Slinkys: Deadly


The Freeman
Jul 3, 2003
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My hands hurt. After an hour of trying to unravel an errant (metal) slinky, I eventually ended up wrestling to get the damned thing off my hand. I managed it, disposed of the slinky, and it was only when a drop of blood plopped on the floor that I realised what had happened. I held up my hands to see that they were covered in thin cuts, oozing blood. Slinky cuts. Oh, the pain. No, really - it's true.
I've learned my lesson: never wrestle a slinky. It will only end in tears.
So they arent actually deadly then...

Its like the police chase programme with the retired sherif. He's always like

"Fortunately this deadly crash didnt kill anyone"
"Luckily, the lethal blow to the head only caused minor brusing"
"Thanks to a plucky dog, the tragically lethal car crash, was only a small knock".....Ok so that one is made up but the other two werent.

Anyway....Oh yeah. Slinkys:The unforseen horror. I'd buy it.
Fun for a boy and a girl, indeed...
As for deadly, the point is, what if I had got it wrapped round my face or genitals?

Face=plastic surgery

I'd rather have it on my face.
well, if he had some sort of clotting problem, it could have been fatal.. gangreen setting in? i dunno.
Any of you sustained horrific injuries from seemingly innocent objects?
The incedent has scarred me for life. Literally (well, perhaps not).
The only thing i can think of right now is being hurt by the door....Not in a way you might initially think.

I was just walking past the door and i brushed my hand against it. I heard this weird noise, which i cant quite describe but the word that best fits is "thud". I looked down and I could see a dark line about half a centimetre wide under my nail. I noticed that it went in my finger as well. When i tried to bend my finger i couldnt, as the dark object went past the first joint. It was actually splinter, and just the force of me swinging my arm as i was walking forced it into my hand that far. It was quite nasty actually, because i felt the preasure building and it was agony, then suddenly it went and my finger turned red. It was really bad though because it didnt stick out past my nail at all, and i couldnt find any tweezers...Eventually i got some off the neighbour, and when i pulled the splinter out it felt like heaven. The feeling was so nice, not only that but blood was squirting out in quite a comical way. Its weird how much force we move with without thinking about it. I mean, if i had tried to put the splinter in, i would have found it impossible. Not only because i wouldnt want to hurt myself, but also because of how much pressure i would have to use.
Farrowlesparrow said:
The spring like thing that you push down the stairs and it goes down each step.

You mean it goes down one or two steps with a sad "crink" noise, then sits there in a coil, looking sorry for itself.

Should call them sulkies.

EDIT: I once got a cat wrapped around my head...
/me looks at crushenetor 500's link. Me feels idiot to be reading this stupid thread..
A slinky is a very loose metal or plastic spring that is used as a toy.

You're supposed to be able to get them to "walk" down stairs, but I could hardly ever get them to do it.
You use metal on those things?
Jesus, and I was thinking i was stupid for making home-made bombs...they're a lot safer...
Is that the real slinky site? It's really rubbish! How do I contact them to say I'm going to sue them for excessive scarring of the hands>
and the story goes.. "teh eviL slinky has taken over the world!! muhahahaha :devil: :devil:

Anyone ever figure out the point in the slinky dog other than to appear in Toy Story?
Lil' Timmy said:
well, if he had some sort of clotting problem, it could have been fatal.. gangreen setting in? i dunno.

or if it was really old and rusty (since he specified that it was metal) and there were lots of nasty germy things on it, then he could get tetanus...

but metal slinkys are totally superior to the plastic ones--plastic ones suck, they're not flexible or springy enough and you can't get them to do much of anything
Why did you take time to unravle it?

I would've just cut the thing off with hedge clippers.
I'm gonna fill my room up with metallic slinkys and just jump in there and wrestle to straghten them all out as long as I can.
They are useful for demonstrating wave motions, but thats about it. I always used to get the shitty, multicoloured plastic ones (like the multi-coloured sand trinkets you can get in costal places), they never did much......:(
Metal slinky....Metal Slinky...Metal Slinky.......METAL SLINKY............Metal SLINKY............Shalink..shlink Shalink..shlink













Slinkys are deady, I agree , I once tried to have a go with one of those things, then frustrated that they didnt work i realised if you join them all together into a ball all nice and tangled, with the extra weight it was so much easier to chuck it into a nearby dustbin.
Fat Tony! said:
Slinkys are deady, I agree , I once tried to have a go with one of those things, then frustrated that they didnt work i realised if you join them all together into a ball all nice and tangled, with the extra weight it was so much easier to chuck it into a nearby dustbin.

Do not put the words 'metal' and 'slinky together please. It brings back horrible memories...