Sleep deprivation.

I once went like twelve hours o_O
Never again.
Naps are my way of life.
I guess it's time to blow the record out of the water.

I've never slept, not once in my whole life. Take that.
I went a week once. Intense audio-hallucinations, and some light shows when i closed my eyes. Also at one point i watched a movie, said "that was actually pretty good." when it was over, then proceeded to forget what it was.
Why would you wanna miss sleep? I mean, miss a night coz of RTW is totally defendable, but a whole week? I wouldn't even want that; I like sleeping too much.
The worst experience for me was one weekend I think I stayed up for about 40 hours I think.

I got up on Friday Morning at 6am, went to work until almost 6pm then drove to the beach and stayed up working helping a friend out straight through until Sunday evening at abou 4-5pm.

I only remember little flashes of the day Sunday and the only thing I remember of the hour drive back from the beach was my buddy asking if I was going to stop at the speaker to order when we got back into town. I remember nothing before that, not even getting in the car.

The scary part was I was the one driving.
When I fell in love I couldn't sleep. That went on for about 2 months. Insomnia is the worst thing in the World :|
my record is almost 3 days! that was when we went to greece with our school class! i felt like being on drugs, almost fell of the ship, broke my toes, nearly hit by a car,... i really don't recommend it! you can get hurt! and its also very harmfull to your health! but a week without sleep is like suicide! if you really want then, get lots of energy drinks, some alcohol, food and a place with lots of people, you'll never make it alone!!
I was once up for 3 1/2 days before a Lan. I woke Friday, worked on my mapping all night. Saturday came around, I couldn't get to sleep because of becuase the Lan was the next day. Sunday happened and I lanned all day. Monday morning and I was up until 8am I then fell asleep until 6pm.

Turns out Fragbait0 and his brother couldn't wake me up no matter how hard they tried. I got a proper nights sleep monday night, before the final day of the lan on Tuesday.
Interesting thing I just heard on TV: A human can go without food longer than they can go without sleep. Longest anyone's ever been able to stay awake for was 11 days.

I do all niters fairly often, I believe I've stayed up a couple nights in a row once. I remember this one time I woke up fairly early, stayed up all that night, and the night following I went to a concert. I do NOT recommend that :D
I'm just trying to figure out when I went to bed last...

I've not been to bed now for the last two nights, unless you count reading a book. So, I got up on sunday at about noon, and its 4:30pm now. That makes it 52 hours :O

I'm begining to understand why people use this as torture...right now all I want to do so much is climb in bed...I can't imagine what it must be like after a week.
I have done that.

Several months ago, we had a three day weekend for some unremembered reason, so we decided to hold the first annual Stay-Awake-a-Thon. We went and got a little trophy and were all ready. We started at 7:00 on Thursday morning and decided to go (mandatory) to 7:00 on Saturday night. After that is was every man for himself. I made it 70 hours. Ouch.

While I did not hallucinate outright during the course of the event, I did have several attacks of paranoia. One that still sticks with me happened as I was entering my 5th shower of the day on saturday (I think someone should do an experiment studying the link between body odor and sleep deprivation). Anyhow, the curtain to the shower adjacent to the one I was entering happened to have the curtain open an inch and a half and as I glanced in I saw some shadows and the bench (it was the handicap shower) and thought it was a man crouching in there. I was so frightened I could not move. I must have stood there in nothing but my flip flops, clutching my shower caddy, for a good five minutes. I remeber arguing with myself in my head, "Stop it you fool - its just the bench. No I saw him he's going to kill me!" I managed to get over it and eventually take my shower.

All I know is that I will never partake in another Stay-Awake-a-Thon as long as I live.

The most universal disease, I think everyone has had it at some point or other in their lives, and if not then they really haven't lived. After all, the days hours are good for work, but the night is to play in.

Seriously though, I used to be an insomniac, and after four months of sleep lack, bags under my eyes, and just coming off my addiction to sleeping pills, I decided enough was enough, and to teach my body a lesson it would never forget. Please note that, if EVER you have any thoughts along the same lines, please stop and wash your mind out with minted soap. Trust me.

But anyway, I decided that I would stay awake as long as possible. No biggie, since my body didn't want to sleep nights anyway, I figured with a little caffiene boost I could stay awake 5 out of 6 nights, and hopefully rest okay on the last.

I managed 8 days.

By the end of it I was a gibbering wreck, hallucinations, lack of strength awareness, I didn't know how hard I was pushing or pulling, loss of balance, everything going grey, irritability, and the exhaustion, my lord I was tired, and when I finally gave in and collapsed, I slept for nearly two days and awoke feeling like the world was my friend. Since then I haven't really had any problems sleeping, I just have to nudge my mind back to that hell week, and all of a sudden I feel drowsy (yawn). I had better go, I feel all sleepy...
Farrowlesparrow said:
I'm just trying to figure out when I went to bed last...

