slogan competition -help out guys


Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
K so i've got a comp at uni. Its real childish but if i can win it then i get my public travel paid for for a month.

I gotta get a slogan and poster to encourage [you guessed it] energy saving.
The slant is that my uni is a philosophy uni and also has loads of nuns walking around.

N E ideas?
so you want a philosophically inclined religious take on energy saving? just want to make sure i have it right so i don't offend or anything.
yeah go for it. whatteva's catchy, don't worry about offense.

the best we got down the pub yesterday was
'don't be a Kant, turn the light off on your way out'

edit- using a london accent

edit- how many nuns does it take to change a light bulb......

edit- god created light and he saw that it was good...god got the electricity bill and...
"Everytime someone leaves a light on God kills a kitten" ?

Ok i stole that from that picture...anyway, slogan. Hmmm

You know its hard to think of something religious really. I mean turning the light off seems kinda, well i dunno wrong for the setting.
"Save energy, motherf%$&^%er!"

oh oops, that should be in the caption competition. heh.
"turn your f*ckin light off, or god will hate you" (lmao)
"use your inner light instead of..."( ok that one was gay)
"in soviet russia..."
"if you touch yourself in the darkness its not a sin"

:laugh: sorry I seriously cant think of anything and I think most people who post on this thread are gonna be doing jokes..I know I am...look for my hilarious posts in the future, as well as a well crafted bi joke somewhere in there..


**this post wasnt meant to offend any religious people**
wow ok, can't think of anything really. only thing i can come up with 'Before the Lord you shall cower, if you don't save any power.' or something along those lines...
mchammer75040 said:
"turn your f*ckin light off, or god will hate you" (lmao)
"use your inner light instead of..."( ok that one was gay)
"in soviet russia..."
"if you touch yourself in the darkness its not a sin"

:laugh: sorry I seriously cant think of anything and I think most people who post on this thread are gonna be doing jokes..I know I am...look for my hilarious posts in the future, as well as a well crafted bi joke somewhere in there..


**this post wasnt meant to offend any religious people**

"And God said, 'Let there be light, and there was light. And then he spoke again and said 'TURN IT OFF WHEN YOUR DONE YOU LAZY BASTARDS!!!'"
Deadline said:
"And God said, 'Let there be light, and there was light. And then he spoke again and said 'TURN IT OFF WHEN YOUR DONE YOU LAZY BASTARDS!!!'"

:laugh: i like that one :cheers:
awesome, i've got a lecture but i'll be back in a couple of hours. Then off to David Mitchell's launch party! Keep em coming and i'll check back soon. Funnier the better.

sins in the dark one has my vote so far!
jonnyapps said:
sins in the dark one has my vote so far!

lol thanks.
Someone needs to come up with a soviet russia one, or one to tie in with the whole nutrigrain thing.
mchammer75040 said:
lol thanks.
Someone needs to come up with a soviet russia one, or one to tie in with the whole nutrigrain thing.

In Soviet Russia, energy saves you! (godblesstehrussia)
(steve turns off light) OOOOOOOHHHFFFF I FEEL GREAT!!!
Leaving the light on make apples turn sour...
"If you leave the light on you won't go to heaven......just kidding! Believe in Jesus!"
OOOOH I FEEEL GRREAT ! You look hot and I feel great, let's have sex! - Okay but I wan't the lights out! Yeeaah , 500 of them! All lights out! LIGHTS OUT EVERYWHERE! OOOMPHH!!

Sorry... "And on the sixth day god rested. With the lights out, so he wouldn't get a huge electrical bill the day he created todays bill stuff."
Ok a serious one, "God didn't make the sun to shine all day...Save energy and turn your light off"


"Only 5 billion years of sunlight left, make the most of it" Oh wait thats a ford advert.

MaxiKana said:
(steve turns off light) OOOOOOOHHHFFFF I FEEL GREAT!!!

lol :laugh:

that one is great for here but not for pple who haven't heard of IFG!

Farrowlesparrow said:
Ok a serious one, "God didn't make the sun to shine all day...Save energy and turn your light off"

i think this one is pretty good.. and it doesn't have swearing.. so it might fly with the nuns?
Camon_Draconis said:
must stop pressing button....

"Save Enegry, become homeless!!"

When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Energy.

Made In Scotland From Energy.... wtf?

Crunch All You Want. We'll Make Energy. lol

Happiness is Energy Conservation-Shaped <<< I like that one lol
and God said, "Let there be light" and there was! Unfortunately he never said "Let the light be turned off," and consequently was charged with a large electric bill.