Sleep Deprivation

Sep 18, 2003
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I'm sitting here at gone midnight, having been awake since 6am, desperately trying to finish a piece of IT coursework. I'm drinking coffee that tastes like mud with caffiene, and i'm pretty tired.

Would anyone care to share any of their experiances with sleep/lack of it? Longest you've ever stayed awake? Wierdest dream? Most uncomfortable bed? Anything at all. It might just keep me awake....


Be creative.
Well the longest I ever stayed up was about 29 hours, I was going crazy by the morning, and we were all just running around spraying shaving cream on each other, ahh that was fun, but makes no sense to me now. I try to get as much sleep as possible, but the night I got the least sleep, which is about 23 minutes, I had a really quick dream about star trek, not that I dont like star trek but... the dream absolutely sucked.

So all in all I try to get lots of sleep.
At school we need to get do whats called "community involvement hours" essentially its community service if we want to graduate from high-school.

So one time the school held this charity event where people who volunteered would have to stay awake for a full 33 hours, it would begin by us going to school but then instead of going home at the end of the day we would stay in the school for the whole night, watching TV, movies, crappy karaoke, etc. Then once the night was over and the next school day began we would still remain at the school until classes were done and we could finally go home and sleep.

It was weird but fun at the same time, I would have thought staying over at the school over night would have been scary (I mean come on its school) but it was really fun.
I wake up at 5 every morning to row and then row again after school. High school Nationals are coming up in 2 weeks which means that training is very intense. And there are always regattas on weekends.

I also just finished writing the IB final exams, which made for a fun 3 weeks. If you're not familiar with the IB program, it just basically means that for every class there are several final "papers" that have to be written over several hours and essentially define your mark in that class.

If you combine these two you get sleep deprivation. Although I think I averaged about 5 hours of sleep most nights which isn't too bad.
Nearing the end of my college course (final few weeks) I realised I had about 2 years worth of work to do in a couple of weeks - I didn't get any sleep for days on end, and drank a few hundered litres of coffee / coke / red bull... somehow managed to hold my sanity together and get the work done, because I passed the course :p

Good luck with the work :thumbs:
Pobz said:
Nearing the end of my college course (final few weeks) I realised I had about 2 years worth of work to do in a couple of weeks - I didn't get any sleep for days on end, and drank a few hundered litres of coffee / coke / red bull... somehow managed to hold my sanity together and get the work done, because I passed the course :p

Good luck with the work :thumbs:

Thanks for the luck. :cheers: I hope to be finished tonight or i'll have some explaining to do in the morning. This is supposed to be a 50 hour unit of work, and I started at about 4 o'clock. Oh dear...

Sounds like you had a rough time aswell. The fact that you passed gives me hope for myself... It is possible to laze around all year and do well too!

j/k :E
Once I was on a small LAN that lasted from Friday to Sunday.
We didn't sleep that weekend... well...
We managed to stay up till Sunday but then people started to fall asleep at their keyboards.
We were playing some racing game and now and then cars would fly off the track or ram into a tree.
It's interesting to see a driver trying to drive through a tree and being so persistent that he keeps trying till he makes it. Which ofcourse he never does... but he's asleep so what does he care.

2,5 days is perhaps not a very long time.
But I havn't been awake longer than that.
It's long enough. :)
about 3.5 days.. i was working with two others to finish a video presentation for a history of science class. i was the narrator and did most of the research, the other guys were the s-vhs and editting people. i was tired on and off, kept getting "second winds". one of the other two guys started halucinating a little.. he kept seeing a small dog in the room, under tables and such. we let him go sleep after a couple of those..
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz......... hugnuh....wuh?

Just to let you know im still awake, and ive reached the 'constant blinking' stage of tiredness. My coffees run out, but I can see light at the end of the tunnel regarding the work.

I'm going to go to bed now... nice, comfy bed.... and finish off by getting up early in the morning *shudder*.

