Slam Stunstick in Singleplayer?


Jul 3, 2004
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Will the Slam Stunstick be in/are they in the single player? I'd REALLY love to use the stunstick in single player against CP's. It makes a GREAT noise and looks so pretty. The SLAM seems like it'd be SO useful in some of the indoor levels as well. I really think it'd be a waste to only add it to the multiplayer levels.
No but someone will probably mod it in eventually
It shouldn't be too hard to add the stunstick. It's already there! I dunno about slam, though. Then they would have to interduce it and place ammo everywhere...
not necessarily, they could just give us a key to bind it to, and we could get them ourselves without it being a cheat. Or perhaps on the start of every level (well most) we get given 5 for the chapter? If we wanted more we could cheat i guess. I really want them in single player.

You know where you get the magnum, on that table, and the 2/3 combines come through the door after you pick it up...a lovely SLAM in front of that door way would be priceless entertainment. Geez we are hard done by :p
I've started adding it to the next version of squidmod, it seems pretty straight forward since I had the old code in already, models and updated code should make it cool. I really like the FOV on the new stunstick, the old one I was using was pretty close up, the new one looks way cool.
Yeah i used it in that mod, it was pretty dull, none of that glow :( So you can mod it in EXACTLY how it is in HL2DM? the Slams easy to do? cmon be a hero :D
I already made a thread about this :p Why is this thread getting so much attention, im jealous.
Oh, and AcousticToad, are you going to add the stunstick AND SLAM on the next version, or just the stunstick?
Bare in mind that both of those weapons were going to be in Half-Life 2 originally and they were removed for a reason!
I fail to see why. Opposing Force had two melee weapons, and it didnt really ruin the game. And I dont see how the SLAM would be a bad thing.
It wouldn't necessarily ruin the game, it's just that they didn't see a need for it.

I like Half-Life 2's limited weapon inventory.
What does a SLAM look like? Is it laser tripwire or a step on mine?
It's a laser trip wire, and you can throw it on the floor and set it off with a little remote.
The great thing is picking set charges with the gravgun and shooting them off doesn't detonate them... A mini-RPG. Also good for stacking behind boxes and detonating them when someone wanders too close.
I think that lots of weapons should always be available for the mapper to choose, bbut the mapper shouldnt nececairly use all of them.
In response to firecrack's sig

i could find a translator but....wat does it say or are u a faker?????
I am dying to use SLAMs in single player.

Why didn't Valve add some kind of proximity mine from the start? Idiots.
Funky Munky said:
Why didn't Valve add some kind of proximity mine from the start? Idiots.


They DID, idiot. From my understanding they had it in the stolen build but it didint fit correctly/too buggy at the time.

Oh, and so true Ultimape :D Funny about that is i've heard people say "Thats only 2!" XD
I can see why valve desided not to add in the stunstick as it would only detrack from the crowbar which is a staple of Half Life and it wouldn't add to much to the gameplay. That being said, damnit valve I wont one, and I want it now *crys and stomps feet in a tantrum*

You can tell they had intended to add it in at first, as one drops when you get the handgun but it's only good for your suits power and IMHO wouldn't be all that hard for valve to add it in once more.

I maybe alone in this but I can live without the slam as I don't see it adding to the game to much aside for a few fun/funny ways to use it, most of which comes from knowing whats ahead.