I've not been to bed now for the last two nights, unless you count reading a book. So, I got up on sunday at about noon, and its 4:30pm now. That makes it 52 hours :O

I'm begining to understand why people use this as torture...right now all I want to do so much is climb in bed...I can't imagine what it must be like after a week.

After a week your mind will be readjusting and forcing you into a "pre-REM" mode, you will daydream.
i have been awake for 3 days straight before and let me just say that i could have gone on longer but the boredom frightened me :eek:

i was on my third day.. asleep, none of my friends online for a game or two and the TV had absolutely nothing interesting.
i thought i was gonna go crazy...until i decided, one way or another im going to sleep.

eventually i did around 6AM :)
yes.. it can get lonely too :|
I think I'll try staying up too. Get on IRC tonight and we'll talk all night long :D
Only 2 more hours till the shops open. Must... consume..... energy drink.

CrazyHarij said:
I think I'll try staying up too. Get on IRC tonight and we'll talk all night long :D

Then it is settled! Except uh... Mum will be up soon, so I'll be gone for a bit till she goes to work :p
Farrowlesparrow said:
Wow Kage...Make me feel good why don't you :p

Please keep a journal. :D I wanna know when you start hallucinating and getting paranoid in the shower.
woah...crazy quotes Kage. Yea, you REALLY need to keep a journal or something!
Heh, its 10:30 and that makes it about 58 hours, and 30 minutes.

Going to the lakes tommorow with college on an art trip...dunno how I'm gonna handle that :)
Farrowlesparrow said:
Heh, its 10:30 and that makes it about 58 hours, and 30 minutes.

Going to the lakes tommorow with college on an art trip...dunno how I'm gonna handle that :)
Just hope hallucinations don't start while your looking at some of the art. That could get awkward.
The Mullinator said:
Just hope hallucinations don't start while your looking at some of the art. That could get awkward.

We aren't looking at much art...we're doing our own, so who knows it could aid me :D
Yeah I know what you mean, but since I've not had to go into college I've pretty much just sat around. I've been out about 3 times, once to an art gallery with a couple of college people, once to the bank and once for something else...for the life of my I can't remember what it was though. :| Really...
Hmmm, the reports after 72 hours should be fun...
That's when you usually start hallucinating.
In 1965, Randy Gardner stayed awake for 264 hours and 12 minutes, then slept for 14 hours, 40 minutes. Gardner used no stimulants -- not even coffee -— during his 264 hours without sleep. trouble focusing his eyes on day 2, hallucinations on day 4.
Oh all right...mother!

I may go to bed tonight actually, its not that I can't go on...but a third night basically on my own is pretty boring.

Edit: 264 hours! :O

I really wanna hallucinate though...just to know what its like. I've had hallucinations before, but that was because I was ill.
Farrowlesparrow said:
We aren't looking at much art...we're doing our own, so who knows it could aid me :D
Maybe you'll create a new master piece then. Who knows what kind of weird things will be going around in your head by then. :E
Longest I've gone without sleep is 36 hours (with the aid of boozecalhol).

And I died for 2 days afterwards, as in literally dead to the world, no-one could wake me up :cheese:
ComradeBadger said:
Longest I've gone without sleep is 36 hours (with the aid of boozecalhol).

And I died for 2 days afterwards, as in literally dead to the world, no-one could wake me up :cheese:

Ha...Yeah, I've had a similar experience. Fortunately, it was while I wasn't working so I just slept the whole weekend.
Lil' Timmy said:
it's called the crack rock. look into it.

No way, do shrooms. A lot healthier and way more of a "mind high". except make tea out of it caue if you eat them you may get sick.

oh and dont Drive......
I knew someone that stayed up for a week. She couldn't count to ten.
Yakuza said:
No way, do shrooms. A lot healthier and way more of a "mind high". except make tea out of it caue if you eat them you may get sick.

oh and dont Drive......

Judging from what some people so, I wouldn't use the word health in the same sentence as magic mushrooms.
What's even more annoying than not getting any sleep: getting too much sleep.
I hate waking up at 14.00 or even later, fuks up your whole day and you'll be very slow for the remaining day (eventhough you slept very long) and on top of that, you can't get to sleep at night because you got up so late.
Well...that was odd.

I was just looking around my room. Looked over the television, the bed, the shelves, the fireplace, the stars on the wall.

:| Yes, stars...not just white does but stars like you would see on a clear night out in the country. I didn't even think it was strange that they were stars I just thought to myself "I don't have stars on my wall!" Then a moment later I thought "Wait....You can't even get stars on your wall!"

I just went out for a walk down to Tesco, bought some chocolate mousse. I'm feeling a bit more normal now, probably due to the fresh air.
There's no better feeling than waking up for school early and realizing you're not tired at all...gotta love it. It happens from time to time.

Also when you wake up at 5:00 realizing you still have so much more time to that too.