Night-night...... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...............................
hey wait...are you the guy that i heard on HL radio a few weeks ago that replaced fragmaster? Jabberwocky or something like that?..i dont think so becuase he had an america accent and youre from england
well, longest straight, maybe 3-4 days....but i went a week with a total of about 30 min of sleep a day and really only 5-15 min at a time.
I watch way too much Anime the longest I've stayed awake is 3 days watching anything I found remotley interesting.
:| Lately i've been studying constantly for school, doing projects, playing videogames until the wee hours of the morning even on school nights, it's worse on weekends, that is when I get my funk on... so lately i've been getting lack of sleep, so I fall asleep or have the urge to fall asleep in class.
For my 15th birthday we rented 5 N64 games and played for 21 hours straight.. from 3pm saturday till 12noon sunday. It was fun :D

One time for work, I had to work friday from 2pm till 10pm, then go home and sleep for 5 hours, be at work at 6am, work a doubleshift, so it was 6am till 10pm, then saturday night sleep 5 hours and go work at 6am on sunday morning, for another doubleshift from 6 am till 10 pm, then sunday night sleep 5 hours to work in the morning on monday from 6am till 2pm. and then i did the same thing the next weekend after that. :x

even tho i got minimum wage, i made like 950 dollars in a 2 week paycheck cuz of those 2 weekends! :O
Hmm... the longest I've stayed up is till about 4am. I was just playing Half-Life Deathmatch, and I had no idea what time it was, lol. I wasn't even tired, but I figured I better go sleep.
man i go to bed at 4 am almost every night. well i did when i was playing NS :)
*yawn again*

Well, I managed to crawl out of bed this morning and finish my work. Now it's off to school to hand it in....
longest i've ever stayed awake was 132 hours, or, 5 1/2 days. it was my own fault. i had 2 years to research and work on my IB extended essay, but i waited till the night before it was due. which it stupid, because it was a physics essay and i needed actual research and data and equations and shit, my paper ended up being 20 pages long, and i turned it in on a friday instead of a monday. i ended up going to sleep friday evening after i got back from school and woke up saturday night, i slept for 21 hours. hahaha... but it's all cool... that friday was FUUUUUUUN, i was hallucinating(visual and auditory), and every little thing was funny. anyways. since then, i've gone 48 hours w/out sleep on several occasions.
Jackal hit said:
longest i've ever stayed awake was 132 hours, or, 5 1/2 days. it was my own fault. i had 2 years to research and work on my IB extended essay, but i waited till the night before it was due. which it stupid, because it was a physics essay and i needed actual research and data and equations and shit, my paper ended up being 20 pages long, and i turned it in on a friday instead of a monday. i ended up going to sleep friday evening after i got back from school and woke up saturday night, i slept for 21 hours. hahaha... but it's all cool... that friday was FUUUUUUUN, i was hallucinating(visual and auditory), and every little thing was funny. anyways. since then, i've gone 48 hours w/out sleep on several occasions.

Heh, I had a similar experience. I took a technical writing class and had to write my final paper on an comparison analysis of alternative fuels for automotives. So of course I waited until the night before as well. Managed to finish it about 60 hours and 25 pages later.
Neutrino said:
Heh, I had a similar experience. I took a technical writing class and had to write my final paper on an comparison analysis of alternative fuels for automotives. So of course I waited until the night before as well. Managed to finish it about 60 hours and 25 pages later.
lol sweet, *high fives* *david puddy from seinfeld voice*
Jackal hit said:
lol sweet, *high fives* *david puddy from seinfeld voice*


Pretty amazing how fast one can type under pressure isn't it? It's the only way to go. ;)

It's funny too, I can't really even remember writing that thing. I remember starting it and I remember handing it in, but the rest is pretty much a blur.
Its great when you get to the "everything is frikn' HIlarious" stage. God thats fun. Thats why sleep overs were created. So you can stay up late into the night at your friends house...............

