighted in Bold).
Originally Posted by Bait
Seems to me that the Hydra wasn't from Xen. Looks like the only things from xen are the vortigaunts and headcrabs in HL2.

Anyways, I think Chris_Ds source is 1 of 2 things:
1.) Read a spoiler of some sort
2.) Valve was gracious enough to give a copy of HL2 for whatever reason.

Now that I think about it, both reasons seem wrong, but we won't know unless Chris tell us now will we.

Their source is an early copy of "Raising the Bar." The book details all of this -- which is why I think you guys will enjoy it.


-Sorry, Azzor, Didn't see that you had supplied the link to the same quote. - Homer
Quit whining about "trust" and "betrayal". Stuff that doesn't work or isn't good enough gets cut.

The reason Valve is the best FPS developer in the world, bar none, is their amazing impeccable sense of taste. They just don't make mistakes on artistic grounds, and they don't ship crap.
The Hydra has been removed. Our reviewer confirmed this to me after I begged for details.
they already use 3d skyboxes in prettymuch every CSS map, I don't see why they couldn't have anything move in there.
I think the Bink videos are dependable only to a certain extent. While the skyboxes may not be animated in the videos, doesn't mean they won't be in the final version (hell, the hydra video is still around). I'mm pretty sure they'll have animated skyboxes. It's become another mandatory thing for FPSs to have. If HL2 happens to not have skyboxes, it'll probably because they ate up too many frames and were voted unworthy.
Straight from the valve collective source faq:

How do 3D skyboxes work? Can I animate a skybox?

The 3D skybox is a part of the level at a different scale that the rest of the level. You can place entities in the 3D skybox (like flying objects, etc). There is a "normal" skybox on the outside of the 3D skybox as well. We also have animated cloud layers, and I could see a mod going nuts with this. That would be great!

and from a modding site regarding the feature-set of source:

. 3D skyboxes extend the horizon and add parallax on distant objects

and from an interview with Rick Ellis (software engineer for Valve):

How have you solved problem of levels changing in Half-Life 2 - main game area is city, and in faraway we can see other buildings - does this mean that map is so-o-o huge?

Rick Ellis: Actually there are two things happening here. One is we do support quite a bit larger levels in Half-Life 2, and the other is the use of a 3D skybox. What you see in the city is actually a 3D skybox being used to simulate the very large environment. A 3D skybox is essentially another level that is scaled (we use a scale of 16:1) and drawn in the horizon. While the player can't actually go past the end of the map, the 3D skybox provides for accurate parallax and makes the level appear much larger than it really is.