
The only problem is the walk back. It's fun when you're walking down streets you've never been before, walking for miles and getting that feeling of discovering new places, but then you realize at some point you're going to have to walk back.
I don't get lost if I'm coming from somewhere I've already been. Unless you mean getting lost intentionally.

I tell you what though, I've got some friends with horrendous senses of direction, and just the other day when we were driving to central CA from the Bay Area--mind, they'd already come down that way, and all they had to do was simply reverse what they'd done before--somehow they ended up getting turned around like eight times while I was asleep. I woke up and we'd gone like an hour south when we should've been going north.
I used to sleepwalk. My mom [;_;] would find me all sorts of places. Like, once she found me outside a pawn shop at like 3 AM just standing in front of the door.

The store closed the next week. D:

But anyway, I was a regular sleep walker until I fell down the stairs and had to get several stitches in my head, as well as having metal from the corner of a step removed.

It feels so awesome to wake up from surgery. I had to be carried out to the car because I couldn't even stand, my mouth was so numb that blood was just streaming out onto my shirt. We listened to Darkside of the Moon on the way home. Overall it was a largely enjoyable experience.


When I had surgery, they used sleeping gas. They had asked what flavor I wanted... I can't remember which flavor I chose, but I knew it was NOT bubblegum because bubblegum flavor is gross. So I'm in the surgery room, and they put the mask over my face, and I'm thinking, "This smells like bubblegum, what the heck?". My next thought was "Wait I think I'm suffocating. Is this supposed to happen?" Then I was out...........

Next thing I know, I'm awake, something heavy is pushing down on my head, and I'm surrounded by people wearing white face masks. I seriously thought I was in one of those X-Files alien abduction scenarios, so I freaked out and tried to kick all the doctors.

Terrible experience. :o
Sleep is a sublime experience.
The gradual slip into a changed state of awareness, the strange webs of nonsense your subconscious spins, the hallucinatory nature of waking up - having no idea what just happened or where you've been. Sleep allows us to escape from living, think what we want.

Woah steady on, I never said anything like that.

we know that...idiot. you're missing the point.

and by idiot i mean nice fellow.
I remember going under when I busted my head, too. Ugh.

"What flavor would you like? We have blah blah blah" The doctor said.

I shrugged, and I got bubblegum because it's good. DFC LIES.

"Okay, count backwards from ten, and you'll be out before you know it." The doctor said.

I counted backwards from ten, and the last thing I heard was the doctor saying "Uh-oh."

Then, I awoke to find myself in a waaaay too long hallway. I lifted my head to get a better look, heard a crack, and found out my neck was broken in three places as well.

I hate dreaming. Dreaming is putting a vision of a false reality in your head. Having a dream means making being awake harder than it normally is. If you have a dream, the best you can do is think "If only" and go about your buisness.

Dreaming reminds you of the things you are not allowed to have in the real world. I'm not just talking about those artsy peaceful dreams, like flying and the like, being able to soar through the heavens and whatnot.

No, I'm talking about things that have been corrupted by my real life, like a happy life, a sound mind that isn't constantly having panic attacks, and even a family once or twice a month. No, dreaming is for people who like to be constantly reminded of what never was.
FireStarter has this amazing power to bring down even happy things, like dreams.

I want to harness you. With your eternal sadness and my boundless hate combined, oh the things we could do.
That would be fun.

Until the rebel forces go against us and kill us in a firey rage, leaving my poor sister to die alone with her sad, miserable life at the hands of cancer.

Hey, I'm doing it already! :(
rebel forces



This is going to be AWESOME
I fell asleep at 8 PM last night D:

Wow, I fell asleep at 8 last night too. Anyway, I went up just to take a nap, since I was ****ing exhausted, come back do some more awake shit, and go to sleep for real. I woke up at 6:20 still in my clothes and was almost late to school. And you know what? I was still ****ing exhausted.

And I've never cared much for bike riding at a casual level. It just seems pointless to me without tons of speed and hill climbing and going off ramps with "America **** Yeah" playing in the background. Plus the bike I did used to ride is ****ing small now.