Small 3DS max question.


Jan 30, 2005
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I am currently working on rigging a character I made. What I want to know, just to make my job easier, is how do I copy and paste vertex wieghts from one to another?
i cant tell you exactly because i dont have 3dsmax. but you need to export the weight map of the existing model. then freeze all transforms on your model and import the weightmap to it.
ok I cant rememer exactly either, but it wasnt that complicated, when using the skin modifier, there is an option for translanting the skinning to the other side...

I'll check it out wed if I have the time,, I just cant remember exactly, but I remember it being quite easy
i just realised the weightmap export the file is .xsiwm so i guess thats only for xsi.
You cant copy and paste painted weight's with max as far as I know, you can copy and paste the weight gizmo's. The copy and paste keys are just above the paint weight's key.

Exporting the weight's from one character to another I image would still require adjustment's, if its a custom rig.. you'll have to do the extra work. If its max biped then you can set the gizmo's on one, copy and paste them to the other character, and then correct the weight's with the paint tool.
I don't have a problem doing each one, and I can do it all in the weight tables, I was just wandering if there could be a faster method and I recalled something like this.
I could, and haved, but it does not work for me. When using XSi I found I found it be a very difficult and an unfreindly user interface. I learned 3DS max first than any other 3D software, so I'm much more accustomed to it, and in my opinion I find it the best.
I tend to think your wrong, so lets leave it at that. This could end up to be an application war. Also, I solved my problem.
i can see yoour in denial. face it xsi is your god. kneel before it.
Hah, its incompetence cowards at 3DS supiority. I see that youv'e been mind controlled.
well theres obviously no hope left for you. i weep for your soul.
Anyways, I have one more question. How can I give bones movment restrictions. For example: Giving so and so bone the ability to move by this much that way. (And no XSI zombies!)