Slashdot article on HL2

Cool, we'll be playing more with NPC's in Aftermath :)
What does that mean they they narrowed the field of view from 90° to 75° in Half Life 2? I'm a bit confused by this. Anyone?
nope, don't have a clue, kinda weird, sounds like your "cone" shaped field of vision, meaning that you lose some peripheral vision, not sure.
Rafa 5.0 said:
nope, don't have a clue, kinda weird, sounds like your "cone" shaped field of vision, meaning that you lose some peripheral vision, not sure.
The easiest thing to do would be to just leave the field of view as a humans would (actually AFAIK humans can see almost 180 degrees to either side of their heads, it's just very blurry). And to be honest, games don't need to simulate a poor field of vision, since you're looking at a screen and no matter how wide the view, they won't be able to look at it all at once anyway. I think they're getting a bit too into the whole realistic view after they managed to have shell shock introduced in CoD (But still most games are lacking a foot-view in first person - why?).
AJ Rimmer said:
What does that mean they they narrowed the field of view from 90° to 75° in Half Life 2? I'm a bit confused by this. Anyone?

Yeah whatever they did, it was mad subtle.

I didn't even notice, but perhaps subconciously it tightens the confines of the citadel a bit.
Lahire149 said:
Who is Bill Van Buren?

Bill Van Buren - Producer/Designer
Like a guest at the dinner party in Bunuel’s "The Exterminating Angel," Bill signed on for a short stint to help ship Half-Life and found himself unable to leave. Bill’s pre-Valve experience includes positions at Starwave and Microsoft where he was responsible for art and design direction, production management, and creating art, animation, and the odd bit of music.
Nah I used a fov command in kingpin a lot back in the days of TNT2, voodoo2 and banshee etc. it just makes u see from a perspective thats kinda like further in front of you, so you will see less of the map :(

I boticed in this hl2 mod u can actually set the fov yourself while searching around on google:
dekstar said:
(But still most games are lacking a foot-view in first person - why?)

Because it never works right. It'd take a hell of a lot more work to make it look good, than to just remove the legs. It's a pointless detail anyways, unless you really like legs or something... Did you see the legs in Halo 2? It drove me crazy...

They'd have to synchronize the leg movement to stairs, and smooth out the sidestepping, and make it look natural (which is harder than it sounds). Just seems pointless in the end...
i didnt know that they picked up the guy who did facial animations for gollum. that rocks, i cant wait to see characters in aftermath, or even the lost coast for that matter (that fisherman screenshot they released a while back was mind blowing).
RaBiD WeAzEL said:
Because it never works right. It'd take a hell of a lot more work to make it look good, than to just remove the legs. It's a pointless detail anyways, unless you really like legs or something... Did you see the legs in Halo 2? It drove me crazy...

They'd have to synchronize the leg movement to stairs, and smooth out the sidestepping, and make it look natural (which is harder than it sounds). Just seems pointless in the end...
True. It's about as useless as, say, shrinking the FOV to try and simulate your eyes....
dekstar said:
True. It's about as useless as, say, shrinking the FOV to try and simulate your eyes....
Having a 180 degree FOV in-game would be silly because in reality, we can only barely make out what's on the outer limits of our vision. Doing so in game would make everything look like it was through a fish-eye. Maybe in a 3 monitor setup a 180 FOV setup would be valid. Otherwise, it would be pointless. Have you ever tried playing Q2 with the FOV set at 180?

And no, it's not useless, as adding a foot animation would be.