........and end up having a war between his kitchen and living room just throwing hundreds of saved up ketchup packages at each other (over this 5 foot tall median thing). It was kinda like battle ship. You couldnt see each other.......but you could tell when we hit each other because it would scare the crap out of you and make you scream.
Yeah......... his mom was pretty pissed in the morning.........
jabberwock95 said:
I'm sitting here at gone midnight, having been awake since 6am, desperately trying to finish a piece of IT coursework. I'm drinking coffee that tastes like mud with caffiene, and i'm pretty tired.

Would anyone care to share any of their experiances with sleep/lack of it? Longest you've ever stayed awake? Wierdest dream? Most uncomfortable bed? Anything at all. It might just keep me awake....


Be creative.

One time I was working on a C++ programming assignment with a mate. It was due by 11pm Friday night.

We arrived at the computer labs at 8am thursday morning. Decided to finish it back on his LAN, so we hopped in the car and drove back to his place. On the way home we were flagged down by a promotional guy, who handed us free cans of Lift Plus (that super caffeine/gurana drink) and gurana chocolate bars.

hehehe, how did he know we'd be pulling an all nighter? :naughty:

We finished the assignment by 10:30 pm friday night. Had to break into the faculty building to submit it, got caught by security, then let off when we obviously weren't stealing anything.

about 30 hours working on it, all told...
Just this week I woke up at 5pm on Sunday, stayed up all night because I couldn't get to sleep, went to a friends place, went jobsearching uptown, went to another mates place, played PS2 and watched a movie, went back to first mate's place with second mate, stayed up all night on the computer and watching shitty law dramas, then went to sleep at about 6am. Then woke up 5pm Tuesday (the same day), and now it's 2:30am on Wednesday and I'm just about to get some more sleep ^^;
I had an hour's sleep two nights ago... I woke up, and I was like, "Did I even sleep?"...

I was kind hyper the whole day... Couldn't feel my legs at times either... The whole thing was kinda like walking around in a big warm ball of wool...
2 days without sleep I believe.... On a train trip to Spain. yay.

I handed in my work. The teacher was pleased, so she gave me.... till TOMORROW to finish ANOTHER UNIT!!!


ANOTHER late night session... I'll post here on the effects of my deprivation tonight, if i'm awake. What drink has the most caffiene in it?
Coffee, but you have to make it real strong to get the right effect (like 3-4 spoons a mug)

Don't know if it has the most caffiene but it definately has the greatest effect.
i stay up till 3am pretty much every night, if courseworks due then i push to 5am, i get up at 8am.
jabberwock95 said:
I'm sitting here at gone midnight, having been awake since 6am, desperately trying to finish a piece of IT coursework. I'm drinking coffee that tastes like mud with caffiene, and i'm pretty tired.

Would anyone care to share any of their experiances with sleep/lack of it? Longest you've ever stayed awake? Wierdest dream? Most uncomfortable bed? Anything at all. It might just keep me awake....


Be creative.


I had to do shitty IT Coursework GCSE!

It is so shit it was about Future Fashions and I reckon I got a B whichis a really shit mark for me.
bigun said:

I had to do shitty IT Coursework GCSE!

It is so shit it was about Future Fashions and I reckon I got a B whichis a really shit mark for me.

Actually it's a GNVQ that im doing (or rather not doing). It should be called a GNVQ Microsoft though, all we do is learn about Microsofts crap, day in, day out.
I did a GNVQ in advanced IT - which was basically all of microsofts crap with some maths, english and Pacal thrown in for no reason whatsoever.

Passed it though, not that I learned anything from it at all... although I wouldn't be at Uni now if I hadn't got that crap done... so I guess it was worth it.

The education system sucks!
jabberwock, if I could I would donate some coffee money to you.

The latest Ive styed awake was 38 hours. We had a lan with some friends, didnt sleep, the next day my bros gf wanted to throw him a suprise party (it was his birthday after all) and she basically forced me to practipicate.

She is evil.
GNVQ's stupid? Nah, its pretty complex stuff, i'd say they're worth a lot more than a GCSE