Sliding Doors



Whenever i make a sliding door, it only moves about a foot... is there a way to control how far it goes, or could someone post a link to a video tutoral plz?
off the top of my head id say its your "lip" value...

the lip value is usually how far to leave the door from 90 degress in a swinging door. So for a sliding door i guess its the distance the door will move.
i think you move the little circular box in the 2d viewports. or maybe its the min dist value. lol its been along time since i made any maps.
if you use a func_movelinear, you can set the actual movement distance as a value.

A func_door moving in a certain direction only moves as far as its length in that direction. Lip is subtracted from the distance it moves. Negative Lip, therefore, is added. A 32-wide door with a Lip of -32 will move 64 units.

Func_movelinear is a nice entity, too. In some cases it's easier, but func_door supports a wider range of inputs and outputs.

Video tutorials are for the weak of mind who probably shouldn't be attempting to make maps in the first place.
eh, not really. I watched video tutorals for 3 hours and learned everthing except how to make a decent ladder and a sliding door, so dont character bach the tutes you doooooood! :(
Video tutorials are for the weak of mind who probably shouldn't be attempting to make maps in the first place.

everybody takes in information differently. audioably visualy etc. also mapping isnt rocket science.
My ideas about watered-down education always provoke the strangest responses. :D
oooooooo i have one more question... for counter srike mapping do you need to have a different version of hammer?, cause i can spawn an entity called info_player_terrorist or an area with func_buyzone, anyone no de answeeeeeerrrrrr?
Nope, just select your game from the sdk menu and hammer will set up everything for you to map in that game.
wow, lol, i just noticed that at the bottom of the sdk! God im an idiot... whew thanks a 1.345 x 10 to the fifth powerth!